
customized iphone camera application

I need to add self timer in iphone customized camera application. any code or support would help ...

Monitoring my web application performance from the client browser

Hi, I want to be able to monitor the performance(load time of the entire page, load times of individually downloaded js/cs files , amount of memory used by the browser for the page,etc) of my web application from the perspective of the user(i.e the browser client). Is there any tool/plugin , that can help me monitor all of these? ...

Starting an application in OS X with low priority

Hello. I would like to setup my Eve Online application to start with lowest priority every time I open it. Is it possible, and how? I am using Mac OS X 10.6.2... Thanks for any help! ...

How to close on pressing X on PocketPC

On PocketPC, when you tap the (X) to "close" the application, it stays open in the background. The only way to close it (without third-party programs) is to go to the settings->memory and close the program. Or you can run other programs so when the PPC gets to no memory it will close the earlier programs. I am developing an application ...

Developping a facebook application: PHP commands don't work

Hello, I am trying to create my first FB application and it doesn't seem to work. I am new to PHP but I have followed the instructions to the letter. I have installed the facebook client library on my server. Then I copied the example code provided by Facebook and all I get is a blank page. However, if I only include simple PHP commands ...

How can I resolve image paths in views that are part of a module based on the Composite Application Guidance using Silverlight

I have a Silverlight application with several modules, which each resides in its own project. Unfortunately, all the paths used in images aren't resolved anymore (no pictures are shown in my Silverlight application). Anyone a clue how to set image paths using the Composite Application Guidance in Silverlight for views residing in module...

Getting values from Multiple Text Entry using Pygtk and Python

On a click of a button named "Add Textbox" it calls a function which creates a single textbox using (gtk.Entry) function. So each time i click that button it creates a textbox. I have a submit button which should fetches all the values of the text boxes(say 10 textboxes) generated with the name of "entry". It works for one textbox but no...

Calling generic method in application context

Hi, I'm trying to invoke this method in, but i'm having trouble getting the configuration right. Method: public void AddRepository<TEntity>(IRepository<TEntity> repository) where TEntity : IEntity { Repositories.Add(repository.GetType().Name, repository); } Config: <object type="Spring.Objects.Factory.Config.Method...

Best practice to create WPF wrapper application displaying screens on demand.

Context: I'm developing a WPF application which will contain a lot of different "screens". Each screen contains a which on its turn contains all the visual elements. Some elements trigger events (e.g., checkboxes), a screen has individual resources, etc. The main application is "wrapper" around these screens: it contains a menubar, to...

How to parse RSS Feed and display it as Links in Blackberry Application?

Hi Everybody I wanted to parse the xml feed and display as links in my Blackberry application. After googling it, i found out that i have to use SAX parser. I have not found any good example. For example if i want to parse the news rss feed from How to do it. How to extract images from rss feed. Please Help, Advise, and ...

Cannot display images in BitmapField in Blackberry application using simulator 9700?

Hi Everybody I am getting Error while displaying bitmap file in my application. code: Bitmap logoBitmap = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("res/icon.png"); BitmapField bitmapField1 = new BitmapField(logoBitmap, Field.FIELD_HCENTER); add(bitmapField1); Getting error in console tab. Error: Fridg:couldnot find res/icon.png. I am using Eclipse wi...

Naming my application in android

Hi, I think i'm getting senile because I was convinced that to give a name to your application, you had to fill this part of the manifest : <application android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="MyApplicationName"> However for a reason I don't understand, my application gets the name of my first activity, in which I load data, he...

how to disable special keys in c# window application...?

hii....I am developing a window application how is it possible to disable special keys like control+alt+del to perform while running the application, i used keyhook method to disable almost all keys like windows,alt+f4 etc.... ...

reCaptcha on iPhone App using SDK

Has anyone used reCaptcha on their iPhone application? I am trying to figure out how to embed it in my App... ...

trying to pass file name from aspx page to console.exe

i want to pass the value of a lable or textbox in an aspx page to a console.exe application such that the if the value is sample.doc it changes to that. i am calling from the aspx page with string f = TextBox1.Text; System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:/DocUpload/ConsoleApplication1.exe", f); i have tried converting to string ...

desktop module for existing web application

My client has a running web application which has been online for more than a year. Recently the client has introduced smart cards for his employees. Because of the difficulty in integrating smart card with its api on a web interface(i will post another detailed question on this later) we are planning to have desktop interface for this. ...

What is application and process?

An application consists of one or more processes. A process, in the simplest terms, is an executing program. One or more threads run in the context of the process. A thread is the basic unit to which the operating system allocates processor time. A thread can execute any part of the process code, including parts currently being executed ...

Visual Studio project build as an executable AND a DLL

In Visual Studio 2008 project properties, Application tab, I can set the Output type to Windows Application, Console Application, or Class Library. I have a project that I want to build as a stand-alone tool (console app) and be available to a couple other tools I'm working on as a class library. The VS GUI only lets me choose one or th...

Force application to restart on first activity android

Hi, For an unknown reason, I can't get my application leaving properly so that when I push the home button and the app icon again I resume where I was in the app.... But I would like to force the application to restart at the first activity... I suppose this has something to do with onDestroy() or maybe onPause() but I don't know what t...

pygtk - dynamically update the widgets taking input from the gtk combo box

On selecting value from 1 to 10 from gtk combox box it should populate the checkbox by taking combo box value as an input. Say for example if i select 5 then 5 checkbox will be generated. It works.. But the issue is after i selected 5 now im selecting next value as 3 from combo box then there 8 checkboxes are displayed. The old 5 checkbo...