
How to reduce the size of vendor dlls from each ClickOnce updates?

Hello, Is there a way to reduce down the size of each ClickOnce updates? Each update included all the custom verdors dlls (eg. Telerik, NHibernate etc) and is there a way to only include with 1st initial install and not include in later updates? I only want the latest updated application dlls and .exe in the ClickOnce update file so th...

How does JavaScript work internally?

I am interested in understanding the internals of JavaScript. I've tried to read the source for SpiderMonkey and Rhino but it's quite complex to wrap my head around. The reason I ask is: why does something like (![]+[])[+!![]+[]] produce "a" (Å=[],[µ=!Å+Å][µ[È=++Å+Å+Å]+({}+Å)[Ç=!!Å+µ,ª=Ç[Å]+Ç[+!Å],Å]+ª])()[µ[Å]+µ[Å+Å]+Ç[È]+ª](Å) pr...

Question about how to present my problem well

Hi Guys: I am writing an IPhone IM Client that uses xmppframework. Now the app has contacts,chat history and can chat with another client. I want to present the app design (maybe a class diagram) to you guys and get some feedback to improve the app. How can I easily present my app design to you? I haven't found a nice tool to draw clas...

Can I develop blackberry applications using C#.NET on windows7

hey i am keenly interested to build an application for blackberry. can i do it wit c# Blackberry has launched a pluggin for that but how to use it along with the simulator.. Kindly help me ...

Install Android App via USB

Hey Guys I've got a Problem. I am working on a Project where I am using a Programm on the PC to handle different data (which another programm = my android app creates), which i found on the plugged in sd-card of the android device. My aim is now to use the programm on the Computer to install the Android App on the Android Device. In ot...

How to handle drag event on a maximized window

I have an MFC application running in Win7 with no Titlebar (i.e. My title bar is home-cooked, with custom buttons for restore, maximize and close). In Win7 it responds to the maximize event generated by the Win 7 API when a user drags the window to the top of the screen. However, once it's maximized, I can't capture the restore event tha...

Design pattern for a database application that must work disconnected

Hello, I have to design an application is mostly an interface with a database for data entry. The application must be able to work while it is disconnected from the database with cached data and insert that data when it has connection again. There will be two different modes, connected or disconnected, no need to detect disconnection in...

What's an Application layer?

I think I understand business logic layer and data access layer, but what is meant by the term application layer? Is it something you use in distributed applications? ...

Class 'CLSID_CorSymWriter' could not be created: Access is denied.

i keep getting this error. not sure what it is. this is what i have done so far. am working on VISTA and have IIS7. i created a new site and have a directory with my aspx files attached to it. then i converted one of the subfolders to an application. But for some reason when i try to turn on that application (right click browse) i get th...

VSTO3.0 for outlook 2007 - Customization Exception HRESULT: 0x80131401

Hi, I've created a vsto 3.0 outlook 2007 plugin with visual studio 2008 (so I guess that I dont need to make a com shim because of the new security system). The assembly is signed and it gets installed and loaded. It works well for a few days but, suddenly, stops loading and I get this exception on the event viewer thrown by VSTOR3.0: V...

Adding iframe to google code project hosting wiki page

Hi, Is it possible to add iframe inside google code project hosting wiki? I wan't to embed an external application using iframe in my google project page. My idea is to create a google wiki page and add the iframe in that page. How to do it? ...

System.Windows.Application.OnLoadCompleted never reached.

Hello I am trying to handle the Application.LoadCompleted event but it's never triggered. Instead I am seeing the MainWindow. I tried attaching the event by either xaml, or directly by overriding the OnLoadCompleted method of the Application class. ...

A help system for a PHP web app

Hi, As our new web app gets more complicated, so the need for help docs increases. I am not talking about documenting code, I am literally talking about application help. So myapp/help, or for example, enabling context help from a particular point in the app with a link such as myapp/help/users/create/ etc. Are there apps out there for...

ASP.NET:,Will session variables exist when Application_Error method being called from global.asax ?

In ASP.NET ,Will session variables exist when Application_Error method being called from global.asax ?Can i access values of my session variables there ? ...

How to patch an exe setup file

How can I extract an exe from a setup file, modify its contents and then assemble it again. Is there a tool or somthing or is there a way of doing this by a programmatically? ...

iphone app performance data

i was trying running application with instrument tool. but it collects so many data. so i am confuse where to look exactly in order to optimize my app. is there any best start up guide or any best practice. hope my question is genuine and clear. Edit: attaching sample image from to interpret this data. click here for fu...

Problem with building applications for 10.4

When I try to build my app for 10.4, ppc, I get the following error: GCC 4.2 is not compatible with the Mac OS X 10.4 SDK (file MBM.m) What does this mean, and how can I stop it and build for 10.4? MBM.m: Sorry for the brief explanation, but I have to go. Please help, HiGuy S ...

Mobile Application Question

Hi Sir, I have To develop one sample mobile applciation for ( meter reading )... In this i stored the data in sqlce ,,,, then i want to integrate the sqlce data to any ERP like accpac,crm... Pls give idea about that integration... Thank u Regards ...

Affect of Content Deployment on Caching

Hi All , we are working on a website with three tier architecture. And the content store is a File System which contains the static content like images and all. We have two types of pages which contain static content and dynamic content but on the whole the page rendering is dynamic. The question is what will be the affect of accessing...

an EAR (JEE) application which listen to a socket request.

I want to build a JEE application (EAR) which not only provides web service(WAR) or direct JMS request (EJB), but I would like to also accept the socket request (e.g. UDP packet). I have tried writing a listener with, letting it run as separate process, and redirecting the request to my EAR application. the ques...