
multiple xibs help

If i want multiple view controllers for aesthetic reasons with 2 views each, what is the best way to call them and dismiss the view for memory performance from the app delegate, say the xibs are called p1 p2 p2 etc ...

Application refuses to start after first time using OpenNETCF.Windows.Forms.Applicaton2.Run()

I have a compact framework application that needs to be start hidden with Windows. So i created a shortcut in the Startup folder. The application starts fine but to my amazement despite i did a this.Hide() on the constructor of the form, it still shows. So i searched and found out that Application.Run() will ALWAYS show the window but ...

Is it possible to query for all users posts created by your Facebook application?

We are wanting to create a Facebook application that people can add to their page, and then when they post content from it on their wall, we want to have the ability for our application to periodically query for posts created by use of this application to pull and display back on our website. I've perused the documentation and don't see...

Best practices for implementing an addin/addon/plugin strategy

My application should be extensible. For my own needs I have implement some services. These services are based on the IoC/DI princple. So the services encapsulate the concept of the application. For exsample, there are an IApplicationService. The ApplicationService exposes information about the current exceuting application. There are s...

Why might ProcessMessages throw a C++ Exception?

While maintaining an old product, I came across an error that results in the screen being filled up with hundreds of message boxes saying 'C++ Exception' and nothing else. I traced the problem to the following line: Application->ProcessMessages(); I understand the purpose of this line, to process all the messages in the message queue...

Which RDBMS and development tool should I choose to re-write my character-based app?

I have a pawnshop CRUD app written 20 years ago with INFORMIX-SQL/SE (DOS) which is currently running on DOS 6.22 within Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 on Windows Vista. I would like to modernize this app with a GUI, SQL-based engine and retain its existing functionality. It doesn't require any networking or multi-user capability. I would pre...

identify heading in an ms word document using C#

I need to identify the headings and normal texts in a ms word document separately and put them in two different columns of an excel sheet. This is a VSTO application using C#. ...

Has anyone eval'd or dev'd database apps with RadVolution Designer?

I've been looking at this database app development tool which is integrated with Visual Studio and would like to hear from you if you have any comments about it, evaluated or developed database apps with this tool. The tools website is: ...

How does getting the application reference from a service work in Android?

Hello all, I have a local Service running together with my application. I also have a class derrived from Application class. When the local service is created it gets and uses the Application instance using getApplication. Can the app itself be terminated while my service is still running and what happens if so? Would getApplication ...

How to play large video files in blackberry application?

I want to design a blackberry application that plays videos. In the latest JDK, it has a media player which I can use to play videos. However, after ~6MB of videos have been added to the application it seems to crash as the COD files can't support that much data. What can I do? Is there a limitation on the size of an application on the...

How to get iTunes playlist or entire library into program in Cocoa?

I'm wondering how to get the iTunes library into a mac application using Cocoa? I want the user to be able to choose a song from the iTunes library and then play that song. How would I do this? ...

Skins not loaded in sub-applications (in Flex)

Hello, we try to develop a flash game engine with several abstraction layers. This flex project contains: an Application (1)-> loading a class (2)-> loading another class (3) which instanciates a Flex component (4). The loadings uses SWFLoader. The last Flex component (4) is just a Group with AdvancedDataGrid. We do not define skins s...

Websphere vs jboss

Hi, I m going to use webservice , jbpm, hibernate and spring so which application server is better to use? Websphere vs jboss? please descrivbe reason..... ...

Programming language for an app that needs to be running forever

I'm upgrading an app that registers the time employees arrive and leave the office. I would like not to install this app into one of our current servers, which are somewhat important, beacuse I would have to leave a session open and i'd like to keep things separated. So all I have is cheap, cheap hardware. Basically a 500MHz, 64MB RAM De...

Error while adding application using Application Loader

When I submit my binary using Application Loader, I get the following error: Error while processing package 341754380.itmsp An exception has occurred: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory I have tried this repeatedly. I get the same error every time. Any ideas on what could be wrong? ...

What is the best language in which to write an expert system?

Is LISP or something like Jess the best choice? I'm interested in writing a program that makes a suggestion based on users' answers. Computational considerations are not really a factor this is pretty much a pattern matching engine. Also I would like to make an app for this and put it up on the web. UPDATE: I would like to put this u...

Accelerating application loading through staged downloads

I'm developing a game that I will distribute using Java Web Start / JNLP. Currently the fully packaged .jar is around 11mb, which is not too bad, but I'd still like to get the application responsive as quickly as possible, i.e. before everything is downloaded - in particular I'd like a splash screen during loading, then allow other reso...

Iphone : Application crash because of old encodeObject after updating

Currently, my Iphone application is not released yet. When I worked with the simulator/device and I modify my application to add more cache into the encodeWithCode: and initWithCoder: . The problem is that when the application is loaded, I tried to use some of the encoded object which is not existing before. For example: In the previous...

how to remove widget when the app is uninstalled in android ?

Hi, In android, I have created a widget for my application. When I uninstall the app, widget shows "problem loading widget" error in home screen. I need a scenario where widget should be removed by the developer through code (and not by the drag and drop to the trash) when i uninstall the app. Is it possible. If so, what changes we need...

me.activecontrol is always returing a splitcontainer name in form(win

Hi all, I am using splitcontainer in my form(Vb.Net).Now I need to set focus when the arrow keys are pressed. When I press the arrow keys, Me.ActiveControl in always returning the splitcontainer name. When I paste those controls out of the splitcontainer everything is working fine. Do I need to change the any property, to make the th...