
How to raise event when Current application property is changed.

I have a WPF application. In my App.xaml.cs I save the full name of the logged in user as follows: App.Current.Properties["FullName"] = GetValueFromDatabase(); I have two screens/windows in the same application. First is the users scrren, which has a an editable WPF data grid where I can update full name of the current user. Seco...

mx:Application in Flex 4 Gumbo (beta 2) has padding around the border, I do not want any padding

When I make a new Flex application in Flex 4 beta 2 (Flash Builder), then it creates a border around the outside of the Panel in this example of a thick width. It places a border with a shadow on the bottom and on left and right but not top. I want NO BORDER please. I must use mx:Application because of some older Flex 3 libraries which ...

How to start the java console when launching an application from Eclipse?

When I start a java application, the Java Console is started. But when I start a java application from Eclipse, the Java Console does not start on its own. How can I make it start also when I run an application from Eclipse? ...

Problem Closing a application using WiX

Good afternoon, In creating my WiX installer I have run into an issue when trying to close an application before installing the upgrade. Below is an example of how I am attempting to do this. <util:CloseApplication Id="CloseServe" CloseMessage="yes" Target="server.exe" ElevatedCloseMessage="yes" RebootPrompt="no"/> <InstallExecuteSeq... application default file Index.aspx

how can i make it that when i go to (for example) http://localhost:60288/ it does not show me a directory listing but rather opens the Index.aspx page? This works with http://localhost:60288/Index.aspx but i don't wish to have Index.aspx shown every time. i also need links like http://localhost:60288/?a=1 to work like http://localhost:6...

presentModalViewController is not working for the button event in iphone?

Hi, In my application i have used the UiViewController and able to push the other view using the PushViewController. But, whenever i am using the presentModalViewController at that time i am not able to get whole functionality of the BackButton click event on the view which is working fine for the pushviewController.By using the debug i...

SoapExceptions error: The property 'Name' is read-only and cannot be modified or deleted. (SSRS)

Hi, I have created a Windows Application based UI using C# to enable users to manage the items of the Reporting Server. One of the functionalities I have implemented was to right-click on the name of the folder (in the UI TreeView hierarchy) and choose the 'Rename' option from the menu, which will then call the ReportingServices2005.Set...

Recommendation for the Java SE project to use all java skills?

I am looking for a project to use most of my java se skills (oop,java api..),i searched but i can not find good project to dive in and start.It doesnt have to be new one , projects that done before can be solution too.Any advice would be appreciated. ...

Is there any difference between assemblies compiled from WebApplication and ClassLibrary projects?

In other words, if I have a compiled dll file, is there a way to find out (using Reflection) whether this dll is produced from a WebApplication, ClassLibrary or another project type? Is there any difference at all? ...

Non-Null Foreign Keys as Database Standard

Background: today, an issue arose while using SQL Server Reporting Services. It seems that SSRS drop-down parameters in the report viewer don't allow you to indicate a (null) option so that you can see a report where that parameter is null. Basically, table A is a table nullably referencing table B; since the report uses table B to popul...

console app c++

hello all, i'm new to console apps and would appreciate some pointers... i have created a new console app and (not finished but it should be working), i selected win32 console app and then selected 'empty project' here's my code: #include <iostream> void main() { struct dude { string name; int age; } about; ...

How to resume view stack of iphone application

Hi, We are implementing one web based application in iPhone. if i answered the incoming phone call my application is relaunching once again instead of resume the application to the state where it last the focus. we are implementing stack of views. I.e i am maintaining views in a stack manner and each view has the information like ima...

VB.Net 3.5 and SQL Server 2005 Windows Chat Application

Hi Currently following is the project I need to submit for my college assignment: A chat application with a ms sql server 2k5 backend, max 100 users with file transfer, one to one and group chat facility. Admin will create chat rooms which will be password protected for group chats. We will need to implement multithreading to fect...

How to neglect this error in windows application using crystal reports

public void crys() { con = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:/Documents and Settings/techsoft/My Documents/Database.accdb;Persist Security Info=False"); con.Open(); OleDbCommand cmm=new OleDbCommand ("select * from Table3",con); DataSet ds=new DataSet (); OleDbDataAdapter db...

gtk: how to hide a window when the application loses focus

Hi, I want to duplicate the behaviour of tool windows in OpenOfice. When the application loses focus, the tool windows (if they are not docked) are hidden. So, I have a main window, and another utility window (win_dock). I want to hide win_dock when all the windows of the application loses focus and show it again if a window gain focus...

How can a console application (e.g. Java) recognize the source of the 'standard input' stream?

If I run 'python' on the linux command line, and I don't provide any command line arguments, the program displays a welcome message and waits for user input. I would assume that under the hood, the program sends the message to the 'standard output' stream and performs a blocking read on the 'standard input' stream. If, however, I invoke...

BlackBerry application unistallation problem?

Hi, In my balckberry application i am using the Persistance,List and Threads to execute the code. The code is given below: enter code here UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable(){ public void run(){ CategoryListScreen.getInstance( UiApplication.getUiAp...

Need opinion regarding design/architecture of a web application

I am working on a web application which needs to get data from some local and some non local resources and then display it. As it could take arbitrary amount of time to get the data from these resources I am thinking of using the actors concept so that each actor is responsible for getting data from the respective resource. The request t...

Sample N Tier Windows Forms Application - C#.NET

Hi, I am new to .NET Windows Forms Applications. Would you please let me know if there is any sample ’N Tier Windows Forms Application’ built on C#.NET so that I could go through it and understand the concepts? It would be of great help to me. Many thanks. Regards, Reshma. ...

Simulating RemoteOnly custom errors using Application_Error ASP.NET

I handle my errors using Application_Error in global.asax. How to check if the request is from the local client to display more information about the error or just show the yellow error page. Something like "remoteOnly" that ASP does when handling errors using web.config. ...