
Save state

Hello everyone! I've encountered a problem wile using my own subclass of I have numerous activities in my application and I'm running a custom ROM which consumes quite a lot of memory. What happens is when I launch a third party activity (Camera) my Application is killed. My Application subclass stores vital dat...

what is the difference between java desktop application and javafx???

Can someone tell me the difference/advantages/disadvantage between java desktop application and javafx?? ...

forbid exit from iphone/ipad application

is it possible and how to implement forbiden exit from application on iphone/ipad? we have an application that must permanently work on ipad device. user should not have any way to exit from application. could you advise how to implement this functionality? ...

problems with VBA code application or object error

I have coded some code in VBA my code breaks at this line raising Application defined or object defined error. .Formula = "=IF(AND(chr(34) & ' & chr(34) & Criterion " & i & "'!" & cellAdress & ">=1;chr(34) & ' & chr(34) & Criterion " & i & "'!" & cellAdress & "<=4);chr(34) & ' & chr(34) & Criterion " & i & "'!" & cellAdress & ";0)" ...

JSF modular web application

Hello, talking about a modular web application like a Content Management System, where you can upload and install separated modules, I would like to know what is the best way to develop separeted modules (like News, rss Reader, Forum, etc...) using JSF, that could be put in packages and uploaded into the modular web application. Thank ...

Codeigniter - Application development advice

I am building an application for a client which is a step by step tool that allows the user to enter data for different "sections" that is later output into a html document they can download Im aiming for this application to be very flexible so that any changes from the client dont require a lot of rebuilding. I am using the Codeignite...

How can a program know whether it's ClickOnce or not?

I want to release a program for two versions, general and clickonce. In general one, it include updating code for updating program, but clickonce one is not. But, they are in the same solution/project code. That is to say, I want to know how to know if a program or application can tell if it is clickonce or not itself by code. ...

Apple rejected app because of animationDidStop:finished:context: is a non-public api

Hi all, Apple's rejected my app because it says: "3.3.1 Applications may only use Documented APIs in the manner prescribed by Apple and must not use or call any private APIs. Applications must be originally written in Objective-C, C, C++, or JavaScript as executed by the iPhone OS WebKit engine, and only code written in C, C++, and Ob...

A good approach to write a cms application/software

Hi Experts! I want to know some tips of good approach to write a cms application/software. Its not related to coding etc but please give tips for seo, designing architect, what could be the database model etc? ...

Can you store the entire jQuery library within the application cache in HTML5?

Thats pretty much it. Looking for best practice with mobile jQuery caching. Thanks for the help in advance. ...

How to create core data for developing Alarm iphone application or any other solution instead of core data for data storing concept

Hi All, I am confusing about developing alarm iphone application of how to manage database for alarm list are displaying in UITableView control. It means that how to perform contineosly calling methods which contineosly fetching data from array or database for alarm ringing on the basis of time matching. Can any one solve this ...

android programming tutorial for an alarm needed

Hi. I am starting an app for android. I was wondering if anyone had any tutorials to get me going. something similar to an alarm that goes off on 2 different occasions on specific dates, these dates and times should be obtained from a csv file or something similar so that i can control when and at what time the alarm goes off. any help ...

NSWindow blocking the application like an Alert Panel

Hi everyone, is it possible to get an NSWindow to block everything in my application just like an Alert panel so that it is the key window until closed? ...

IMAPSize makes sketchy inaccessible files -- how can I access them?

I'm using this program IMAPSize to backup an IMAP inbox. It makes the backup in C:\Program Files\IMAPSize\backup, but somehow the "backup" folder is only visible to the program, and not to Windows Explorer or even Command Prompt! "Show hidden files" is on. I've already tried running as Administrator. When I go to the "select backup f...

Getting Rid of DBO? SQL 2008

Just wondered if there was a secret to do something like Database.Security.Users like AdventureWorks DB is setup. Seems no matter what I do to try to setup "Security.Users", I always get the dbo in front of it and have a hell of a time in C# accessing the info. Am I doing something wrong? ...

Dispose of a .NET application before Application.Run is complete

I have a project that shows a UI when no proper command line arguments are passed. It's is a simple utility built to dynamically update a desktop wallpaper. When it's done with its update I call this.Dispose(); but this causes an issue if command line arguments are passed. The form actually ends up getting the Dispose method call bef...

Finding programming challenge for a (probably) Qt project with tight time frame (interview level)

Dear stackoverflow: What would you suggest would be a good challenge for a programmer to show us her/his skills? I'm thinking of a small demo implementation of a GUI program which would not take too much time to do. Here are the circumstances: (this should not imply the intention to find programmers here, I think there'd be other forums...

Like a facebook post on my application

I have one application where admin posts on the wall of one facebook app and same appears in my application (in PHP). We show like button for each of these posts and when any logged in user likes any of them it throws error "exception 'FacebookRestClientException' with message 'User not visible'". However, if user is a fan of app or he i...

Can't Execute Stored Procedure::procedureName A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded.

I am getting the following error Can't Execute Stored Procedure::procedureName A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded. when i am executing a stored procedure,which contains only select statements. How can i solve it? Thanks ShaBeg ...

Best Ways to Store iPad/iPhone Application Data

I'm developing an iPad application and I'm not sure what's the best way to store application data. So far I've been using a .plist that stores hundreds of strings for a puzzle game and that works great, but if my app is to be any good, it's going to have to store tens of thousands of strings (representing pre-made puzzles). I've read t...