
App development: Always subclass, always load from NIBs - caveats?

This is Cocoa Touch (et al), iPhone, XCode only. After completing my first commercial iPhone app, I'm struggling a bit to find a way to start and expand an app from scratch which gives the most linear development (i.e., the least scrapping, re-write or re-organization of code, classes and resources) as app specs change and I learn more...

Game/Application menu as a central part of the game/application

I am developing a Java application, well, it's actually a small game. I want to build up the application as follows: when it starts, a window should appear which has a menu with four choices: 'Start game', 'Options', 'Highscores' and 'Quit'. If you then click game, the game starts, preferrably in the same window, if you click options, we...

developing an application compatible for multiple devices in blackberry

i made an application for bold 9000 but want to run on bold 9700 .can it ran successfully on that or i had to made changes in my application or made application from scratch for both devices? ...

How can I make an app that connect to a webserver to iPhone.

Hi, I need make an app to iPhone that connect to a webserver. This app connnect a webserver and return the content formated to iphone. Thanks for help me. ...

Application hangs or collapses on submitting the data in the sign-up form, second time...First time it run perfectly.....

Hi, below is the code of a sign up form, when we CLICK second time to submit the entered details, the application collapses and hags just displaying the dialog_thread....On executing very first time it rum perfectly..............The code of dialog_thread is given after onClick()....Please help me, how to get rid of this problem and let...

Silverlight 4.0 : How to acces to the strings of the ApplicationStrings file through the ResourceWrapper in a business application?

Hi everyone, I want to acces to the strings of the ApplicationStrings file through the ResourceWrapper like this : String loginlabel = ( (ResourceWrapper) App.Current.Resources["ResourceWrapper"] ).ApplicationStrings.LoginLabel; in order to get the good string according to the current culture (language) but it doesn't work at all. A...

What is CodeResources in Cocoa Mac apps?

I see these CodeResources folders in some of the system Mac apps and some third party apps. What are they? ...

How can I set an int value in some code to be equal to a value in a text entry box?

I'm trying to get a value from an object in my mac application. The title says it all. ...

How to manage Constants in Application

what is the best way to use Application Constants ? What i usually do is create a separate table in database of constants and reference them as foreign key in other table. In Java i use enum. But how to keep a single place of authority for constants in application and what are the different ways i can do that(like table or enum). ...

secure from unauthorised access

Hi, Based on the user requirements, he wants to use our android application via pin code access like login whenever he starts to use this application. In Android or any mobile, most of the applications start again the last using layout. so which event should i call this login alertdialog to access each time users start to use it? Or let...

Reset application and settings on user change

Currently working on a project where a login will be required to use the application. I'm trying to figure out a smarter way to reset the application if someone is somehow logged out and the next one to login is not the same user. The option I have come up with at the moment is storing all user specific data/information in a DTO but th...

How would I use a button on my app to set the current URL that a WebView is showing?

I need help. The title says it all. Thanks so much! :) ...

Tell system events to keystroke in Xcode?

Hello, I'm making an application, in which I need to run a code that will tell system events to keystroke a certain phrase. Like in an AppleScript, I would do: Tell Application "System Events" to keystroke "This is a test" I don't know how to do this from Xcode, and I would really appreciate any help. Thank you! ...

Command line tool in python in a fixed root directory ...

I would like to install my python application as a command line tool that should work entirelly inside the install directory (for example C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\application) The problem is I would like to reffer in runtime to the submodules and resources from within the application directory three. If I install the app with [cons...

Android service killed

I have a Service running in the same process as my Application. Sometimes the Android OS decides to kill my service (probably due to low memory). My question is: does my Application get killed along with the Service? or how does it work exactly? Thanks! ...

Android Application Icon Change

Hi, Is it possible to change the android application icon at run time? I've read through Changing the application icon text dynamically in Android and How can i change an application icon programmatically in Android?. All answered can't. I use Android 1.6. Is there any way? ...

Is it possible to take a half done web application that has been started using VB.NET and continue using C#

A guy came to me there recently with a half done web app that has been created using VB.NET, nothing major, just a normal site. His original programmer couldn't continue so he wants me to finish it. Problem is I don't program using VB.NET nor have I any intention of learning it for a project this small. Usually I would run from something...

Automatically restarting Erlang applications

I recently ran into a bug where an entire Erlang application died, yielding a log message that looked like this: =INFO REPORT==== 11-Jun-2010::11:07:25 === application: myapp exited: shutdown type: temporary I have no idea what triggered this shutdown, but the real problem I have is that it didn't restart itself. Instea...

out of memory error , my app's fault?

hello all, i have a aplication on the android market , in wich exceptions and errors are catched and sent to me by acra. But i receive quite a lot out of memory errors.. In different kind of classes...some my app, some general java.. Does this always mean there is a problem in my app, or can it also be the phone ran out of memory due ...

TransFusion: Should I denormalize Loan, Purchase, Inventory and Sale tables into one Transaction table?

Based on the information I have provided below, can you give me your opinion on whether its a good idea to denormalize separate tables into one table which holds different types of transactions?.. What are the pro's/con's?.. Has anyone attempted this before?.. Banking systems use a CIF (Customer Information File) [master] where customers...