
Updating an application OTA

I'm developing an application that will be available from a website (market probably as well). The problem I'm having at the moment is how to handle the updates to the app. I know how to check the version against the current one and I know if I need to update it. Question Is there a way I can download an APK from the website a...

Is it possible to use Cocoa classes in an app that runs on Linux

I am need to parse a pdf file. I would like to use objective-c and Cocoa classes to do so, but I need the resulting application to run on Linux. Is this possible? My experience to Objective-C revolves around the iPhone so I'm relatively new to Cocoa. Thanks. ...

How to open new explorer when clicking links in webpages loaded by app of Flex/Air?

In my application I tried using following codes to do this: <mx:HTML x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" location=“”/&gt; The page is loaded fine.But when I click the links I found sometimes there was no any response while I need a new explore window opened with the linking url.And also I tried: <mx:Script> <...

getting playlist of stations for internet radio application in android

hi all, I want to develop an internet radio application in android.I am new to this application. I am planning to get the list of station and put them in an xml file in sdcard and provide that in a listview so that when one item is get selected that station will start playing.The xml file should be updated if any new station is added. H...

Using beans from another project

Hello; I'm a novice on spring, i started to develop a new application with 2 modules, each one is a project, the first one is a java project, it contains the services beans declared in a servicescontext.xml, the second prpject is a web application that use the first project. I need to declare beans in the web application that use the se...

Should I use Drupal or Kohana-type framework for a web "application"

The debate is that I need a PHP Framework/Drupal with the flexibility to add custom features to a potentially large application (web and with an api). However, with a framework, like Kohana, I see myself tackling and re-inventing the wheel with the simple stuff like account management and cms stuff. Account management and quick data col...

launch an application from HTML with arguments

Is there a way to allow an HTML file to open an application on the local computer and send that application arguments? We have an application that allows a user to set a link to an external application. We also provide a summary page in HTML (they usually interact with the application from outside the browser) with the link in HTML as w...

Is there an easy way to develop with Swing Application Framework (JSR 296) AND Jython?

I'm learning Jython. I developed a simple Swing Application with Jython and it's ok. Now I would to use the Swing Application Framework (JSR 296). I did not find any example in Internet. ...

GUI and non gui difference

hi guys as i know we have gui and non gui application today. but remember back in the old days there were many application thats kinda like half gui half not . the applications are text based and it has no GUI like what we have now if we were to use java swing library or etc. but you could pretty much select the area that you want ...

reinstalling development application on iphone

I was able to build and install my app on my iphone. If I want to fix some issues and reinstall it, is there anything I should do before reinstalling? I do see the latest changes but some things are messed up. ...

Mac OS X Development.

Hi All, I would love to begin developing applications for the MAC OS X, although I have to idea where to start. Problem: I currently do not, and cannot afford a new MAC OS X-based computer. Solution: A very good friend loves trying out things that I've made for Windows, and also owns a MAC OS X computer, and is willing to test these ne...

Password protection by .htaccess file not working after deployment on a new server

Hello, I migrated my application to a new server (from a VPS to a dedicated) yesterday and the password protection which was working correctly on the previous server (using .htaccess file - asking username/pass) doesn't work anymore : anyone can access the website without being asked to enter a username pass. I don't really have a clue ...

Connect from java mobile application to webservice to read messages.

Hello, I have a website where users can send personal messages between them, now I want them to recieve the messages also on their mobile phone but without having to send them a SMS. I am thinking about providing them with a mobile phone with internet access over GPRS or 3G, then develop a Java application that will connect to the webs...

Error while Installing Android app on Android virtual device

Hi. I have created a small and simple android app. I tried installing it on an actual android device. But because it won't install, I created an AVD resembling my phone. I tried copying and installing app on that AVD and it still says that error. "Application xxx could not be installed on this phone". Before I tried installing my app o...

C# console application

I have sample exe say console.exe on "programfiles\myAppFolder" .It serves the purpose of logging the message to eventviewer EventLog.WriteEntry(sSource, sEvent, EventLogEntryType.Warning, 234); I need to call this exe on un-install of appcn from NSIS script .However it gives me an error always that "thisappConsole has encountered a ...

Oracle Application Server Security issue.

Hello! we are tying to port a J2EE app from OAS 9.0.4 (working perfectly) on OAS the reson we do that is because we need the app compiled with java 1.5 and OAS would be the single major version supporting that binaries which has oc4j/orion kernel. The issue is that the security constraints in matter of user/group/role...

netbeans starts running web applications on port 8080, where can i change it ?

hello. i have netbeans IDE version 6.8, and glassfish version 3. my glassfish listener is set to port 81. but when i try running the simplest web application via the netbeans IDE it tries running it on port 8080. where can i change it ? using port 8080 for my web application is out of the question for me. ...

Coda Snippet Sync

Hi all, I've been trying to rack my head around making a coda plugin for syncing coda's clips to, coda is such a great app, but the inability to sync my hand crafted snippets is really irritating especially when you are out and about with a laptop! I was wondering if anyone has any experience in developing such a plugin, o...

looking to streamline my RSS feed mashup

Hello crafty developers, I have aggregated RSS feeds from various sources with RSSowl, fetching directly from the social mention API. The RSS feeds are categorized into the following major categories: blogs, news, twitter, Q&A and social networking sites. Each major category is nested with a common group of RSS feeds that represent a pa...

Publishing Fails

Tool: Microsoft Visual studio 2008 Project Type: WPF Browser application When after rebuidling all,project is published. it fails with followiung error. Cannot publish because a project failed to build. Could not find file 'obj\Release*.exe'. Clean and rebuild All has been done, no positive signs. System has been restarted, no positiv...