
Find the files related to a software

Hello Friends, I have one doubt. I am doing a project related to system restore concept in Linux. There i am planning to perform application wise rollback in case of failure. Is there any way to figure out what are all the files used by an application in the system? Ok. I will make it a little clear. For instance consider the firefox ap...

Where I can find the appWizard that can generate C++ application

Hi, I have an project to modify. This project was create with AppWizard many years ago. This generated weird code when I open it with visual studio 8. I would like to modify the interface. Can I find a free AppWizard. Thanks, ...

How can I keep a Python script command window open when opened from a .Net application?

Now the obvious answer is to just open the script from a command line, but that isn't an option. I'm writing a simple application to syntax highlight Python and then run the scripts from the same program. A Python IDE if you will. The scripts I want to run are entirely command line programs. I'm using a System.Diagnostics.Process obj...

Standalone app or text editor plugin to convert Haml to html?

I've very interested in getting started with haml but have no idea what a ruby gem is. I am on a Windows machine and only plan to use haml for generating html. I've got no ruby experience whatsoever but want to play around with haml. any ideas? ...

Make a tweet from Java application

I need help to post a tweet from an Java application, I already made some work, reagarding the authorization part. I made a connection to the Twitter authorization and been routed to the page on Twitter where you grant the application access to Twitter. But now I want to make a connection and to be able to post a tweet from my user acc...

How to determine killing the application

Imagine, we have two .net applications. Application "A" starts application "B" using System.Diagnostics.Process class. Then "A" wants to kill "B" by method Process.Kill. How "B" can determine that somebody is killing him? ...

Stopping Application Loop in secondary AppDomain

First off, apologies for the length... I have a Host/Plugin application akin to MAF. We are not using any of the System.Addin or associated namespaces as this is a custom plugin architecture with multiple AppDomains in play. The Host UI (user interface) is running in it's own application loop (AppDomain). When an item in a listview is...

Design Condiderations for Application Development

Hello, This is theory question but any advice is more than welcome.. When designing OO applications according to many books you should have a class for every table of the database with the fields as class variables.. But when you want to get data for multiple tables and store it in an collection of objects you find out that you need a...

What are the biggest differences between fopen and curl ?

I am making a web application in PHP and want to read content from a other domain. For that i have to options fopen and curl but what are the differences like security / options etc.? and what is the best way to use and why ? does it matter if the url from the other domain is a http or https site ? ...

testing performance of a website

We have made a .net C# applications and want to test the performance. What are good tools to test performance ? Something to record the flow through the application and can play it later again something like a stress tool And what are the best options to debug the application for performance ? So that we can see how long a class/method...

Where can I find the source of the open-source Wikipedia iPhone application?

Where can I find the source of the open-source Wikipedia iPhone application? ...

How to enumerate sounds registered for applications?

I need to get list of sounds registered for applications. For instance I need to play sound for Visual Studio in case build failed. How to do it? ...

[Android] How to update SMS

[In Android App] I want to change content of my all/certain SMS in my inbox. Please suggest. whether it is possible? ...

Jetty Doesnt Seem to Load jars located in WEB-INF/lib folder of an application.

Hello. First, apologies, but I am green when it comes to JAVA. I have a Jetty instance that I am starting using start.jar and passing it a start.config file. The config file properly references additional lib folders that have shared jars in them. The instance starts and runs properly. I then want to deploy an application via a war...

How to use Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit 5.5 against classic asp website?

Can anybody tell me how to use Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit 5.5 against classic asp website? is there any links available for this? I had gone through the Guides along with the Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit 5.5, but i couldn't get anything. ...

.NET data-based application architecture suggestions, opinions, good practices

Hello, I'd like ask a question about building applications in .NET that use data from a database. There are many technologies and patterns and I'm trying to connect it all. I'm building a desktop application with local database, so I choose SQLServer CE + WinForms, but I'd like to keep this as general as possible. I'm not into other tec...

Geotools google maps java ee web application

Hello all. I'm searching the alternatives for developing a java web application to calculate land values based on some variables with a visual presentation of a map. Since the data that i have is ESRI shapefiles and i want to go open source i ended up with this configuration. Take the shp files with Geotools , transform and store the...

Application closes on lost connection to the server

Greetings, I am developing some appliacation in WPF. Client is written in WPF, service in WCF. There is a case when client looses connection to the server (because of the internet issues). Then he have the following error: "The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it...

Need help returning to BlackBerry application from BrowserSession

Hello, My BlackBerry application is using a BrowserSession to open up a web page. When the web page opens up, the user will type in their login credentials, and then they are forwarded to a new website which tells them to close the BlackBerry Browser and return to my application. (...OAuth authentication) Now, I am trying to see if I ...

iphone sdk: application icon not displaying in simulator

I added an Icon.png to my Groups and Files in Xcode for my project. I specified in the .plist file to use Icon.png. I checked the root folder and it successfully copied Icon.png. But when I run the simulator the icon on the home screen is still gray? Also note, when I first added the icon it worked! Then I changed the Bundle Name, Bundl...