
How to design a portable modularized GUI applications?

There are a lot of flexible, complete, cross-platform, et cetera, graphical user interface frameworks. Most of them provide many tools to turn software development easier. When building a desktop application in Qt environment, for example, one usually would have different file types, headers, implementation files, and user-interface file...

BlackBerry app for different devices

Is it necessary to write different versions of Blackberry applications for different devices? For example, I have an application "MyApp", and I need it to run on different devices: 9700 - MyApp v1 9550 - MyApp v2 Can I write one MyApp for both devices? ...

Need Some Input on Right Licensing Path

So I am almost finished with my first app. It was constructed in Visual Studio/C#. I am now trying to determine which license to run with. I plan to provide the program free of charge to businesses and consumers, however, I do not want to publish the source code. What is the best licensing format to go with? This application is kind of ...

Where to store 'read-only', 'non-removable' application install date for demo purposes

I have to store a demo install date somewhere on a client PC. The app demo period is calculated on the install date. Obviously it must be impossible for users to edit or delete this value. How can this be done ? We can't use HKLM registry because of Citrix Can't use /Program Files because of Vista Can't use /Documents and settings bec...

ExitInstance not called in MFC app

Until now, I never really needed the Winapp ExitInstance() of a large MFC (Single Document Interface if it matters) app I'm working on. But now I do, mainly to cleanup memory alocations, unload some DLLs, etc. Well I soon learned by the obvious memory leaks and such that ExitInstance was not being called. Have I missed something obvious?...

Application Registration into Database on Server

Hi All I am using (.NET Framework Support) for my hosting and need to be able to allow my users to login to their desktop application using their credentials that will be stored on the server. The users will register through the desktop application itself and the details will be sent to the server, and then I need a way to ...

Watching the files and registry entries accessed by an application while it is running?

I am trying to debug some rather complex dependencies within a closed-source application that I am running inside of a custom app, and am looking for a tool to watch the application while it is running, so that I know which files and registry entries are utilized. Is there such a product available? Commercial or opensource are welcome, a...

How to structure application and dependencies in a web based app ?

Ladies and Gentlemen, This question might have been asked just too many times nevertheless its never bad to get fresh perspective on When developing a web application be it "SAAS" model or just a "Product" model, what are the best practises in structuring the application ? And Why do you think so ? Point to remember : Scalability is a...

iPhone icon size

Hi I am developing an application for iPhone to support multiple devices, iPhone 2-4. I had an issue with the app icon as it was shown pixelated in the iPhone 4 simulator so I have used a new image with higher resolution (300 x 300) to be precise. On the simulator its showing fine for both iPhone 4 and the iPhone device simulators. Howe...

Android - Service with Application lifecycle

I am trying to create a Servicefor my application which will negotiate Bluetooth connections and data. I want this service's lifecycle to start and end with the Application, but still be able to have specific Activities listen for events that occur within this service (in addition an Activty should be able to call specific methods of the...

Application path location in MS windows

Where should I store the application installation folder for application to reffer ? ...

mail like application

Hi friends, I am working on mail like app. I want to have view message that has html format(contains text and data) In my db it has in html format. how can i load it in iphone sdk . when i click reply the html message has to converted to text format is it possible? Regards, sathish ...

AVAudioPlayer with MPMusicPlayerController

I have music playing within my application using a MPMusicPlayerController, using iPodMusicPlayer (also tried applicationMusicPlayer). When I play a sound using AVAudioPlayer my music from my MPMusicPlayerController will stop. Is there a way to have the MPMusicPlayerController and the AVAudioPlayer play sounds simultaneously? ...

How to reload Bada application without restarting the emulator?

Is it possible, and if yes then please tell me how I can do it. ...

best way to create reply to content in mail

Hi friends, I am doing mail like app. I want to do reply to message. I find MFMailComposeViewController is not suiting for own mail app. can anyone suggest a best way for doing this. because i have to html content in body of the mail. Regards, sathish ...

Debug applicationWillTerminate method call iphone sdk

Hi all, In my application, I'm trying to cache data for which I'm saving all the objects in sqlite database in applicationWillTerminate call. This method is getting called whenever I'm pressing home button on simulator, but I want to debug the code inside the method, is it possible? Or else I'll debug the code somewhere else and use it...

Observe other application quit or sudden termination in cocoa app

I need to create wrapper around application, so I created little cocoa app that opens application with [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] launchApplication:…], can I register some event when that application quits or terminates (I certainly need to get event if app is finished good or bad way). I know that I can ask if such application is ru...

A way to display an excel 2010 document in an web application

Hi, I am wanting to display an excel 2010 document in an web application. This document uses the new slicer functionality which I want to be available to the user. I know that excel 2010 docs can be used within sharepoint by inserting a web part which uses exceservices. But can it be achieved without sharepoint? Or can it be a...

Application of 3rd party API to my iPhone App, specifically SOAP

Hi all, Firstly i'm not a programmer but I am managing to work my way through developing my own iphone app for my photography business. I store all of my photographs with a 3rd party who make their API available for public use. I want to implement this API into my app. I've spoken with the 3rd party and they have written all of the c...

Display data's in grid

Hi am developing a Billing project(for one company) using C# windows application forms, In that am using DATAGRIDVIEW to display all the data's, But am trying to bind the values product wise that is given by user in the producttextbox with auto completion(that is if am giving A means it will display in the DATAGRID all the products that ...