
Adobe Air update error "file version doesn't match" but it's the same!...

I'm using Claus Wahlers' AIR Remote Updater class ( All works fine and an update is triggered if the remote version is newer. The newer file is downloaded and the update starts. However I then get "an error has occured" message: "This application cannot be installed because this installer has been m...

Is it possible to know if JFrame is fully visible?

I'm just experimenting with JFrames and would like to know if my application window is fully visible or obscured by some other application window. The other application window can be a native app. If this is possible, can I retrieve the size and position of the area that is not visible? ...

Internet application or window application?

I should develop a online search application which connects to an external database in a different server. This application can be a web application one (running on a Internet browsers basically) or a normal standard window application (with its own GUI). Does one of the two approaches have more benefits of the other? If so, which one? ...

Question on Utility Application - iPhone SDK

Hello everybody, I have this application I made on a utility based app. How would I incorporate this app into a view based application so I can run the code from there.. Like 2 seperate projects in one. I basically want to open/show the utility app in my view based application when I press a button.. Is this possible?? ...

Iphone questionnaire App

Hello, Im Try to make an Iphone questionnaire app... something to make test but im a beginner on Iphone Sdk and Objective-C so i would like to take any suggestions -thanks ...

Utility Application and View-Based application

Hi everybody, I'm new to xcode and the iphone sdk. I've been working with the view-based application for quite a while, and I was wondering if a utility application and a view based application involved the same type of coding. Can someone point out the difference for me? Thanks ...

Method to capture a screenshot of user's browser to aid in bug reporting

I'm looking for a way to make it easy for technically unsophisticated users to submit screenshots of their browser to me, to aid in debugging web application problems. There will be a button on all pages inside a web application they can use to report problems, which I would like to submit a screenshot (among other things). http://ww...

launch sms application with an intent...

hey! I have a question about an intent... I try to launch the sms app... Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); intent.setType(""); int flags = Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP; ...

How do I find out which JAR application is not using?

In our application through the process of developing a lot of JAR files has been collected. How can I filter out those, which are not used by application anymore? On some easy way? ...

iPhone NSKeyedArchiver - the data saved with this class persist after app update via AppStore?

Hello, I am a newbie in the iPhone dev and I want to know if I will save some data(NSSDictinary) with NSKeyedArchiver, tis data persist after an update process of my app via AppStore? Let's say that I want to save user an pass for my app and probably this information will be saved into the app folder.If I will update the app via AppStor...

Blackberry Menu from native blackberry application

I have an application that inserts an ApplicationMenuItem into the native blackberry contacts menu. I can get this to work just fine. Now my question is how would I change or remove that ApplicationMenuItem based on the contact that i am highlighted on? Would I need to use a GlobalEventListener? I assume overriding makeMenu can only be d...

how to download ipad sdk

Hello ,I would like to download ipad sdk (i.e.iphone sdk 3.2),but i think it requires a mac osX Snow Leopard version 10.6.2 or later.But i have only Mac Osx Version 10.5.8 (build:9L31A).So,i made a software update but i couldnot find mac osx update in the software update list.I would like to know how to update my mac to 10.6.2 and insta...

Can android OS push information about network connecting status to application?

I need some advices about the Android OS and application. I wonder if the Android OS is able to push network connecting status to applications. (I found applications can get a network connecting status from android OS. But I can't find reverse cases.) However, I am thinking android OS may push network connecting status to applications....

Opening links in external browser in Amarok 1.4

I've tried asking this question on the KDE development forum, but haven't received a satisfying answer so far. I've developed a Python script for Amarok 1.4 which retrieves upcoming events for the currently playing artist and displays them in the context browser. The user can click each event to know more about it, but so far clicking ...

How to write server applications in ASP.NET and Visual Basic?

Hello all, I am looking into writing a web-based vehicle tracking system. The framework I have in mind looks something like this: Client application --- Database --- Database updater. Client application: This would query the database for information and then display this information on a map. Database: holds vehicle information such ...

Building XUL app a-la SongBird

Hi, I've started exploring XUL Runner as a potential tool for an upcoming app. I can get some good examples running using the command line xulrunner-bin myapp. How can compile it all in a native looking application, like SongBird does. I understand SongBird packages the entire xul runtime with it, and I'm happy with that. I'm just ...

iis7 website application not working

i have a website of aspx on IIS7 and inside it is one directory which i have created into an application. It is the exact same setup as in another computer. the same code works fine there. it does not open the application here. i get a 403.1 error when i browse application by itself. what are the palces that i can check that it is going ...

How to Develop a DJ Application for iPhone

Hi All, I am new to iPhone development, so please bear with me if I ask some simple questions. I have to develop a DJ application for iPhone. My application should have some common features like selecting songs from the device, mixing, scratching and turntable implementation. Any help in this respect will be highly appreciated. Thank...

Silverlight: How to open a system application to open a file.

I want to create a silverlight application by providing the URL of a file, then it opens the right system application. Example: if the file is .pdf - it opens acrobat reader .doc - opens winword ...

how to use Application window? c++

i have been programming for sometime but all of my programming books have not really showed me how to use the Application window i always use the console window. i was looking at the Application project and i noticed that it has a .cpp file that is the main file but how do work with the window? i have tryed googleing it but i can't find ...