
Iphone App - Project Structure

Hi all (again!) I was wondering if anyone can give me some advice regarding the structure of my iphone app. As a non programmer i've broken my app down into smaller projects, i.e. a project for each main function of my app (Twitter RSS Feed, 3rd Party API etc etc). The idea being that i don't swamp myself with code whilst i'm trying t...

Trading Platform built on Silverlight?

I've had an idea for some time now to write a trading platform application similar to think or swim in Silverlight. First of all is it something that one person can do in a reasonable time-frame? Ok next question is how would the performance of the Silverlight be running such a memory intensive application? Will it scale? Nearly all t...

Making a video editor application in Flash

I'm wanting to build a project, it's an online video creation software in Flash so people could upload some music, choose videos from a library, edit the whole thing and export and download a movie in the end. I've seen websites like close to what I want to do but I can't find how it's made and I'd like to make it a littl...

iPhone programming : weird error using a MKMapView

I'm working on an iPhone app, and I got this strange log sometimes when manipulating a map: ImageIO_Free: ptr 0xdf0f000 got double released??? (16384 bytes) If I countinue playing around, the app would crash. I googled it, but haven't found anything interesting... So weird ! ...

Add settings from another project to app.config

I have written an application in C# with a settings file (which is used to create an app.config file at compile time). This application uses a C# DLL which also has a settings file. I read the following from this post: If you build a project that references your DLL, you would add the same .settings file to that project and those s...

Why is my example Android application not showing properly?

I created a new project from an example provided in the SDK, using: Eclipse IDE for Java Developers Version: Helios Release Build id: 20100617-1415 The application builds and runs successfully but doesn't show what it should be showing. This is what it is showing: screenshot of improperly shown UI ...

How to programmatically search for a folder in a user's environment in C#?

I would like to be able to search for a folder by name within a user's files in C#. The reason for this is to enable a process which utilizes two applications that are otherwise not communicating with one another. (The process is essentially a file hand off, and the applications cannot communicate as one is a proprietary app). If this is...

wifi and 3g iphone and mac app comunication

I created two apps, one for iphone and one for mac. They communicate back and forth. The iphone is used as a "remote control" to do things on my mac. For now it just changes the color of a text label on the mac app when I press a button on the iphone app. As of now, it can only connect through wifi. It uses bonjour and finds discovered ...

how to open a vb.application from another vb.application with parameters

i have 2 vb applications. this is the code for the first one which when a button is clicked it will check if the other application is already open. If not, it'll open that application - Dim sComputer As String sComputer = Environ("COMPUTERNAME") Dim LocalByName As Process() = Process.GetProcessesByName("ticket.prices", sComputer...

How can I replace C# windows forms executable application icon?

Hello. I already finished my development. But I don't like the windows icon for the executable application. How to replace the default windows icon with my favorite one? Thanks. ...

How to create an .app file in mac os x from binaries?

Hi, I have a project in the form of binaries which can be distributed to other mac pcs. How to create an .app file for that project? Thanks in advance ...

Android, Detect when other apps are launched

Hi I'm trying to develop an app that prevents a user from getting to a specified app without a password. The scenario is... user clicks on "Email" app (for example) my app detects launch of an app my app confirms it is the "Email" app my app opens a view over the top, asking for a password user enters a password, if correct, my app dis...

Archiving Docments

was wondering if there is .net open source Soultion for doing the following : -scanning papers -storing them in db with data -searching , viewing etc. windows /web is accepted thanks in advance ...

Repainting in a Windows Application

i have used two methods in windows application namely for event paint method name is Graph_Paint() and other event is for load Graphs_Load() and i am using scroll bars for that window when i drag the scroll bar it is repainting again and calling the method Graph_Paint() unable to see the correct picture of the graph. the first URL ima...

Can I make the user agree to a legal disclaimer before installing an Android App ?

I'm about ready to market my first Android App (from a US Google Checkout/Merchant account with US bank account etc.), and I would like to have the user at least agree to some kind of simple liability disclaimer before he/she can install the app. To your knowledge, is it possible, and if so, what would be the best way to do this? Your ...

android as view layer of spring mvc

We are trying to convert one of our J2ee web application to android application. The idea is that android device will be kind of view layer of spring mvc. Basically the andoird application will invoke the controller on the server and the controller will respond with JSON to the android application. Kind of RESTfull way of doing it. Quest...

Packaging java web application as exe

Are there any free tools using which I can package my war (java web app) and tomcat as exe ...

Changing the way your mobile displays incoming calls - Where to begin?

Here's a situation: I own a nokia mobile device. Quite often, I receive calls from unknown local/national numbers. Now, I would like to take those calls that are from unknown national numbers coz they could be important and I would not like to take calls from local numbers. I would like to write an application which displays " calling" ...

How to convert python3-pyqt code into .app file for mac os x?

for python2.x py2app will do the work. But for python3 code which one is alternate to go ahead? Or any other way to get single .app file? ...

Restarting iPhone application after [UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL

Hi, As title says I'd like to know how to restart my iPhone app after doing this: [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL UrlWithString:@"tel://0123456789"]] It seems pretty simple as I saw many topics also talking about restoring the very state of the application when openURL is called, but I can't find how to simply restar...