
How to Deploy Android Application to Beta Tester Devices

My android app is not in the app store yet. Is it possible to send my app to someone, and they install it on their device. Something like iphone AdHoc? ...

Application develop for symbian

Hi all, I've programming knowledge little bit i wann develop application for symbian for Nokia phone. plz, tell me all steps from which required software download to develop application. waiting for reply .. Thanks & Regards, Nilesh. ...

Distribution Nokia aplication

Hi all, I making application for nokia phone using J2ME.. i want to know types of method for distribution Nokia application .. plz tell me .... Thanks & Regards, Nilesh ...

How to connect C++ code to an application?

Suppose I have some function, say in C++ int f() { // do some stuff } How do I connect it to a button in some application? It does not need to be a web application per se, it can be a normal desktop application (not a big difference, I guess). What all do I need to do to get this function to be called when I press a button in som...

Are business applications which depend on remote desktop are obsolete

We are planing to invest in new software for our factory. Targeting application is standard users application for handling data of goods (bills, finances, accounting management, goods, simple manufacturing with human inputs of data). One of our partner whit the highest chance for getting job, have pretty good application, most of things...

How to use Ant with NetBeans C++ Qt applications

Hi all, I'm using NetBeans C++ to build a simple Qt application. Here is what I did: From 'File' I chose 'New project' In the 'New project' window I selected C/C++ category and C/C++ Qt application Then I clicked Next and on the second frame I renamed my project to 'Test' Clicked 'Finish' and the sample project was created successfull...

How realtime web applications are developed ?

I always wanted to get in to realtime & collaborative web application development. But couldn't find any good resource that would guide my existing knowledge of PHP/MySQL/jQuery/AJAX/XML/JSON to the realtime web applications development. I want some reading resources, that would allow me to practice my existing knowledge in terms of real...

Sys.InvalidOperationException: Could not find UpdatePanel

Hi, Since i migrated my website into a web application, the UpdatePanel's does not work ... Message : Sys.InvalidOperationException: Could not find UpdatePanel with ID 'ctl01_CPHColonneGauche_Moteur1_UpdatePanel1'. If it is being updated dynamically then it must be inside another UpdatePanel. I tried to set the UpdateMode to Conditio...

Get path for user settings from another application

I have the following situation: - Need to check manually for updates (Can not use clickOne i suppose) for several of our applications. So i need a master application which can launch for example 5 applications. This master application can check for updates of his child applications. So what i did is empty the folder with the old applic...

Maximum application size of android & BADA platform

what is maximum size of thick/thin client application(to d/w through OTA) in both Android & Samsung Bada platform ? ...

How many DB reads can we cache in application? is there any limit

How many DB results can we cache in application? is there any limit e.g if we cahce DataSet with 1000 rows data and we cache it through sqlCacheDependency. ...

How to know when my Android app is terminating?

I need to cancel a repeating alarm when my app terminates. The problem is I have several activities and since they can be killed at any time, how can I determine when the last activity is being shutdown so I can call my alarm canceling method? ...

How do I find what code is consumming my SQL Server connection pool?

I have rewritten the below based on the answers. I have a website that causes HIGH CPU issues on the database server to the point where the server becomes unavailable. Recycling the app pool fixes the issue. According to the server administrator

Binding a Service to an vs Binding it to an

Is there any fundamental difference in binding a service to an vs binding it to an I want to bind the service to an Application because I want to keep some global state/data in the Application instead of duplicating it in all my activities. Thanks. ...

How can I get the deviceid of the device on which my aplication has got installed?

Hi all, How can I get the device-id of the iPhone on which my application's got installed immediately after installation? Is PUSH_NOTIFICATION the answer? Thanx in advance. ...

iPhone Tabbar Application -> hide Navigation Bar in "more"-View

Hi, I'm still new to iPhone development. I have an Application with more than five Tab Bar Items. When I click on the "more" Tab I can click on one of the other 4 visible views. But the Navigation Bar of the "more"-view is still there and I want to remove it. I hope it is clear what I mean with it. Thanks for your help! ...

python application development resources (as in books/online guides)

can anyone recommend a resource (book,tutorial,etc.) that focuses on application development in python? something similar to Practical Django Projects, but for stand alone applications instead of web apps (for now). ...

Is there any Installer include ODBC feature?

I want to create an installer for my java desktop application, instead of Advanced Installer is there any other installer include ODBC configuration? ...

Interoperability between System.Windows.Forms.Application and System.Windows.Application

Hello, I have to integrate a WPF UI into a .NET 2.0 application. ObservableCollection needs to be modified in the GUI Dispatcher thread, so I came up with a solution involving InvokeLater() ObservableCollection<Item> items; public delegate void AddItemDelegate(Item i); public void AddItem(Item item) { System.Windows.Application.C...

C# application is freezing on vista/7, not on xp/2003 server

Hi, I wrote a C# application that is running well on my xp development machine. When my client is running it on different PC, it seems to freeze on both vista and 7 machines. I would like to know if there is any issue on running dotnet applications on vista/7. I compiled the application for both framework 2.0 and 3.5 but it didn't help. ...