
Should I happily stay with UTF-8 or should I be ready to change the encoding?

I've built (or I'm building) an application that supports a wide variety of languages. I'm using UTF-8 right now because as I see it, it supports all languages in this world. (?) However, after reading the article on Wikipedia, it states that while UTF-8 currently uses only 10% of its potential space, there's a possibility that in the f...

Stripping maximum amount of information before shipping product

Before shipping a product to customers, I'd like to remove as much information as possible from the executable to minimize the ability to reverse engineer our product. Thus far this consists of running the strip command like this: strip -s myAppHere Is there anything else folks recommend doing to our application before giving it to c...

Web Application Server

I'm very new to web development but I will try to explain my question as best I can. I am making a basic chatroom program (in C#) but I have never made my own online server before, and it needs to respond to tcp packets. I know how a server works, I just don't know how to implement my server and how people will be able to access it. Ho...

running application on client machine

Hello, I have developed two applications, one ASP.NET web application (myWebAppl) and one windows application (myWinAppl). myWebAppl Details : This application has two web pages myPage1.aspx and myPage2.aspx. myWinAppl Details : This is a single instance windows application, which accepts some parameters. Now from myPagep1.aspx (depen...

Convert NSString to unsigned char * for iphone application

Hello, I am trying to convert NSString in to unsigned char* for iphone application . and i am newly for this objective C and iphone application so please help on this . Whether is there any api is there which can help for converting NSString to unsigned char*. Thanks, KamalBhr ...

Blackberry - Get current application's ApplicationDescriptor object

Hi, I'd like to get access to my currently running applications applicationDescriptor object. I want this so that I can get the current version number and, on the initial screen have a title like "MyApp Version x.x.x" where I get x.x.x from the ApplicationDescriptor.getVersion() One way that I've found is to use: ApplicationManager m...

ASP.NET MVC: Application_Start and Url.Action

Hello everyone, I am struggling with MVC - which I love - and it's features. I am trying to load a menu in the Application_Start event. I want to load some links with the correct url (controllerName/actionName) but I can't use the Url.Action or other methods to build the path. Can anybody help me? Regards Alberto ...

how to display entire report by giving values in a textbox using crystal reports in c#

this is my code .This is an application for generating reports in c# using crystal reports private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { con = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:/Documents and Settings/techsoft/My Documents/Database.accdb;Persist Security Info=False"); con.Ope...

How to neglect this error in windows application using crystal reports

this is a formula that i have used to select records based on string array 'aa ' crystalReportViewer1.SelectionFormula = "({Table3.logindate} = '" + aa[i] + "')" for e.g aa[i]=aa[0],aa[1],aa[2] it will select only the records of aa[2] please give me a valuable solution ...

How To Find the Most Accurate iPhone GPS Results

Hi Everyone: I recall reading somewhere (I forget where) that if an iPhone application simply ran the CLLocationManager once, it didn't come up with the most accurate results. Is this accurate, and if so, how can I combat this problem? I want to come up with the most accurate GPS results, and am wondering if only one time will create ...

C# / Windows Forms: application runs but unresponsive

So I've been putting this graphics transformation program together and suddenly some change I can't figure out has made the app unresponsive. The menus no longer function, and it's supposed to draw axes and a grid on one of the panels... nothing. Any ideas? using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; us...

Scroll stackLayout view in iPhone web application

Hi, I'm developing a web application for the iPhone using Dashcode. I would like to scroll a view of the stackLayout since the div exeeds the screen of the iPhone. "overflow: scroll" doesn't work unfortunately Any ideas? Thanks a lot ...

question about coldfusion application names

Hi guys, I installed coldfusion 8 at D:\ColdFusion8. There are two files D:\ColdFusion8\wwwroot\page1.cfm and D:\ColdFusion8\wwwroot\page2.cfm. Now my question is if there is no application.cfm or application.cfc at D:\ColdFusion8\wwwroot, should D:\ColdFusion8\wwwroot\page1.cfm and D:\ColdFusion8\wwwroot\page2.cfm be considered as ...

Convert unsigned char * to int * in Objective-C

I am trying to convert a unsigned char* to int * on in Objective-C on the iPhone. Is there any API that can help with the conversion? Here's my best attempt: -(BOOL)MyFunc:Version:(int *)nVer { unsigned char * uszVerSize; //trying to assign string to int nVer = uszVerSize[0] ; } ...

force application to terminate in iPhone

I am developing an iPhone application which is completely based on web data. If it is not connected to the internet, the application is of no use. So, I want to terminate the application when connection is not found. NSURL *tmpURl=[NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@search.php",[iGolfAppDelegate getServerPath]]]; ...

pling sound .net application

Hello, i have a .net winforms application that i want to be "soundless". occasionally when a user opens a dialog or press enter a "pling" sound appears. how can i disable this on a global scale for my application? ...

iPhone app non-app store (safari) purchases

I wanted to develop an iphone magazine application which will allow a user to purchase single issues or subscriptions through safari with a user id instead of the app store. What does my website require to be able to handle this? ...

application System requirement finder

How to know the minimum system requirement for a .NET application? say, what should be the system configuration to run the application? How to provide the minimum system configuration, required to run the aplication? RAM ?, Processor ? and all. Application uses dotNetFramework3.5 and DirectX9 made in C#. Is it all about trial and erro...

Logout from an desktop application to change user in

I have designed an desktop application using that has many users. Each USer has specific rights. The User logs into the system when the application first starts and the UserID number is stored and used throughout the app., but when they want to change user (UserID) they have to close the system down and start again. How would I go...

Creating an Python/py2app application that simply opens a terminal on launch?

I've written a nice Python application that is basically an HTTP proxy for SMS modems, and I'd like to make it a double-clickable application on Macs. So far I've been including a .commmand file which is double-clickable, which basically consists of cd `dirname $0` (sleep 8;open mac/