
RAD Visual Web Application Creator/ Builder/ Designer for PHP

Hi all, I want to see if any of you know a (free and open source will be ideal) tool/ app that can help build a php web application very quickly without investing too much time on writing codes, preferring drag and drop/ point and click work-flow designer for logic design (see Agile from Outsystems below). Plus, visual designer for the ...

A 110 kb .NET 4.0 app needs 10 seconds for a cold start, thats not acceptable !

Hello, I am using the .NET 4.0 client profile for my app and I run a dual core with 4 GB Ram and a fast hard disk. nothing big is done at the start just showing a generic List in a wpf listview. How can I make the cold start faster of my assembly ? I have done now again a cold start and run the windowsapplication.exe in my \obj\x86\D...

call a webservice in the Application_Exit workaround issue AsyncCall

Hi, I am facing the issue in updating the Database during a browser close in the Application_Exit method. Since I cannot call a webmethod in this event to updated the DB, I'm trying for a workaround where I call another simple Silverlight Application for the sole purpose of performing the DB update. The issue is that when I make the A...

Launching external console application from Java

Hi in a Java application I need to run an external console application. With the window's ones everything is OK: try { System.out.println("Running..."); Runtime.getRuntime().exec("notepad.exe"); System.out.println("End."); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } launches notepad successfully. But if...

Get application uninstall event in android

Hi i have one application which play with content provider(contacts etc) now when i uninstall my application i want to arranger the original data of content provider. Is there any way, if my application is going uninstall at that time i get event and do my work. Thanks ...

help in setting Client Info in JDBC for Oracle

hello everybody i have an issue cause i have a java an application which needs to be audited so obviously i need a way in which the app can be identified with the application name so i googled and found that the ojdbc14 has the method .setClientInfo which allows to register the application with a customized name so i am trying to get it ...

Real World Application of XPath & XSLT

Can any professional please specify some real world application, where he / she has used this XPath & XSLT for any logic / view? It creates a great query among some of the people I've communicated with, and so I myself also wants to know about this. I wish that this question will create a starting point from where new developers will ta...

Java on a Mac: How do I detect when my application receives focus?

I looked through ApplicationListener, and they don't have it in there. On a Mac, it's when that application has the equivalent of focus; its menu is in the top menu bar. Also, if you know this, could you tell me how my application can request to de-focus itself? ...

The most amazing JavaScript application ever

I just saw the Google Pacmen game and I think it's the most professional JavaScript application that I ever saw! What other application do you know about, that are in this level of profession? ...

treeview loses data when page is being refreshed in

Hi, I have a treeview and I written a code for his "treeNodePopulate" event: protected void ycActiveTree_TreeNodePopulate(object sender, TreeNodeEventArgs e) { if (Application["idList"] != null && e.Node.Depth == 0) { string[] words = ((String)Application["idList"]).Split(' '); // Yellow Card details ...

WPF : Access Application Resources when not referencing Shell from App.xaml

I am beginner in WPF. My App.xaml looks like below app.xaml <Application x:Class="ContactManager.App" xmlns="" xmlns:x=""&gt; <Application.Resources> <Color x:Key="lightBlueColor">#FF145E9D</Color> <SolidColo...

iPhone development - app design patterns

There are tons of resources concerning coding on the iPhone. Most of them concern "how do I do X", e.g. "setup a navigation controller", or "download text from a URL". All good and fine. What I'm more interested in now are the questions that follow the simpler stuff - how to best structure your complex UI, or your app, or the common pro...

How to install a free market application on an android simulator

I want to install the Photoshop mobile on my emulator. I need to do test the Mobile integration for image editing. But I dont know how to do that. I cannot access the market from the emulator. Can anyone tell me how I can install it on my simulator. ...

upload application like picup or cliqcliq for Android

Hello, Based on the fact that there is no file upload supported by the current Android browser (I know that 2.2 should support it but I am looking for a workaround right now). Is there an application for Android like picup or cliqcliq (iPhone) allowing me to open the app to take a picture and then returning to the web page automatically...

Calling a WPF Application and modify exposed properties?

I have a WPF Keyboard Application, it is developed in such a way that an application could call it and modify its properties to adapt the Keyboard to do what it needs to. Right now I have a file *.Keys.Set which tells the application (on open) to style itself according to that new style. I know this file could be passed as a command line...

Weird behavior with windows startup C#

Hi, I've created an application with the option to start on Windows startup. First I did this via the Registry, like this: private void RunOnStartup(bool RunOnStartup) { Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey key = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", true); if (RunOnStartup) ...

Android: How to make launcher always open the main activity instead of child activity? (or otherwise)

I have activities A and B. The A is the one with LAUNCHER intent-filter (i.e. the activity that is started when we click the app icon on home screen). A launches B using startActivity(new Intent(A.this, B.class)). When the user has the B activity open, and then put my application into the background, and later my application's process...

Documenting a Access Application for Developers

I need to document a MS-Access application that was created, developed and maintained completely by a power-user over 10 years. This is an interesting situation because what they want is a manual so that a future developer can come in without prior domain knowledge and make changes to the frontend or the backend in a timely manner. T... mvc custom membership provider - strict login cache to one application

I created custom membership provider for mvc applications and it all works fine except one thing: when logged in to my application, I am also logged in to all other mvc applications that I run using Visual Studio. I suppose this data is being pulled from cache because when I logout and try to login again in other applicat...

Have you ever created a application/website without bugs?

Have you ever created application/website that worked on first, with no bugs in IE/Firefox/Chrome...? Or it's just dream of every programmer? :) ...