
Android Template Application?

I have built an application that I want to use as the foundation for a few other variants. The variants will come from assets / resource files and a unique AndroidManifest.xml. However, I want to be able to leave all the application code alone (modifying the package of all my classes, etc). I'm having a hard time figuring out how to do s...

Tips for begining 3D Application Development

hey, guys I want to create an application that has a 3D display. I want all the planets in it. Then the next step is I want to have satellites in it as well. I want to provide an interface to add satellites etc. Off course this will include 3D designing and it will be more like a game. I want to know what are the things I need to know...

HTML5 applicationCache in local development

I'm experimenting with application cache based on this example: This example works fine in ff, but when I create analogous site (almost identical) I get only status "UNCACHED (numeric value 0) -- The ApplicationCache object's cache host is not associated with an application cache at this time." ...

.Net Windows application

I am trying to Insert a record in MS Access DB using OLEDB in windows application. I am getting an error "missing semicolon at end of sql statement" there is no syntax error in sql insert statment. My code Insert statement = INSERT INTO Student VALUES ('SRI-10-101','001','guru','30/05/2010 12:00:00 AM','','','...

need a web browser in my desktop application

part of the specification of this desktop application is to have a mini browser built in, so that you can enter URL, and navigate the site as you would on a normal browser. Access to the browser page's DOM is required, should let me programmatically change the rendering view of a page, should be cross-platform, renders javascript JDIC s...

SQL programming interface to external storage application

My application is a non-relational database application with a tcl interface to retrieve data. I would like to add SQL programming interface to my application. Is there any library that converts SQL/PLSQL statements to API calls? It should also support stored procedures. SQLite(Embedded) has 'virtual table' mechanism that suits my req...

Start app from within python

Hello, I'm trying to start an application using Python. I've seen that some people use startfile but I also read that it only works with Windows. I'm using Mac systems and hoping for it to work with them. Thanks, Aaron ...

Android - How to run another app

Hello, I am interested in opening the Google Navigator app from inside an application I am writing. I want to be able to spawn it at a given time and pass specific data into it. Can anyone think of a good way for me to do this? What permissions do I need, etc? Thank you very much. ...

Do you know of any non-rails ruby forum app?

I am rephrasing my earlier question. This time any answer about a non-rails ruby forum application, be it sinatra based or not, will be fine. Thanks ...

app.config <supportedRuntime>

Suppose I have a WinForms app that is built and compiled against .NET 2.0 using VS2008. It is my understanding that at runtime, the app will attempt to load the .NET 2.0 CLR first, (because that is what it was compiled against), regardless of anything that may be listed in any "supportedRuntime" element of the app.config file. If it ca...

Facebook request permissions javascript?

Trying to do 2 things request offline and user_events permission perminant session key Need a feed from facebook for events and there is no rss for it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! Currently have the following <!doctype html> <html xmlns="" xmlns:fb=""&gt;...

What's the best tool to create high-fidelity wireframes and prototypes?

More than a simple wireframe, I´d like to create a complete prototype, fully functional & dynamic with data and rich interactions... Do you know any tool outthere? i´m looking for something really quick and easy, i don´t want to code. A friend told me about Justinmind Prototyper, any other guess? ...

Is there an online application simulator somewhere ?

I've developed some Java applications and wrapped them in exe files, some of them require JDIC files, the apps run on Windows systems, since my PC is all setup for development, it has all the necessary parts, but if a user downloads and runs my apps, they may not work as I thought. So I wonder if there is any place online that I can uplo...

Ad framework for Cocoa (Mac) applications?

Does anyone know any good frameworks that would allow me to integrate some ads into my Cocoa Mac application? ...

how to lock the positions of the labels and buttons in the java se application

i want to lock my labels and panels in my java application. because when i run the project and when some button press labels are changing their positions. can someone help me. those labels and panels are drag and drop ones ...

Third party Application's Idle Session expiry

We have a third party application running. It shows login dialog when idle for 20 minutes. We need to prevent the application to display login screen. We do not have any idea how idle state is handled internally in that application. We have done the follwoing with no luck. Created an small application in c# which focus it after ever...

Oracle Applications Server File Permissions

Not sure if this is a valid question. I have an application running under oracle application server (apache). I need to upload a file from the PC to webserver directory.So I need to find directories to which the web server can write. Where is this info available. ...

WPF Prism interesting sample application

Hi, I'm looking for a good example of WPF Prism (or Composite Application Guidance) sample code that would not be as complicated as the StockTraderRI or as simple as HelloWorld but could explain all the important aspect of writing an application with Prism, preferably with database connection. Tutorials are also appreciated. I have googl...

Language Learning Application Flow

Hi, No, I'm not talking about learning programming language. I'm talking about application like Rosetta Stone or Babble. In both applications, we can find that in learning languages (well, in learning any topics perhaps), there are several components like presenting the lesson and generating questions (presenting quizes). I am wonderin...

Easy way to lock a file on a remote machine (windows)?

I've tracked down an error in my logs, and am trying to reproduce it. My theory is that a file sometimes gets locked in a specific folder, and when the application (ASP.NET) tries to delete that folder it hangs. I don't have the application running on my own machine so I'm debugging this on a remote server. But for the life of me, I ca...