
How to: get Date, Time and Time zone from single DateTimePicker Control

Hi All, I am developing an application in which I am trying to fetch Date, Time and Time Zone from single DateTimePicker control. Can anybody help to resolve this? Thanks in advance. EditV1: I am using .net framework 2.0. Now I am able to fetch Date and Time with Single DateTimepicker by setting its CustomFormat property as; dtpicker2....

Debugging windows services

I have created a windows service and installed it manually. Later started the service from Services tool. Now I want to dubug the windows service application from Visual studio IDE. When I try to attach the process from Debug tab in the IDE, the windows service process is shown in the list, but it is not highlighted to be attached. Is t...

Which strategy about connection management should we use when developing an application?

Which one is better while developing win-based application which uses a Database as its data store ? What about web-based applications? 1) when user loads he first form of an application, the global connection opens and by closing the last form of the application, the connection closes and disposes. 2) for every form within the applica...

started to learn EJB. What options do I have for an application server?

Hi, I have started learning EJB. I like to know which is best application server for beginner to learn EJB... ...

What happens if your app is using too much memory?

Lets say that you are using a shared hosting plan and your application stores lots of objects in the application state. If they start taking too much memory does this mean that the server will just remove them? If not what will happen then? What happens when the server has no memory left? Can you still store objects into the applicati...

free language/database for standalone application

Can you advice me please on a "free" language and database that I can use to create a standalone application e.g. simple HR application w/ (forms,reports and queries) that I can copy and use in my flash memory ? ...

DAG based application

Hi the other day I could not exprese myself correctly and get closed my answer, so here's my second shot: I need to create a basic DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) application, put on common words, a node based application. I don't need a GUI for nw, just a console example, that excecute the whole tree. here's what I have so far : type...

Are servlets the only way to write a Java Web Application

Hi, Are servlets the only way one can write web applications in Java ? ...

How would i make another application's child window into a tab? (C#)

For instance, I have an application that has a main window and then child windows inside of it. What i need is to grab each individual child window of that application, and display them as tabs in my application, or on a panel's handle...

NSIS - How to run Java Application In NSIS?

I wanna run a java application through NSIS. My java program is called which reads a property from a .config file.How can I do this? Also the output of java program (which in this case is the property value) is stored in some variable say property_value in java program. How can i access back the value of this variab...

android link dex files

How I can create apk application from two different dex file ? I did'nt find any way to link many dex files with the android tools. ...

Source code comparison app that doesn't require files?

I'm looking for an easy-to-use, free source code comparison app for Windows, which will highlight differences side-by-side between two pieces of source code. Some apps get close to what I want, but are too restrictive by requiring you load in entire files and compare them in their entirety. Sometimes I just want to compare a section of...

Iphone unregistering nsnotifications on application will terminate why?

Hello, I have always wondered why is it necessary to unregister your nsnotifications in the application will terminate method. I know that nothing that I can notice happens if I don't, so what are the implications of not doing so?. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. -Oscar ...

Cocos2d on application start gives random fps drop?

Hello, I am developing an iphone game using cocos2d and have it set to to show the FPS. Now most of the time the application will start and run at 60 fps, However apparently randomly sometimes the application will start and top at only 40 fps. This does not happen often and seems to happen only when you quit the application and restar...

To find the process running in task manager and to kill the process

I have a windows mobile application I have noticed that it properly terminate on exiting, they simply minimize and take up memory. I need to cehck whether any instance of the same application is running in the taskmanager.If exists, i need to kill the process. I need to write small app that would loop through all open application proces...

Looking for SVG drawing application, open source based on Java apache batik library

Can you recommend a free, open source, drawing application, like Inkscape, but written in Java based on the Apache batik code library? ...

iPhone Application Development: Built in applications enhanced

Hi all, I just saw an iphone application that enhances the built in "messages" application to send emotions. What this application does is that it extends the functionality of the Keyboard that appears in notes or messages application, and user can send emotion icons as messages. This application doesn't work when the emotions are sent ...

what are the advantages of working on system side over application side?

i have seen people to more concerned about the type of work they do. they think system side work is better compared to application side. so i wanted to know the pros and cons of both. please i didn't find the proper answer anywhere so i am asking here. ...

IIS 7 application automatically redirecting

I have 2 servers, server A and server B. Both have IIS7 and same OS. I published through my VS2008 the same website on both servers. the problem is on one the application in IIS7 website works on the other it doesnt. Server A - IIS7 - WebsiteA - Application (Works) Server B - IIS7 - WebsiteA - Application (Does not work) what are the t...

Best way to manage connection object used to access to a database in a windows application project developing by c#?

Hi What is the best way to manage Connection to access to a database while developing a windows application using c#? I mean having a project-wide connection object variable that opens by application start and closes and disposes by application end OR within every procedure (for example select, insert, update,...) that uses a connection...