
What's the best framework for mobile phone apps in C And what's the best simulator for various mobile phones out there?

I'm just getting started with this field, so any information is appreciated! ...

How to prevent/secureapplication deleting from device in blackberry.

Hi, Is it possible to prevent the application installed on device from deleting in blackberry. For Ex: Say "myApp" is installed on the blackberry device. If the user try to delete the application from the device. It should not give him permission for delete. Please let me know is any rim api is available which will to prevent applicat...

What's the best approach with global variables in ASP.Net applications?

For my global variables and data I find myself in a dilema as to whether to use HttpApplicationState or Static variables - What's the best approach? This document states that one should use static variables over httpapplicationstate:;en-us;Q312607 However, one thing I like about HttpApp...

iphone submit an application update

hi all, i want to submit an update of my application. I want to change all my interface and i spend less time making a new application and import my code. is possible make an update in this way, using my distribution profile and incrementing my version number? or i must change something else? Thank's ...

Application to develop & test on a mac

I'm starting to learning some so I'm looking for an application to develop using a mac. I know dreamweaver can be used to write but I don't have any application to run a test server. Wondering what my options are regarding developing and testing (not on a live server) using a mac. thanks! ...

Setting a Forms Authentication cookie from a .NET client application

We currently have a .NET 2.0 web app that uses forms authentication via cookies. Associated with this web app is an old VB6 client application that has its own login system. Currently, the users have to login to the VB6 app, and then when they click on a link, need to authenticate themselves again with the .NET forms authentication sys...

How do I get started on a bigger project?

Hey guys, Most of the time I have been programming little apps either for myself or for the benifit of learning. Now that my programming skills are considered somewhat intermediate, I was wondering how I would tackle a large programming project. Lets suppose I wanted to make an application that has a lot of features and is intended for...

Add / Remove the default documents of IIS7 using 2.0 windows application

Hai, I wrote the coding for add / remove the default documents of IIS7 in 2.0 windows application using Microsoft.Web.Administration.dll. The coding is working fine. After adding a new document, the messagebox showing that newly added document name. Simillarly if I remove any document, the messagebox not showing that document nam...

How to copy Eclipse app with it's all projects and space from one Mac into another?

I have a new Mac computer at the office. And I need to copy Eclipse from my home Mac. I need to keep all the setting and plugins working fine, as on my home computer. Moreover, I need to have all the SVN setting and projects working too. So, can you suggest the best option how to do it clearly, to have the final result completely the sa...

Application development workflow

Hi, Sometime ago I've developed a simple engineering app (Excel/VBA) for the company I work for. Recently, other companies become interested in that software, so I am assigned to make it more User Friendly. I am planning to migrate the VBA/Excel to winForm C# application. Since it will be a tedius task, I would like to setup an UML or st...

Running a desktiop application inside an AIR application

Is it possible to run a desktop application inside an Adobe AIR application and also whether it is able to detect events on screen over desktop application in AIR application. For example, Flex Builder or eclipse IDE should run inside an AIR application and whatever mouse detects or key stroke events should be noted by the AIR applicati...

c# how can i make sure that my application will look the same on other systems?

hi .. how do i make sure that the application iam developing will look the same on other windows-systems? iam developing now on a windows7, with .net 3.5 framework .. (VS 2008) as an example, i have a toolbar, that i changed its rendermode to system, it looks ok on my windows7, but when i run the application on windows xp, it is differ...

SharePoint 2007 Web Application is not found

I created a Web Application called testwebapp and then a site collection (testsite). When I try siteCollection = new SPSite("http://localhost"); in Visual Studio 2008 it throws an error Web Application is not found. Of course, the localhost works in IE and I don't know why testwebapp doesn't work. Any ideas? TIA! David ...

Is it possible to formulate the development cost?

Hi, Is there any formula showing the development cost of an application? Basically not to reach a very specific number but at least stressing what parts are effecting the overall cost in what magnitude? Thanks, burak ozdogan ...

GCC: visibility of symbols in standalone C++ applications

Hi, Because of a strange C++ warning about the visibility of some symbols and an interesting answer, linking to a paper which describes the different visibility types and cases (section 2.2.4 is about C++ classes), I started to wonder if it is needed for a standalone application to export symbols at all (except main - or is that needed?...

iPad - Install and debug a 2nd version of an application without modifying the original

I have a paid application on the App Store. I would like to work on an update of the application. During development, I'd like install and debug the updated version without touching the original application installed on the device. I tried modifying the Bundle Identifier and when I choose to 'Build and Run' on the device, it installs a 2...

Deploying Application with mvc in shared hosting server

We have created an MVC web application in 3.5, it runs absolutely fine locally but when we deploy it on godaddy hosting server (shared hosting), it shows an error which is related to trust level problem. We contacted godaddy support and they say, that we only support medium trust level application. So how to convert my applicati...

WCF sevice in Web Application.

Hi, I have a web application( Using ASP.NET Web Application template). there i have created an WCF service (svc file). for testing purpose i just return a list of objects of my custom class. i added required attributes to custom class as well(DataContract) and for service class (ServiceContract) is added. i test it in browser, just acce...

Static Property losing its value intermittently ?

Is there something fundamentally wrong with the following design, or can anyone see why would the static properties sometimes loose their values ? I have a class library project containing a class AppConfig; this class is consumed by a Webforms project. The skeleton of AppConfig class is as follows: Public Class AppConfig Implemen...

How do I connect two apps

I am considering building an app in C++ that will be parsing text from the web and create some statistical results. These results I want to be fed in an external app in real time. The external app (to whose code I have no access, but can ask for a - paid - custom made addition) will then need some code to read and use these results. I a...