
iPhone Development: Simple View Based Application

I've been asked by a client to develop an application that will allow the user to navigate between a series of views. It's best described as a book, with an interactive contents menu. I know the VERY basics of Objective-C but I have no idea how the views work together, how could I jump from one view to another at the click of a button? ...

IIS6: set up different websites under http://mydomain/ and http://mydomain/website2

I have a default website set up at the root in IIS6 so that when I go to, I hit that site. I would like to set up a different site under Is this feasible at all? And if so, how? I tried different combinations but could not get that to work. Also, I would like to have a different appli...

I am releasing a PHP application for a friend to use, should I copyright it?

I made a somewhat large PHP application to handle automated queries for any site (plugged into their existing site structure), it was more of a "challenge" with a reward in the end open to anyone. I put quite a few days into it, I don't want to be mean but I see all the time things like this copyrighted by people. What would be any bene...

Android: Application context, force root intent to show upon launch

Hi, I am writing an Android app in which I've extended the Application class in order to hold some global variables. I initialize these global vars in my root Activity (the first screen that the user sees). My application contains a number of Activities containing ListViews full of selectable items. When the user selects an item, a new...

Updating iPhone app from OS3 to OS4...

I want to update my app to make use of the multitasking functionality and local notifications available in OS4. My question is, if I update my app and make it only available for OS4 and above does this mean that if someone is running OS3 on their phone they won't get the update? or they will get a warning that they need to update their O...

access Application class from class other then Activity

Hi guys, I'm new to Java and android development. In my application I need data which is accessible for a few activities. I've read that a good solution is to use Application class for this. So I use it like this: public class MyApplication extends Application { private String str; public String getStr(){ return str; } pub...

Android: How do I customize phone apps menus?

I want to add a new menu or context menu item to existing applications like the Phone and Contacts. For example, in the contact list, select a contact then you see "Send picture to this person" in the menu. Or from the phone app, while talking to someone, you see a button that says "Mark this call for follow-up" or anything like this. ...

How can I add to the contents of UITableView via a button?

I have a UITableView subclass which initially holds nothing, however by pressing a button I want to be able to add a string to the data and have it show up in the view. How can I do this? I have been trying to simply modify listdata, but this only seems to work once as after that the Table view does not reload, even though I can see more...

how to notify java desktop clients about changes from server?

Hi, I would like to develop a desktop application with Java (I've got very basic knowledge of Java). It'll run on the client's computer and will pull information from the server hosted in the internet. I can set a schedule task to connect to the server every 2minutes and check for any update/changes but I don't think it's a very good id...

What Java APIs should I look into for interacting with my microphone?

I would like to build a recording software, for my own purposes, I would like it to be deployable on multiple systems (Windows and Unix) I am also building an application first time. So any help you would be able to provide on that topic as well it would be appreciated. Please and thank you. GC ...

How to get time it takes for an application to startup?

I am writing a C# application that needs to be able to tell how much time it takes for a certain application to open. I am using the Stopwatch class as my timer. Start time is easy since I set it exactly with the call to run the .exe. The problem is finding out how to time when the program is done opening. The only thing I could thin...

How to be downward compatible to a customers old local database when the application is brandnew?

Hello, I want that my users can read my sqlite database still in 10 years, because there could be data in it they want to browse. Well the database file is 10 years old. In the meantime I have upgraded my database structure (additional fields is best example) and my latest version of the application makes use of that new fields. Now t...

Execute external application and send some key events to it...

Hi! I wasn't able to find a solution for Python. I am abelt o launch the application (using subprocess.Popen or, but I can't find a way to do the other part: I want to send a serie of keys (kind of macro) to the application I just opened. Like: Tab Tab Enter Tab Tab Delete ... Is there a way to do this that is Mac a...

Initializing an Android application

Hi, I am currently facing the following problem: whenever my Android application is started, it needs to execute some time consuming initialization code. Without this code all my activities/services within the application won't work correctly. So far, I have put this initialization code into a SplashScreen activity, which I declared as...

WPF - create a realworld app, focus on the main objective - not get sidetracked

Hi, I know the title is really unclear, so give me a moment :) I'm a pro-coder doing cool stuff at work (console games), but I've got an idea for an app (for a couple of years now ;)) that I'd like to create at home. With 15 years of experience, I don't want to fall in to the trap of wanting to do everything myself - I'd like to borrow...

New App Data Decision

A group has been using a VB app for a while and it uses an access db as its data storage. I've been tasked with completely redoing this in java. The application will be self-contained with the data local (with internet updates), but not a central connection to a db. So installation and local setup is a consideration. The access db is...

Use multiple WebBrowser tabs for 1 flex Application.

Hello everyone, I'm developing a flex application to view charts and statistic data about real-time stock price. The requirement is that 1 user can view multiple windows (or panel, or canvas) of multiple stock symbols at the same time. I want to have 1 button, when I click at that button, a new panel will be pop up in a new WebBrowser...

WPF Application framework is binding to the model ?

Hello; today I examinted WAP from codeplex a bit and saw this: BookListView.xaml: <ListView ItemsSource="{Binding Books}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedBook}" SelectionChanged="ListViewSelectionChanged"> <ListView.View> <GridView> <GridViewColumn DisplayMemberBinding=...

Bada - Integrating Maps API to my application

I'm trying to integrate Maps to my Bada application. I've tried deCarta but unfortunately it comes with an ad. There is an ad on each form that displays a map and it's not pleasant. So, can you please recommend me another maps API that will work well with the Bada platform. Does Google Maps API or Yahoo's service go along well with Bad...

Create an app from a bash script that accepts arguments?

Hi As it says ... in OSX can i create an application based off a bash script - that accepts arguments ? So for example i can run in terminal : open /path/to/ myArgument1 This app will run with the argument passed to it? I know i can rename to .command - but i need it to be an app . ...