
Android Marketplace

I'm wondering whether the official google Android Marketplace application has access to some restricted functionality in the OS, or if it just uses the standard APIs available. Anyone up to date on this matter? Update Would it be possible to get an application signed by the manufacturer so that you can access these functionalities, or ...

how to deploy additional files to azure?

I try to deploy a file for download to azure together with my web application. The file is part of my project in a folder in my VS2010 solution. In the file properties, I tried both, setting the Build Action to "Content" or setting "Copy to output" to always. After deployment, the file is not there, I get a 404. Any ideas? Regards ...

how to close , shut down a WPF application when user need to closed it

how i can write a closed function for our wpf application in Window application we can simply use application.exit(); are any way to closed a wpf application ...

Can I submit iPhone applications with same Icon.png but differnt bundle name

Can some one tell me if it is possible to submit two different iphone applications which has same Icon.png but have a different bundle name? I am working on a travel guide app that is targeted for different cities. I want the users of different cities to download the app as per their cities. So I want to submit different apps for differ...

FQL Stream Facebook Application publish_stream

I want to create/show an activity stream of everything that has been published/commented on behalf of my application. My question is, do I need to "farm" any "post" id's or am I able to call upon everything posted into the stream via my application from it's id in a FQL statement? Thanks in advance! ...

Saving a project as an .ipa

Hello all! I wrote an app for the iPad, but I don't currently own an iPad. I would like to save my project as an .ipa file (assuming it's .ipa for the iPad, like the iPhone) so I could send it to a friend with a Jailbroken iPad to test it on an actual device before I release it to the App Store. Is there any way I can do this? Thanks ...

Launching an Applicatiion from an Iphone browser

Is it possible to doe one of the following? A/ (the preference) Launch an application on the iPhone from either the native browser of the recently released Opera browser? B/ Have a 'addon' or other 'module' for a either of the two iPhone browsers that acts like an application? ...

Problem with multiple application instances

I have an application that uses the file (something like hand-made DB). It opens the file in non-shared mode. That's why only a single instance of application can use it. But the problems begin when I'm updating the application on server (via app_offline.htm trick) Sometimes the updated instance of application started before th...

Flex application scalability and compatability

How good is a Flex app in handling large amount of data (say, for a reporting kind of application) Are there any memory management issues that need to be kept in mind while developing for such an app Are there any issues in running a Flex app on a Mac? ...

Prevent from making screen captures of an iPhone application

The customer I'm making an app for would like to prevent the user from capturing some of his pictures. I don't think this could be done but better making sure... ...

How can I count my facebook application post views

Hi, I have a Facebook application with which my users can post and friends can view in their news feed. I would like to know how many people have seen, or maybe even interacted or "liked" the posts my users posted using my application. Does Facebook give such statistics? Is there any other way to know it? Thanks. ...

Qt/C++ event loop exception handling

I am having an application heavily based on QT and on a lot of third party libs. THese happen to throw some exceptions in several cases. In a native Qt App this causes the application to abort or terminate. Often the main data model is still intact as I am keeping it in pure Qt with no external data. So I am thinking that I could also ju...

securewebpages tag in web.config is not working in IIS 7, with integrated mode app pool.

We have our application running on IIS 7, the application pool configured was classic. I have to changed some url re-writing to change the urls and removed .aspx as an extension from the urls. After deploying I have found that url re writing works with integrated mode only and secure pages stopped working. ie pages which are used to ope...

How to include 512X512 icon in my iphone app?

Apple HIG says I must include a 512x512 and a 29x29 icons along with the 57x57 icon. Now how do I "include" the large icons? I have Icon.png and Icon-Small.png files, but how do I include the 512x512 version of the icon? ...

Get close window message in Hidden C# Console Application

Hello everyone. I have a Windows Form that starts some console application in background(CreateNoWindow = rue,WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden). Windows form gives me opportunity to stop the console application at any time. But I'd like to handle somehow the close message inside the console application. I tried to use hooking li...

How do I get my Windows Forms application to use a custom main function and get access to the Application Framework?

Hi Folks I am trying to use a Main () function in a class to control the program flow in my vb .net Windows Forms application. I have added a splash screen component and a login screen, and customised my main sdi form. I have set the startup form to be my main function in the Application Page of the Project Designer, and everything seem...

troubles reading other apps config files

Hi guys, I have a problem. I have to access to the data folder of other applications from my application to read configuration's file and so on but it seems it's possible only to read data from the sdcard and my application's data folder. Can you suggest me how to solve this problem? ...

How to determine the current IME in Android?

I have an application where I would like to warn the user if they are not using the default Android softkeyboard. (i.e. they are using Swype or some thing else). How can I check which input method they currently have selected? Thanks ...

Is it possible to execute mobile phone applications on computer?-simbian OS-nokia

I want to use my mobile phone application on my computer how can it be done? ...

Usability - How to edit favorites?

Hi, I'd like to get some opinions about about usability in the following case: Target group people from 30-50, low to middle internet affinity. App: I have a website with login. Visitors can save interesseting pages in their fav-box for fast access. Here the actual question: How to edit this favorites? Is it better to give the visi...