
My Facebook invite page is not working

When im logged in and i click on invite friends on facebook from my website, it shows a page to enter password, if i do , it takes me to my facebook home page. If am not logged in, it shows a blank page. Please what couldd be the possible problem(s) My facebook invite page: $api_key = 'xxx'; $secret = 'xxx'; $app_name = "Skoola-In...

iphone application update

hi, i would like to check: if a user downloaded my app, than i make some update to app, data etc., itunes will auto remind the user of the update through app store, and the user can update for free? or do i have to set such reminder in my application? else, is there a way for me to send this notification? thks Rgds ...

How do I provide the "Find Window's Process" feature in Process Explorer (sysinternals)

I'm developing an application for debugging purposes. I want the user to be able to select the process to be debugged using the mouse. Process Explorer does a great job of this with the "Find Window's Process" feature. What I can't figure out is how it does this? Does anyone know the Window's API that provides this functionality? Thanks...

What kind of role does static class play in web application?

Hi all, if I have the following class, will I run into a problem if 100 people are requesting the page at the same time? If there is only one copy of UpdateUser, will all the requests have to queue up and wait for their turns? Thank you. public static UserManager { public static void UpdateUser(int UserID) { // this...

How to edit remote files on an Apache server with Android application.

I need my app to be able to go to a specified URL and access a file, then insert text at a specific line of said file. Is this at all possible? I greatly appreciate your help and responses, Thanks. ...

chat application

how to build a chat application using php and ajax? ...

gpl licence concern

when you use and edit something under GPL licence ? say a program or website design template , how should I write the copy rights now of the new product ? p.s "licence are PITA I never get the sooo many terms and regulations!, i just need simple human answer please." ...

Is is possible at build time to merge Android applications?

This question is related to this one. I have two Android projects inside Eclipse. One activity of one project calls an activity of the other project. This results in two independent applications being deployed on Android phone. Is there any way to merge at build time (inside or outside Eclipse) both applications in only one so only an A...

Common practice programming applications aside from IO and "Hello World"

I'm beginning to transition from web development into programming and when I learn a new web development language, a common application for me to construct would be a blog or CMS. What are some common applications to try out given any programming language?—aside from IO and "Hello World". ...

Creating a SMS Application in Android?

Im creating a SMS Application to send and receive sms.I can send SMS using SmsManager sms = SmsManager.getDefault(); sms.sendTextMessage(phoneNumber, null,message , pi, null); I want to receive SMS and put in my own inbox(how to create this inbox?) and it has to work same like the normal inbox. Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras(); ...

update list in application when service works

So i have a service that creates letters and puts them in a database (sql-server). I also have an application (c#,wpf) where there's a list with letters(from the database) How can i trigger an event in the application if a new letter is made? (so that the list should be updated) Anyone who knows how to do this? Thanks ...

How to "warm up" (fill caches etc.) a WCF service hosted in IIS after recycling the ApplicationPool?

Hi, we are hosting a WCF service inside IIS 6. A ServiceHostFactory creates the ServiceHost when the first request to a service appears. In the OnOpening() Method of the ServiceHost, we load some data into a cache implemented as a static property. Since loading the data takes about 1 minute we do not want the "first user of the day" t...

Creating application in IIS7 Manager fails

We have an application which is set up on IIS7 on Server 2008 R2 x64, using ASP.NET 3.5 SP1. The default site is currently being loaded off of a UNC on another server, and is working fine. I now need to add another application underneath that application which points to a different folder on the same UNC share. I right-click on the w...

Application Loader CFBundleResourceSpecification and Application failed codesign verification errors

While using Application Loader to submit my application, I receive 2 errors: 1) Info.plist does not containt a CFBundleResourceSpecification 2) Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate. For the latter, I am a registered paying developer that has creat...

WebApplication Architecture - Advice on keeping HTTPContext in the Presentation layer

The majority of the Application Architecture advice seems to advise strongly that only Presentation Layer should have access to HTTPContext (to promote loose coupling, decrease dependencies, increase testability etc). So, how do people deal with Caching and Session? Very specific DataAccess and Business Logic knowledge is required to de...

Django "change" model from another application

Hello, I'm going to create some application with Django admin interface, with plugins in mind. For example I have some user class in billing application: class User(models.Model): ContractNum = models.PositiveIntegerField(unique=True, blank=True, null=True ) LastName = models.CharField(max_length=50,) and I have cmdb applica...

Application dedicated Android Device is it possible?

I have been tasked with sourcing an off the shelf touch pad device that can be used as a dedicated industrial instrument controller. Is it possible to run a dedicated application and prevent user access to all other functions/applications within Android. Also is it possible write your own USB device driver which would allow you to conne...

How to check correct Application Prerequisites?

In Visual Studio 2010 prerequisites window these are checked -Microsoft .net framework 4 (x86 and x64) -Microsoft .net framework 4 client profile (x86 and x64) -SQL server 2008 express -SQL server compact 3.5 sp2 -Windows Installer 3.1 -Windows installer 4.5 They seem repetitive (installer 3.1, compact server, client profile). How do i ...

Why can't I add more than one object to table view controller through and IBAction?

I am trying to implement a favorites window for a quotes application. right now I have a button implemented with the following code: - (IBAction)next2 { [favoritesViewController.listData addObject:viewController.label.text]; [navigationController pushViewController:favoritesViewController animated:YES]; } here favoritesViewController...

Is it allowed to publish for free a beta version of a programm using trial components ?

Hello, can I offer on my website my programm (beta version) for free to test it and searching for bugs when the programm contains control components running in trial mode? I only want to buy the licence when I do the release of the final programm. ...