
difference in logging mechanism: API and application(python)

I am currently writing an API and an application which uses the API. I have gotten suggestions from people stating that I should perform logging using handlers in the application and use a "logger" object for logging from the API. In light of the advice I received above, is the following implementation correct? class test: def __i...

iPad App submission error

The binary you uploaded was invalid. When supporting iPad only, the iPhone OS Deployment Target must be 3.2. What is this??!?!?!?! This happens everytime I try to upload my binary file to iTunes Connect ...

Can I use an absolute url in an html img tag on a IIS7 ASP.NET application?

While migrating ASP.NET intranet applications from IIS6 to IIS7, I came across a problem with absolute urls in html tags: I can't get them to consider the application as the root of the url unless the application is published at the root of the web site. Here is a code snippet that demonstrates the problem. It is published in an appli...

Software for building a sitemap.

If I had to create a content inventory for a website that doesn't have a sitemap, and I do not have access to modify the website, but the site is very large. How can I build a sitemap out of that website without having to browse it entirely ? I tried with Visio's sitemap builder, but it fails great time. Let's say for example: I Want to ...

How to tell axis2 to use an existing object as a service?

I am trying to expose some methods of a running application as a webservice. The core idea is to use an embedded web-server and send the soap messages to the apache axis2 framework in order to invoke the services. The problem is, that axis2's createService methods only accept Classes as parameter, not existing objects. So I believe that...

Deploy a jar in Jetty

Hi guys, I was wondering if is it possible to deploy a jar file in Jetty? If not, are there applications servers who can do so? I am beginner. I am asking this question because all the docs that i have found, it seems that we can only deploy war archive in application servers. Is that true? ...

Using Excel.Application in ASP where Excel is installed on Client Machines instead of the Server.

Hi, I have a server with an asp page on it that generates a report in Excel, using the Excel.Application object. Normally, Excel would have to be installed on the server to work. I was wondering, however, if it is possible to utilise the excel install on client machines to do this instead, as I can't install Excel on the server? Thanks...

WPF Dispatcher timer tick freezes my application

I've got a little problem using WPF Dispatcher Timer. On each timer tick my application freezes for a moment (until timer tick method finishes). This is my code: private DispatcherTimer _Timer = new DispatcherTimer(); _Timer.Tick += new EventHandler(_DoLoop); _Timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1500); _Timer.Start(); Is there...

How do I start another application (downloaded or preinstalled) from an activity?

Basically, I want to get a list of all installed apps and pick one to run from an activity. I've tried ACTION_PICK with Intents but that seems to leave out apps that were downloaded and it has a bunch of junk in it. Thanks ...

How can I run one app from another app in iphone?

Hi, On some app , I see when one link touched , use safari for open link and quit from current app. I want use from this feature for run messages app from other app , Can I do this? if yes, how can? thanks,... ...

Activity stack behaves incorrectly during the first run started from Eclipse or on OTA upgrade

There are known bugs - and that are exactly my case (tested both on 2.0.1 and 2.1). The heart of the problem is instead of keeping my current Activities stack the OS creates new Activities on top of my old Task. Need to note I ...

ClickOnce Application Files dialog filename problem

In the ClickOnce "Application Files" files dialog, most of the entries for files are listed with the name "C". I have seen this on a colleague's machine for a different project as well. Has anyone else seen this and is there a way to get the correct filename inserted? We are both using VS 2008. ...

ColdFusion static key/value list?

I have a database table that is a dictionary of defined terms -- key, value. I want to load the dictionary in the application scope from the database, and keep it there for performance (it doesn't change). I gather this is probably some sort of "struct," but I'm extremely new to ColdFusion (helping out another team). Then, I'd like to ...

Storage of events in Calendar application in Android 2.1

Does the calendar application in Android maintain a cache of its database? Whenever I edit and mark some events via the calendar app, it is stored in the database but if I edit the calendar.db from some outside source the changes made are not reflected in the calendar app. So my question is: Does the calendar app maintain a cache or so...

A Good demo app for Intellitrace

I want to demo intellitrace. But all of my simple apps end up not having the methods instrumented (despite me setting the most complete "tracing" I can). Does anyone know of a good demo app for intellitrace? (or a good idea of one?) ...

Can I save my app's state at close time in iPhone OS?

I have an app that functions much like an ebook. I have a bunch of textual information in various languages that is accessible through a number of drill down methods. When a user wants to get into where they were reading last, they currently have to navigate through the section and chapter menus to get back to where they were. An ideal s...

starting .net application from command prompt is having issue when path is in SHORTNAME

when we start our .net application using a double click on the explorer or from command prompt where your folder path is proper full name then there is no issue at all. But when you start it from command prompt with the path being a Shortname involving a ~ the application behaves weird. IF is entering condition though the condition eval...

web crawl app but encountered errors

I am trying to create a web crawl application to access the Chicago White Sox website and pull off the date of the next game. The application then goes to the 10 day forecast of the team's stadium and pulls the weather from there. I am wondering how to display just the forecast of the game, and not the full 10 day forecast. The pointe...

Capture a keyup event at application level in WPF

Hi I have an application built in wpf. At the base level I have a usercontrol and on that usercontrol are many components. I want to be able to capture a key press event on my usercontrol even if the focus is on one of the children. Using PreviewKeyUp doesn't seem to do the trick. Thanks, Matt. ...

How to get a list of installed android applications and pick one to run

I asked a similar question to this earlier this week but I'm still not understanding how to get a list of all installed applications and then pick one to run. I've tried: Intent intent = new Intent(ACTION_MAIN); intent.addCategory(CATEGORY_LAUNCHER); and this only shows application that are preinstalled or can run the ACTION_MAIN I...