
Performing App Delegate method on main thread from secondary thread

I have a Iphone app with 2 threads. One is listening to the server, and the other is doing UIKit, OpenGl stuff. I need to run a method that updates a view from the secondary thread thats listening to a server on the main thread that handles the views so I used performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector"createGuessingView" withObject:nil wai...

How to add/change features of the existing application?

Is it possible to add or change the existing applications? For example, I would like to add a new floating window following the current people when I open the contact manager. I just want to change it a little bit. And I don't want to rewrite all the features of contact manager. Is it possible to do this? As I understanding, the view...

COM Server hang- detection and resolution

I have an application that sends requests to an out of proc COM server whom handles the requests and sends them back to the requesting application. The client application is really in control of the start-stop of this Out-of-Proc COM server and determines its lifetime so to say. Because this application has many hundreds of requests ...

Programatically accessing a PKI sharepoint portal.

I am having trouble doing something simple like the following using (SPSite site = new SPSite(topLevelSite)) { SPWeb rootWeb = site.OpenWeb(); SPWeb newWeb = rootWeb.Webs.Add(siteName, "abc", "abc",1033,template,false,false); } But the catch I am trying to add a site to a PKI enabled sharepoint site: This code works fine when i...

Is Websphere written in Java? Does it run so fast in JVM?

As I know many JEE application servers are written in Java. (JBoss, Tomcat...) Is Websphere also written in Java? I found that Websphere's performance is dramatic high, I guess that Websphere is written in C++. I couldn't imagine that the 'heavy' server is able to run so fast in JVM. Is it true? ...

Which language should I learn next? I want to expand my knowledgebase to become a better programmer

At the moment I know of Python, C and Java. I'd say my knowledge of Python is intermediate, I have written a web-bot that functions reasonably well (my old 'large' program to date) and I've been using the language for about 2 months. I have solved the first 20 or so project euler problems using Python aswell. The only thing I'm not comfo...

Requirements for running a Winforms app

Hi everyone, I'm an ASP.NET developer that has never done Winforms/WPF, but I need to create a calculator application that needs to run on ANY Windows platform since Winows XP. The app will go out to a number of people and we have no idea what version of Windows they're running. So my question is, what technology should I use to ensur...

Run WPF Application from a Windows Form

I have a problem with a solution that I'm trying to develope. This is my scenario: I have a VB6 application and I would call from this application some WPF windows. I've used the Interop Form Library to define a WinForm like a bridge from VB6 to WPF. The Interop WinForm exposes the methods to start and shutdown the wpf application. To d...

DataAnnotations or Application Validation block

Whats the difference between DataAnnotations and Application Validation Block? ...

Hardware device controller application design suggestions

hallo, I 'm designing an application that connect a 3rd party hardware controller server to listen status messages and also send commands to 3rd party system.. In this statue what's the best approach?? i thought; developing a windows service that will register a remoting channel which other applications connect to send commands and l...

Link to App Store

What's the link to my app on App Store? I want to input only the App ID. [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"???"]]; ...

application cache with page cache in php?

Hi, Do we get any undesired results when we use application cache in combination with page cache in php? Thanks & Regards, Satya ...

Signing and publishing Android Application

Hi All, I've got a problem to publish my Android Application. here's what i've done, so I have my application run on development environment (eclipse - testing using device), then i do right click on my project folder - android tools - export signed application package, then i create new key store and add my information there, then i...

How to make a call from my application, without quitting my application in iPhone?

Hello, I Know how to make a call directly from my application programmatically in iPhone, but before invoking the call , my application is terminating, which is not expected to, my application has to resume back, once the call is quit. How to do this for iPhone programmatically? Thank You. ...

Application Development: Should I check for a primary-key on a table or assume it should be there?

When building an application and you are using a table that has a primary key, should you check to see if the table has a primary key or does not have duplicate IDs? I ran into some code I'm maintaining that is checking to ensure no duplicate ids are in the result set. But the id that is being checked is a primary key. So to me this c...

detailViewController Control Child From Parent

I am using navigation based approach. In RootViewController, I got a detailViewController. I want to control detailViewController from RootViewController. I tried Something like that. in RootViewController.h @interface RootViewController : UITableViewController{ PlayerListView *detailViewController; } in RootViewController.m - (v...

vb6 portable compile

hello, I have heard about portable applications, i like to make some of my utility application portable. Does any one know if it it possible to make an app developed in vb6 portable. I plan on replacing most controls with usercontrols, thereby no need for most MS activex controls except the runtime files. any ideas? [EDIT] When i me...

How can I use a USB key to secure my application?

Is using a USB key to secure an application the best option? If it isn't, what is the best way to secure an application in the form of requiring a valid user before the application can be used? The reason I ask this question is that a client recently asked me to make an application require a specific USB device be inserted into the sys...

Importing WAR file in Eclipse. Name's cannot be empty.

I need to create an web app and was following this tutorial at IBM: However, whenever I try to import the LowFareAir.war file in Eclipse I keep getting the message "Name's cannot be empty" and it doesn't let me continue. I'm a complete beginner to this, am I doing...

can facebook app. login on many account like this?

Hi! I would like to know. When i have a table in database such as... id uid 1 1111111 1 1444444 1 2333333 2 1222222 3 1333333 where "id" is my user account and uid is facebook account. From table we know that one user can contain many facebook account like id=1; The problem is when user (id=1) logged in on my w...