
Looking for a specific Java application for performance testing

For purely experimental reasons, and to learn about monitoring applications, looking for something with the following criteria: written in Java web application, runnable in a web container (tomcat). not using EJBs/JMS. open-source somewhat resource-intensive using MySQL for DB makes good use of logs (that is, writes to logs often and d...

web services,web application

what is web services(Rmi,ejb,soap)? what is different between web services and web application? Is possible to implement web services in web application? ...

Android - About box in application manager?

Hi all, I was wondering does anyone know how to give an Android application an about box in the application manager? So when a user goes to Settings > Applications > Manage Applications and clicks on an app there is an About box there that the user can click and info about the app pops up. Like the images below? ...

I'm considering writing an application, and I'd like to ask for suggestions on piracy and licensing.

I have an idea for an application that is firstly totally sweet and secondly completely absent in the market. It is fairly simple, and I think it won't cut into my studies too deeply to write it. However, I would like to make some pocket money on this, so I've decided to ask my fellow programmers for some idea concerning licensing. First...

storing huge amount of records into classic asp cache object is SLOW

we have some nasty legacy asp that is performing like a dog and i narrowed it down to because we are trying to store 15K+ records into the application cache object. but that's not the killer. before it stores it, it converts the ADO stream to XML then stores it. this conversion of the huge record set to XML spikes the CPU and causes a...

InternetExplorer.Application : Select multiple "option value" fields

Trying IE Automation with Powershell. Task: Select multiple option value fields and click submitbutton. HTML looks like: : : : <center><input type="hidden" name="HF_certType" value="x509"><select name="HF_rvk" size="8" multiple> <option selected value = "Line 1">Line 1 Option</option> <option value = "Line 2">Line 2 Option</option> <op...

iPhone Tabbar Controller with UIPageController

I have an iPhone tabbar application with "n" number tabs. I'd like to have a UIpagecontrol in place so I could swipe between tabs. Could anyone tell me how I could do this? Examples are very helpful. Much appreciated. ...

Handling Application Exit events RubyCocoa

Hi, I guess the title is very clear. I would like to handle the Application exit event in RubyCocoa in order to write a file just before closing. Thanks for your help ...

Any way to deploy ASP.Net applications efficiently (i.e. alla SharePoint)?

In SharePoint, one can create a Solution Package, which includes features, list and site templates etc, then after adding and deploying the solution, application's dll's and files are deployed to each web front end (basically, the SP Timer service in each WFE runs the deployment jobs.) Then, as SP features are activated (once per farm), ...

Facebook like platform for applications

I'm developing a CMS for my university. With this Cms university staff can login and design their personal web sites without any knowledge of html or php. What i want is sperate all external applications from my CMS. For example, there is a Polls application, Gallery and Images application and so on. And others programmers will work on ...

Overriding iPhone shutter sound through SDK

In my iPhone app, I am using the UIImagePickerController with source type UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera. When the user takes a picture, the phone plays the familiar camera shutter sound. How can I replace this with my own custom sound? I know it's possible because I've seen other apps from the App Store do it (e.g. Red Laser). ...

C# How to make an installer for my application

I have created an application ,( c#,winforms) on VS 2008, i want to make installer of this application... how is this done. I want my installer to copy all the files that my application is using to a user choosed path (copy the files on chocice, some for server-side app and some for client side) also install .Net 3.5 check for SQL ...

What is the difference between apps of Pocket PC and apps of SmartPhone regarding sdk?

Hello there, I am facing a problem that when our client deploys the application on his device he recieves TypeLoadException at System.Threading.Timer.ring(), but whenever i deploy the same application on my device it doesn't generate any exception it runs fine. i am deploying my application in the form of CAB file. the model of clients ...

tools,plugins or api's for monitoring java web applications

hi all, I have developed a web application in java,i want to monitor the web application.I have used jconsole, but it monitors only java application.I heard about jmon could u tel me how to use jmon or any other tools or plugins are there for monitoring web applications.All your views are appreciated. ...

Ruby on rails templates for apps (rails 2.3 version)

Is there any site or repository to download and/or share templates for Rails applications? Example: # template.rb run "rm public/index.html" generate(:scaffold, "person name:string") route "map.root :controller => 'people'" rake("db:migrate") git :init git :add => "." git :commit => "-a -m 'Initial commit'" And do that: rails myapp...

How can I send an email from app of the screen or text portions of the screen

Hi I’m kind of New to iPhone development and I want use MFMailComposeViewController, to take the text/notes which are in two text views one editable the other is not, that are on the screen and have them automatically applied to the subject portion of an email, is this possible and if so how would I implement it. Thank for any and all h...

Cancel Cocoa Doc Based app Save method?

How can I cancel the automatic display of the Save Panel when closing windows in a doc based Cocoa app? Thanks Paul ...

How to design Simple Facebook Application ?

Hello all, I have been working on Facebook.NET SDK since last week. After some searches on internet, i decided to develop an application as iframe within xfbml for my .net site But I could not find any document for web site design ?!? I wonder that how can i prepare a site as html (for client side) like ? C...

Configure ASP.NET Application services to use a schema other than 'dbo'

I want to use ASP.NET Application Services but configure it to use a different schema. I'm using the aspnet_regsql.exe tool as outlined in this URL which by default creates tables and stored procs with a dbo schema. So i thought i could just generate a database script from existing Application Objects and then find and replace [dbo]'s w...

Why can't I stop a service in Android?

Intent helloservice = new Intent(this, HelloService.class); startService(helloservice); ... stopService(helloservice); Why won't this work? It just keeps running. Am I missing some Binds or something? By the way, this is my service: public class HelloService extends Service { private Timer timer = new Timer(); private long ...