
How to develop a remote access tool for BlackBerry

Hi I need to develop a remote access too so that our support staff can take control of users' devices and fix problems. I'm not sure where to start. Can anyone please point me in the right direction? Thanks ...

Need some pointers/hints in writing a Windows Application

Hi, I want to create applications in windows that has complete portability (within windows OSes of course). I have tried using one application written in Visual C++ but I had a real tough time in making it run in other windows OS (like it required .net framework libraries to be installed). This put me on the back foot because I had to c...

Core Location Best Placement and User Interruption

Hi All, My application uses Core Location in three different views. It's working perfectly. In my first view, I subclass the CLLocationManager and use protocol methods for location updates to my calling class. Before I install the framework and code in my other classes, I was wondering: Is the protocol method the best way? What happ...

WPF + Communicate between multiple application instances

Hi, I need to grab information between two instances of my WPF app (the contents of a public collection, to be precise). Any help? ...

PHP application variable... maybe?

I went to a PHP job interview, I was asked to implement a piece of code to detect visitors are bots to crawl thru the website and steal content. So I implemented a few lines of code to detect if the site is being refreshed/visited too quickly/often by using a session variable to store last visit timestamp. I got told that session varai...

Does the Validation Application Block in Entlib 5.0 support client-side validation?

VAB used to be just server-side bur does the new version of Entlib allow client-side validation for VAB? ...

Android - Widget application communication

From a widget when I relaunch an activity which resides in home screen after pressing home button, none of the events of that activity is getting called in HTC hero. It is working as expected in 1.5 emulator. How to solve this issue? ...

Is there a way to associate an individual file with a specific application

I mean a specific file not a file extension ...

Facebook user language / internationalization

I'm developing a Facebook application for a business page. The application can only be accessed as a tab, meaning there is no box or direct access intended. I've done my share of searching and even though I hate asking for help when I know the information I'm after must be there somewhere, I've reached the point of exhaustion and beg for...

Subsonic, SharedDbConnectionScope and ApplicationState

I'm looking at using Subsonic with a multi-tenant web application. There are multiple DB's (one per client/instance). The user logs in with a domain suffix to their username (e.g. user@tenant1, user@tenant2). The custom membership provider will then determine which database a user is using, and authenticate against it. All user-...

I want to output various status messages of the sytem via network

Hi all, I would like to know how to firstly: interpret whether certain applications are running and then whether subroutines are running within these applications. I would also like monitor the system i.e if windows is running, if there are any errors or warnings. Secondly, I would like to output these status' to a machine via digital ... application scope repository object on loadbalanced application

Hi, We have an application running on a loadbalanced environment, let say webserver A and B. The loadbalancing is on the HTTP level, so the loadbalancer directs each user request to one of both webservers. The scope of the repositories in the application is managed by the container, and the application relies on data that ca...

iphone app scroll view is horizontal but i want it vertical - how do i change this?

Hi Folks, Got this code for a viewscroller from the apple developers site. @synthesize scrollView1, scrollView2; const CGFloat kScrollObjHeight = 467.0; const CGFloat kScrollObjWidth = 320.0; const NSUInteger kNumImages = 6; - (void)layoutScrollImages { UIImageView *view = nil; NSArray *subviews = [scrollView1 subvi...

Having C# application communicate with Nagios

We are using Nagios to monitor our network with great results. There is now a new requirement we are struggling with: We want to notify Nagios of an non fatal but critical application errors. The application does not stop running but there is some sort of issue that needs looking into. Once the issue has been looked into, we need some ...

How to launch a mac application without a terminal window.

I've written an open-source c++ application and it works fine on Windows and Linux, I finally got a Mac Mini (with 10.5.8) so I've just been testing the Mac version. My application works fine when running it from inside a terminal window and typing ./appname , but if instead I double click on it from the finder, then it opens a termnial...

change flex application identifier string

Just wondering how you can go about changing a flex app's application identifier string? I know its located on line 16 of the xml file but every time I change it, an error occurs when I export the release build. Just wondering how I go about doing this. ...

Android check for dependent application during installation?

Hi I want to publish my application (ABC). Its an audiobook file(just for example.) wrapped as apk. When the user install this application it needs to check whether another application (XYZ) already installed or not. If not let the user know they have to install the application XYZ first before installing ABC. Thanks in advance Raj...

How to customize application menu for java application in Mac OS

Hi I have created a java application. I found there is an application menu and about application in Mac. I donot know how to customize those about application dialog. i Want to write my own dialog instead of that dialog. How to do this. I found that I have to use Application Adapter. Thanks Sunil Kumar Sahoo ...

wpf cancel backgroundworker on application exits

Hi! In my application I have a main windows and into it, in a frame I load a page. This page do a long time task when the user press a button. My problem is that when long task is being doing and the user presses the close button of the main window, the application seems to not finish because I am debugging it in VS2008 and I can see th...

Java Application/Thread Server

I am looking for something very close to an application server with these features: it should handle a series of threads/daemons, allowing the user to start-stop-reload each one without affecting the others it should keep libraries separated between different threads/daemons it should allow to share some libraries Currently we have ...