
How can I use TabbedPane tab changes to diplay different Panels in an Applet built in NetBeans IDE?

I'm building a Java Applet in NetBeans that has a TabbedPane on the bottom of the applet and a regular Panel on the top. I would like the top Panel to switch depending on which tab is selected on the bottom. (I would attach a screenshot to clarify, but being new here it isn't allowed.) A Button has ActionPerformed, but a TabbedPane does...

Java applet certificate on Mac

Hello One of site's I visit has Java Applet, which must use certificate based authentication. I got this cert and added it to Java's key store(cacert) as well as to key chain of Mac. When applet starts it offers to choose certificate for authentication from list - but this list is empty. Does anybody know about this issue in Mac Os an...

Not able to display Applet

I have developed a JSP webapplication with an Applet. I am not able to display the applet from my JSP page. Below is the code: <applet codebase="http://localhost:8080/av_applet_jsp/applets" code="av_app.class" WIDTH="200" HEIGHT="100"> av_app.class is located inside Webcontent/applets/ Where I am going wrong? Here is my applet clas... Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL: https://hostname:port/

We are getting the " Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL" error for the following code which is for applet-servlet communication. The same code has been working for long and now suddenly we see this error. Could something be wrong with tomcat setup? Tomcat logs do not show any error. The exception is throw...

Jave Applet: how to simulate an url has been clicked ?

Hi all: Basically I want my Java Applet to simulate an url has been clicked, once a certain event listener has been executed. Say, before I have a link in html: <a href='destinationpage.php?pid=1001' target='rightFrame' /> I'd like to keep the same link to php intact, and when Applet actually invoke the click simulation method, the ...

is the Java Servlet I've created in Netbeans adding something strange?

Hi, This is my second try to solve this problem. My first try was here but perhaps my explanation of my problem was insufficient, my problem was that the applet received the exception: invalid stream header: 0A0A0A3C at at java....

Signing Applet problem

I signed my jar and it's libs using these commands JarPath> keytool -genkey -dname "cn=ehab, ou=ehab, o=GDIT, c=SA" -alias CapSys -keypass 123456 -validity 999 -keystore CapSys -storepass 123456 JarPath> jarsigner -keystore CapSys -storepass 123456 -keypass 123456 CaptureSys.jar CapSys and when running it i found this exception j...

Cache Path from Java

Is there any method that returns some path that is accessible from any Java applet application, from any user, any operating system (Windows, Linux, etc) for saving cache? ...

How can i run this Applet offline?

Hello all! :) i need this applet located herelink text (the same in a popup is here: hxxp:// (please replace "hxxp" with "http" for accessing above link) i have downloaded (actually mirrored the whole site :D ) all the jars & the js files. one of the js (tcip.js) describes which applet wi...

execute a JApplet from another class?

I'm new to Japplets.. I'm wondering if I have the following... classA A = new classA(); //launch Japplet here and classA extends Japplet how would I launch the Japplet? If it's any help I'm using a Java Bean and I've tried calling classA.init(); although this class does execute when I call this method it just doesn't show my JA...

Can Java applets use API's for hardware?

I've been tasked with creating software that needs to work on Macs and PCs. The software needs to talk to some USB hardware that does bits and bobs. To prevent having to maintain two pieces of software, I thought about the possibility of writing a Java applet, I'm pretty new to Java but am OK at C# and C, and did do a bit of Java at un...

Problem using

Ok I have an Image that I'm trying to read. Problem is that the returns NULL. File file = new File("C:\\images\\image1.jpg"); if(file.exists()){ System.out.println("Image file exists."); BufferedImage originalImage =; } So image exists but returns NULL. No thrown errors ...

UTF-8 in java applet in browser

Hi! I have a problem with encoding in java applet. When I am running it in NetBeans, russian characters in applet are ok. No encoding problems. But, when I am running the same applet through browser, then my russian characters are shown as squares(encoding problem). Where is the problem? I have russian translations in .properties fil...

How to call WebStart-deployed applet functions from javascript?

I would like to be able to call with javascript a function of my JNLP class. Let's assume in my applet I have a function defined like this: public String returnSomething(){ return "bla"; } <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <!-- ########################## IMPORTANT NOTE ############################ --> <!...

Applet without JMF installation at client side

I am trying developing an applet which transmits audio and video. But I found a big problem that I have to make every client install the JMF, however the clients hope there is no software to be installed locally. Is there any possibility to run the applet without JMF installation on the client side ? Anyone can help on this matter ...

Breakdown of Threads used by a JApplet

I've been spending a great deal of time trying to understand this. I created a JApplet that used Thread.sleep() in a loop to animate the applet. But when I tried to run the Applet the screen stayed blank. When I draw the animations in a separate thread and call repaint, the applet works perfectly. I've seen many explanations of why th...