
How can i target all the Mobile Devices with the single mobile application?

Hi All, I am creating mobile application i am targeting all the mobile devices Is this possible with the single application or not because some phones will support wml, HTML, CHTML or XML scripting languages. How can target all the devices with the single application & can i change the DeviceSpecific Filter option dynamically or...

How to detect application préference changes.

I created a Settings.bundle in my app where the user can change some properties like font size. It works. But when I leave my App, and I change my setting, I don't know how I can get notified of the change. For the moment, I create a function call each time a view is loaded that check for app settings. But I wonder if there is an othe...

using haskell for "business applications"

Hello, I would like to know if there is any posiibility that I can use Haskell with small database like sql server compact so that client wont have to install any server on his desktop. Is there any api providing sql statements and so on ... What is the best solution to achieve small database application using haskell. thanks for help...

iPhone Notifications is possible to...

Hi to all, I read more post regarding iPhone notification, and I have a simple question.... Where a device receive a notification (so I can display a message contains the message notificatio ti advise the user). I understand that message is managed by the application. The question is: ...when my application receive the notification is...

iPhone Web Application + zoom in zoom out issue

Hello, I am developing a web application for iPhone safari browser. There is one strange scenario: A web page is loaded. User can zoom out that web page to see the contents in zoomed out manner. There is one button in the web page. Click of this button will hide one of the 'div' in same page and another 'div' of that same page will b...

[FLASH CS4] Print button code in AS3?

Hi everyone, I'm building a stand alone flash application and i have a problem. I need to have a print button on every step of my app and to print that particular frame as a bitmap image same size as that window. Can someone provide me with a code for that one? I searched everywhere for a month now and still couldn't find it. Ask on man...

jad for blackberry non-midlet application

Hi Experts, I am writing a regular application for Blackberry. I want to know, is there anything similiar to JAD for pure native blackberry application (no j2me) ? If JAD is applicable to regular BB app then please guide me to use JAD for it. Kind Regards -Durgesh O Mishra ...

Is it a good idea to use .Net for commercial software?

I was playing around with .Net reflector today and realized that Miicrosoft's entire Expression suite is written in .Net. As a result I was pretty much able to see the underlying code for expression. This makes it far easier than binary to break copy protection. I think that that's a big deal. Is it generally recommended to make commerci...

Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'listBox2' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

after entering some text in textbox control (C# window application)and pressing button it will raise two events one is button click and another is my application defined event. im not able to catch the event. and im getting this error. how to solve this ... pls help.. ...

LoginViewModel in Wpf Application Framework

Hello , You wrote: "I would use an ApplicationController which instantiates the LoginViewModel and shows the LoginView. When the user proceeds with the login screen the ApplicationController closes the LoginView and shows the MainView with its MainViewModel. How this can be done is shown in the sample applications of the WPF Applicati...

Restoring and passing data to an already running instance of a .NET application

The goal is to have an application that runs in the system tray and can either accept user input from its actual GUI (which isn't the actual issue) OR accept command line parameters (that would actually be done via a context menu in windows explorer). Now, while I'm aware that the command line parameters are not exactly possible once the...

Geeting internal Oracle connection from Hibernate in JBoss

Hello, I need to set an application context through Hibernate. I found there is a method setApplicationContext on oracle.jdbc.internal.OracleConnection. I wrote a test, in which I was getting the Oracle connection from the Hibernate session and it worked fine. However, when I moved the code to my application running under JBoss where co...

can an iphone app shut itself down programatically

I want the user to start the app and leave it running. At one point, the app will finish what it is doing and will shut itself down. How can I do that in Objectve C ...

ServletContext not giving me real path when i want to go up level directory up

Hello, Why does ServletContext#getRealPath() not return me correct path if i use ../ This code works :- System.out.println(context.getRealPath("/")); This one doesn't :- System.out.println(context.getRealPath("/..")); How can i get one level up directory from getRealPath()? ...

how to create setup of database

how to create setup of database. I have windows application in i am able to create setup of my application in vs2008 but i want to create my MySql database server setup for multiple clients of my application. Please help me... ...

How to see the status of my application created using launch4j

Hi All, I have created on exe application using launch4j.I created it in GUI mode and when i run the application it is not displaying any window or anything but i am able to see that the process is running internally.Can anyone specify what i need to change so that i able to see the status of the application in a window when i run the a...

How can a running application in Linux/*nix determine its own absolute path?

Suppose you run the application 'app' by typing 'app', rather than its absolute path. Due to your $PATH variable, what actually runs is /foo/bar/app. From inside app I'd like to determine /foo/bar/app. argv[0] is just 'app', so that doesn't help. I know in Linux I can get look at the /proc/self/exe softlink, but that doesn't work on ...

A little bit more complicated multiview App for Iphone

Hi, i'm new to iphone development. I spend several days by looking for how write muliview app for an Iphone OS. I found how to switch the diferent views without navigation hierarchy (in this article). It's great, but i want more complicated function. For example, i have three diferent views (view 1 - 3) and i can switch between them w...

Which applications use R-Trees?

Besides GIS applications, which other applications or libraries use R-trees and its variants? ...

Saving a list of items in Application State ASP.NET MVC ?

Hi Guys, I'm having a bit of trouble with knowing how I can save items from a list I have in Application state in the global.asax as- Application[""]. My controller basically takes in some user input, I then pass this to another classes Method as parameters it gets added to a list all the time. This data thats getting added to the list...