
Rapid prototyping and development of business applications.

Thirty years ago, when I began to design and develop CRUD business applications, I envisioned that as time moved on, designing, prototyping and customizing business applications would become easier and more streamlined. In 1983, I discovered a simple, easy-to-use RDBMS called INFORMIX which enabled me to quickly define schemas, generate ...

How to create Custom Spalsh screen while Silverlight downloader download Application Library Cache files ?

Hello, I have created a sample application suing Application cache, My some files are located on server. its working fine. But Now I have added appx 10 MB ZIP file and now want to downlaod, Silverlight downloader show 100% in xap download and then no progress show just circle appears. I have tried the

Convert PDF book to IPhone App

Hai, Can any one suggest me the best way to convert PDF to IPhone App? Thanks Basanth ...

Can I create custom global methods in my Android application class?

Hi all. I currently have an app that has many activities and needs to have a way of maintaining state between these activities. I use the Application class to do this, declaring my global variables and using getters and setters to interact with my activities. I was hoping to place a few custom methods in there, so that when I want t...

Problem running heavy application

I developed an "heavy" application (700 Mb !). With an "apk installer" application, i can install it on the Nexus One SD card (Froyo "installLocation" option). My application is heavy because of the videos it contains (located in /raw directory). The problem I have, is that it crashes when launched, with this error : 08-18 11:22:16.179:...

launch an app from a link in an sms

hey all, i have a very strange requirement... i need to launch my app from let's say, a hyperlink that is received in an sms. can this be done somehow? i mean, the person who receives the sms simply taps on the link provided in the "special sms", and that launches the application something like a special link which invokes the app in the...

Uploading test iPhone/iPod application from iTunes ?

Hi, is there a way to upload application to registered development device from Windows PC with iTunes ? My boss want to see current beta version on one development iPod touch, but he uses Windows 7 and iTunes ... no OS X, no XCode. Is it possible ? 10x! ...

Build android branch missing imports

I'm working on nifty enhancements to an Android app and I've cloned its source from How does one deal with imports not found, for example: import android.content.entity* import android.os.ServiceManager import* import* etc. This is with a checkout of tag Androi...

How can an app hook into text selection system-wide?

I'd like to be able to track text selections across any application -- is there a hook to enable this behavior on Win32? Bonus: Anyone gurus know the equivalent hooks for OS X & Linux? ...

How do you build one piece of the Android platform?

I want to enhance Android app and I've cloned its source from During compile I find dependencies on platform components external to the tree, for example* It turns out that most of these are resolved in platform/frameworks/base.git. Which raises several questions: is grabbing a pi...

Show Excel 2007 Ribbon in XLS file using Excel VBA

Hi, I have a excel dashboard which works such that before the excel file is closed, I would like to display all the EXCEL ribbon, so that next time excel is opened, the application / excel will show the ribbon. At present, it does not show the ribbon if excel is opened. Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(cancel As Boolean) On Err...

MySQL 64 bits? Stand alone?

To extent my understanding on MySQL. 1) Is going for 64bit help? Do I go with installation or stand alone? 2) If I am going to use 64-bit in MySQL Community Service, will it affect the MySQL Workbench which only available in 32-bit? If yes, in what sense? 3) Does the size of the file affect the speed of MySQL when doing calculation, a...

storing images in iphone application

hi. im making an application that store multipe information like name description images for each entity. ( large number of entity). I have an issue in storing images in for this application. whats the best way to store them. database or document directory. and also im affraid that the images will increase the size of my application. wai...

App doesn't work when build for Adhoc

Hi, I'm facing very strange problem - my app is working nice on a device when build with Debug configuration, but when it's build for AdHoc distribution, it does nothing when started. It simply shows blank screen, no log messages on console, no errors nothing, so I don't have a clue of what's going on, what makes me desperate. I examin...

Does Application.Restart() creates new process for application or no?

Hi, As I know Application.Restart() restarts an application and creates new Instance of an Application. Does this instance will creates in new process, or old process will be used? Thanks for an answer. ...

Create a .csv file in C#

Alright I want to create a .csv file in C#. I have been looking around and noticed a lot of people are using the system.IO.memorystream and The problem is this: I have a web application. I want to give the user the ability to export to excel. Problem is, Excel cannot be installed on the server (don't ask). I want...

iPhone: What is the correct way to leave an Application?

Hallo Everyone, with the iOS 4, the iPhone is supporting Multitasking, what is very nice, but something I do not wish to support in my Application. I mean, when the user press the Home-button, I want my application to finish and not to enter in Background. With the iOS 4, when the User press the Home-button, the App calls the applicatio...

sending email from android application?

Is it possible to set up a form in an application and have the person filling out the form send the information to you? If so could I get some examples? ...

Drag And Drop from Java Swing Application to Windows Explorer

Hi, I have question about Drag And Drop in Java. I was able to to implement drag and drop files from Windows Explorer to Swing application. Now I need to oposite direction. I have JTable which contains Column with object type File. I just need to detect which file (files) are dragged and where in Windows Explorer. Thanks in advance. ...

Ipad Application without nib starts and then immediately closes

Im writing an ipad application. So far what I have is a Delegate and Root view controller which initializes the menu screen that starts the game. I am not using a nib, so in my main class, i start the application with UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, @"PictionaryAppDelegate"); In my delegate, I have a applicationDidFinishLaunching...