
IIS Application Pool: change settings programmatic

How can I change IIS application pool seetings / properties programmatic (C#) ? For example, how can I change the setting "Enable 32-Bit Applications" ? Are there property references for IIS 6 and IIS 7 on MSDN or Technet ? Thanks in advance for your help ! ...

ASP.NET Application page not working on clients computers

Hello, we developped an ASP.NET application that runs fine on our development server and in our network computers. But in production, the application works when accessing it directly from the web server but not on the clients (code behind is not executing). Any hints? TY Framework is 3.5 ...

Web Application within a Web Site in Visual Studio?

Visual Studio allows you to make "Web Sites" and "Web Applications", but, inside a project, can you have one within the other? Say I have my website "" and I have an application called "BudgetCalculator". One the production server, this is supposed to be located at: And the BudgetCalculat...

Application.Restore does not get me to where I was before, why?

Hello there, The application I am now trying to support (a former creation of mine) is a complete mess, and so I programmed an extension to it as a separate executable which I then launch, call application.minimize; and WaitForSingleObject (the recently created process). Right after that I call application.restore to get me back to wher...

Can iPod touch / iPad apps written in safari run without internet access?

I know that for native apps, after I download them, I can run them without a network access. I also know that for safari webapps, I can run them, and the server can store the data. However, is there a way to write a webpage, save it to my iPhone, allow it to do i/o to the iPod touch itself, and also run it without web access? [Think a...

CheckedListBox Repopulating problem in C#.NET

Hi there, I have populate a CheckedListBox binding a DataSource with Display Member and Vlaue Member. I have saved the values of the checkedValues in Database with a Relational Table. I need to repopulate the checkedListbox getting the checked which value was checked(Saved) previously.I have done the First step. But in the Second step i ...

Best Method/App for batch posting xml data to a php script

Hi, i've got a website that receives Posted XML data from a third party. I'm looking for a method so I can batch post a number of XML files to this script for development/debugging purposes. I have built a php script that loops through an array of files and uses curl to post each file separately. However due to the number of files i wi...

ASP.NET ~/ not resolving to "/"

My application paths … <a runat="server" href="~/Home"> …are resolving to “Home” (not “/Home”). After I rewrite URLs, “/Blah/Blah”, all the ”~/” links are relative to the rewrite: /Blah/Home Is there a way to force a root to “/”? ...

Android Market Application Updates

Hi All, Quick question about android market application updates. If I have an app on the market and release an update, is there a way to ensure that the users download the new update? I.e. Does the app tells the user there is an update, or does it stop working until they download an update? Or should I be writing code in my apps to s...

Google maps and Google earth application

Hello all. I want to develop an application to find the value of a property based on some constants(such as the distance from the shore,the width of the road in frond of the property,the neighborhood that is located to etc) -constants that i will have to insert to that application (i guess with some tool that can make kml files with poin...

Is creating a base class for all applications of a particular type good design?

I am trying to write a graphics application in C++. It currently uses OGRE for display, but I'd like it to work with Irrlicht or any other engine, even a custom rendering engine which supports my needs. This is a rather long question, so I'd appreciate help on re-tagging/ cleanup (if necessary). I'll start with a little background. ...

Run Server Application in Client Browser

I am working with a relatively small and simple desktop application whose output feeds into a larger web application that I am working on. I had originally wanted to mimic the desktop app in my web app, so that the end user did not need the desktop app installed locally. I now know this won't be possible. So, if I were to install this...

XML usage for c++ application

Hello Everybody, I have a couple of questions about XML. Can XML be used for normal c++ application instead of using a text file ? If so, does this method have advantages? and finally, how can I use XML to store data? what tools are needed? Regards. ...

Know any papers comparing trade-offs of Web Applications vs Desktop Applications?

Does anyone know of a good article, paper, or publication that researches trade-offs between web apps and desktop apps? Specifically, I'd like to see some data on performance and TCO. Other comparison research would be useful too. ...

Know any papers comparing trade-offs of Web Applications vs Terminal Applications (Mainframe)?

Does anyone know of a good article, paper, or publication that researches trade-offs between web apps and terminal apps? Specifically, I'd like to see some data on performance and TCO. Other comparison points would be useful as well. ...

Advice needed: the most fitting web development solution for me

Hello, Recently I've been asked to develop a small web site/application. The site should have some code behind it as in any web application, and the client also needs CMS editing capabilities. He is familiar with Joomla, so he wants the same experience. I have vast experience in writing ASP.NET (C#), and almost no experience in PHP. ...

itunes app store link checker

I am looking for a regex (or other method) that can check and parse app store links. I have an app that can take record these links but I want to check that the format is correct before I accept it. e.g.;uo=6 h...

Downloading updates from web address. C#

Ok, so I have an app that checks for updates at http://mysite.ext/sub/sub2/sub3/appname/ and after the very first publish (a few days ago) it was checking for/downloading updates from that url correctly with no problems. But today, I published a new version, only minor changes to the ui (changing button text etc), then uploaded latest...

If I want my iPhone application published in the App Store ASAP, when do I submit my application?

Must I have the entire application built and completed, before submitting anything? (In other words, can I stand in line as I develop the application) ...

Is there a desktop (AIR) app for adobe Buzzword?

Awhile ago i read about adobe coming out with an AIR app for Buzzword. I searched google and the most recent updates I can find about it are all the way back in 2008, which is REALLY strange, and I can't find a download ANYWHERE. Does anyone know what happened? Is there an AIR app for Buzzword? Or... ? ...