
Choosing a CMS for a web application

Hi guys, I'm about to start development on the front end of a web application that I'm creating. However, I'm trying to find a suitable CMS for my needs (or developing a custom one if necessary). Basically, I need a CMS that will allow: Allow user registration (preferably the CMS already has a preexisting plugin or module with subsc...

"Invalid Application. Delete?" only when compiled with a nokia sdk

I'm Developing a peace of software for my Uni and am currently attempting to implement NFC functionality witch requires me to move from my standard sun wireless tool-kit platform (implemented through net-beans) to a Nokia platform (also implemented through net-beans). The problem is, whenever I compile the code with the Nokia platform i...

Mobile Development Tools

I'm researching various tools available for developing and deploying an app to mobile devices. The existing app is available in two versions: as a traditional desktop application and as a browser-based "Lite" version. We're building out the features of the "Lite" version to make it a full implementation of the flagship software, but th...

Android, launch an app from remote server

Hi, I want to launch an android application from a remote server, i can see that in J2ME there is a class called PushRegistry, this class resolve this problem in ME but in android I cant do it. Thanks in advance ...

Programatically triggering tab key functionality in a VB.Net windows application

How can I programatically trigger the tab key functionality in a VB.Net windows application? Currently in my application I am using one splitter when I press the tab key, and the focus is moving in the right order. However I need to use arrow keys to move the focus to next controls, in the same way that the focus is going when the user...

C# Web Application Question

Hi All First question on Stack overflow... I am a novice in C#, yet finding it quite straight forward in learning it. I saw this tutorial just a few minutes ago. Reading through the various c# technologies WCF, WPF, Silver light, c# with, that is quite a lot of technologies to take it in with c#. I will be creating a web ap...

How to create a Menubar application for Mac

I was wondering how to make a menubar application, what are the requirements for that to do so? I saw a simple application for the menubar was to open links using your Internet Explorer, I want to create something similar to that. This is the application I like to make similar. ...

iphone multilanguage support

Hi everyone, I'm developing an Iphone app that has to support different languages. I saw that the language has to be set within my app and not within iphone settings. So, do I have to force the language instead to take the current one? I didn't find examples over the internet. All examples need the current language of the application. I...

How to rename your app in itunesconnect?

Is there any way to rename you app in itunes connect? ...

Checking changes made before/after installing application?

On Linux, I need to know which files were added/modified/moved/deleted after compiling and installing an application from source code, ie. the command-line, Linux equivalent to the venerale InCtrl5. Is there a utility that does this, or a set of commands that I could run and would show me the changes? Thank you. Edit: The following...

synchronize/share one application on several android phones

Here is my issue : I have 2 phones and I don't want to pay twice for an application on the market. Is there a way to share an application I have downloaded and payed for, once, onto the other phone? ...

Hide password on desktop application code

Hi, I have a desktop application developed in C#.NET, with an encrypted database. The encryption password is hard coded in the application code. How can I hide this password, since the code can be accessed through a .net disassembler? Maybe obfuscate the code could be a solution, but how do I create a setup for the application with t...

How can I save a simple counter in an iphone application such that I can increment is and the change will be saved between application launches?

All I want is an integer which everytime my app opens is incremented by one. Is there an easy way to do this? Please help. Thanks, in advance. ...

Adding application level authentication using ActiveDirectory

I am not sure if this is the right place to ask this question or no but i could not find any other website. I want to give access of different applications using ActiveDirectory. Before you answer this question, let me explain you few things I know only the very basics of AD When i said application security, I meant that those applic...

Force C# application to use a single core in a PC with a multicore processor

Hi guys this question might seem weird, but I'm using the Haptek People Putty player for my C# application and I've seen people say in the forums that it doesn't work well with a multicore processor. My application runs well on my Core 2 Duo laptop but it lags a lot when I try running it on a Quad Core desktop. I was thinking of investig...

Access "Application" object in ASP.Net MVC to store application wide variables

Hi, How do I store a variable or object application wide in MVC. In regular ASP, you had the Application object, and in too apparently. I'm using MVC 2. Thanks! Yvan ...

Facebook app friends users posts don't appear on my news feed

Hello, I built a Facebook app which allows users to post some news to their news feed from my website. I use Facebook Connect and the Facebook JS library. When a friend of mine (Facebook friend) posts something to his news feed from my website using my Facebook app, I don't see it in my news feed. His other friends see it. Is it becaus...

What is the difference between building an iphone app in Xcode and reopening it on the iphone? Wh

My application brings up a different view each time it is built in Xcode. This is exactly what I want it to do. However, if I simply press the back to menu button in the simulator and then reopen it the view does not change. I am changing the view by overwriting the viewDidLoad function in a Custom View Controller. Why is it that ViewDid... file from Android library project not importing into application project

I followed the instructions here on how to create an Android library project, and use it in an Android application: but it is not working. I can see the library project is added to my application but I cannot reference anything in it because it won't build. The file ...

Is there a good git client for Mac OS X that has all the bells and whistles of Conerstone or Versions for Subversion?

I am wiling to pay good money for it if it has all the most common features and polished look. Also, I've seen gitx and I am asking if there are any other GUI clients besides gitx. ...