
Android - display specific contacts information [Answered]

In my application when a user clicks on a button I want to open the contacts application and display a particular contacts information. At the minute I have this: Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, People.CONTENT_URI); startActivity(intent); This displays the contact application with all the contacts displayed. But how d...

Joda-Time: DateTime, DateMidnight and LocalDate usage

Joda-Time library includes different datetime classes DateTime - Immutable replacement for JDK Calendar DateMidnight - Immutable class representing a date where the time is forced to midnight LocalDateTime - Immutable class representing a local date and time (no time zone) I'm wondering how are you using these classes in ...

Button Application- iPhone Application

I am a meganoob in iPhone Application programming. All I want to do is make an application with a single button. When you press the button, it plays an audio file. The button is just two images, one for the normal state and one for the pressed state. I have no clue how to get from point A to point B, it seems so straightforward in web...

Window application in Java

Can i create a stand alone window application in eclipse using java, which later can be convert into an .exe file? please help me regarding this issue ...

one high-end server with one Application Server or multiple Application Servers?

If I have a high-end server, for example with 1T memory and 8x4core CPU... will it bring more performance if I run multiple App Server (on different JVM) rather than just one App Server? On App Server I will run some services (EAR whith message driven beans) which exchange message with each other. btw, has java 64bit now no memory lim...

How do I run JUnit tests from inside my java application?

Is it possible to run JUnit tests from inside my java application? Are there test frameworks I can use (such as JUnit.jar?), or am I force to find the test files, invoke the methods and track the exceptions myself? The reason why I am asking is my application requires a lot of work to start launch (lots of dependencies and configuratio...

What is meant by porting an application X to a platform Y ?

Pretty clear from the title itself, what is meant by porting an application X to a platform Y? Say for example I have an application X running on some OS, say Y, What do I do to port this application to another OS say Z? Does this mean rewriting a new application A for Operating system Z that necessarily imitates the behavior of applica...

Is there a Twitter App Builder?

I have a small fun Twitter app idea and I was wondering if there are Twitter app builders such as the ones you can find for iPhone? If there aren't any. Are there good resources of learning how to put a Twitter app together? ...

ASP.Net Web Site Project vs. Web Application Project

I'm trying to convince my co-workers to switch from a web site project to a web application project, because I want the use of the project file. However I can't diffuse this argument against: The web site project allows each page to be compiled into a single dll. Their argument is this enables easy fixing of errors found after publis...

How can I prevent making new Untitled document when Mac OS X document based application start up?

I'm making a new Mac OS X application. (not an iPhone app) This is document-based application. It shows a new "Untitled" document instance automatically when it starts up. How can I block this behavior? I wish my application show no window at start up. ...

C# What is the sense of Application.Exit Method ?

I'm asking this question, because I can't figure out when I could find an use of this method. If I've designed everything correctly then I should be able by the medium of normal returns and try catch clauses to handle all problems and end the application in a correct manner. Am I wrong ? ...

First run notepad with my.cfg and only then start the service

Hi all, I install along with my application: 1) a service that starts and stops my application as needed 2) a conf file that contains actually the user data and that will be shown to the user to modify as needed (I give the user the chance to change it by running notepad.exe with my conf file during installing) The problem is that in m...

add a start up item via command line (mac)

How can I add a start up item via command line on a mac? From googling, I know you have to edit ~/Library/Preferences/ using defaults write [key] [value] but i'm not sure exactly which things to edit. ...

How and Where do I learn about how to hook up my uncreated Database to a 3rd party API

I want to create a database with information that I can send to a third party... they give their api on their website but they don't break it down for new / newbs like myself... I'm confused and was thinking of getting a developer to do this all for me but I DON'T want to get ripped off... and overpay All it is is a webapplication back...

Blackberry Application not deploying in simulator from eclipse

I wrote a first sample Hello World Program for BB in eclipse using the plugin and everything worked fine. But then I wrote another app, not much different from the first and I went to deploy it and the simulator opened but only the first application was there. I tried loading the .cod file from inside the simulator but that didn't work e...

Are there Python ORMs out there that support multiple independent databases concurrently in use?

I'm writing an application in Python where I wish to use sqlite as the backing store for documents edited by the app, with documents generally living in memory, but being saved to disk-based databases when the application saves. Ideally I'd like to use something like an ORM to make access to the data from my Python application code simp...

How to view sqlite database by button press

hye all, i have built a SQLite database and wanna to add into iphone app. already i have add it resource->add->x.sqlite and also add libsqlite3.0.dylib.framework but i don't know what is the showing code. I wanna to show the data in the db when user pressed button. Can anyone help me to give an example on how the db can be view when bu...

What technologies/tools do people use to implement live websites ?

Hi, I have the following situation: -I have a server A hooked up to a piece of hardware that sends values and information out of every second. Programs on the server machine can read these values. This server A is in a very remote location so Internet connection is very slow and not reliable but the connection does exist. Let's say it'...

To check whether the SQL server DB is working properly or not

I need to check whether a SQL Server database is up and running properly using .NET windows application. ...

how to run soap using apache tomcat

please help me i am new to this field ,i downloaded activation.jar, xerces.jar, soap.jar and mail.jar after this how to run the application. if there is any example available it will be help ful to me. i am totally panic. i dont know what to do .. some one please help me ...