
Saving Application state

As a follow on from my question on sharing state between Activities, how can I save the instance state of my Application? Since Application does not extend Activity, there is no onSaveInstanceState method to override. NB: In advance, this is not a duplicate. Despite its name, How do I save an Android application’s state? relates to Acti...

android close application

I've two different activities. The first launches the second one. In the second activity I call System.exit(0) in order to force the application to close but the first activity is automatically displayed instead of come back to the home screen. How can I avoid this feature ? ...

Distributing my Windows Mobile app outside of marketplace?

Hello all friendly Windows Mobile Developers! I have a simple question: Can I distribute my Windows Mobile App outside of the Marketplace? If so, how is this done? Can I from my phone send an app, I have developed my self, to another person in the same room? I am aiming for Windows Mobile version 6.5, though if any one has some inpu...

How do I set up the following architecture.

Sorry if the title is a little vague, I do not know how else to describe it. I am making my own small framework. Things are going nicely and I am enjoying looking at topics that I usually do not need to check out as 'the magic' does it for me. My framework is PHP based and I want it to run from a single instance. What I mean by this is...

eclipse howto start a application client on java ee glassfish appl srv

i have installed the glassfish eclipse tools bundle... i can start a project like dynamic web & a ear project and deploy them on the glassfish... it works perfect & under the localhost url i will get an hello world but how i do this if i want to make an application client. please help... at the moment i simply created an "app client pr...

What are your thoughts on page scrolling in a business application?

Let's say you are designing a web application for internal business use. Should a page be designed to not scroll, and either use paging or have scrollable sub-sections (tables, grids, etc) or is it better to allow the page to simple scroll. What happens when you have a long page that requires a Save/Cancel button or other such buttons. ...

iphone app avaiblity

Hey, We have just had our iPhone Application approved. Review App Store is set to USA. When we uploaded the app we first made the availability date the 14th of Jan. Seeing is is now live, we have changed the availability date to the 12th. The app still isn't able to be viewed or downloaded though. How long does it take for the avail...

Problem with building applications

Hi. I am currently running Mac OS 10.6.2, with Xcode 3.2.1. When I try to build any application, at all, I get this error: "No object for "" key." I just installed Xcode, upgrading from 2.2.1, and got this error upon making a new application and trying to build. Please help. ...

create a console in Minix

I need to write an app to create a console in Minix This is just for a project ( in fact for an interview test. ) Where should i start this is a matter where i don't have time to learn much about Minix( usually i used to )...and have to write a program right away... any good tutorials about I/O, display connections writing an app fo...

Is it possible to configure custom plugin directories for Zend?

I want to be able to store custom plugins in the library folder of my application (currently I am storing them in the Zend library itself). Is there a way of providing additional plugin directories in the application.ini file? ...

Retrieving Application Data folder from Lua

Hi, I have trouble getting Application Data in Lua. I can't even find how to do it, here on SO or anywhere else. Thanks for help. ...

"Real" and non-embedded use of Ruby, Python and their friends

Hello! So I'm aware of the big ammount of general-purpose scripting languages like Ruby, Python, Perl, maybe even PHP, etc. that actually claim being usable for creating desktop applications too. I think my question can be answered clearly Are there actually companies using a special scripting language only to create their applicatio...

rename many files automatic one time - ddmmyyyy.file to yyyymmdd.file

Hello I have 1500 files that are named with an incorrectly dateformat. I would like to rename them. Are there a tool that can do that? Otherwise a piece of php code. File names are: ddmmyyyy.xls (e.g. 15012010 for Jan 2010) and I would like: yyyymmdd.xls (e.g. 20100115.xls) Any clue on how this can be done for 1500 files in one...

how to allow user comments editable for a few minutes,after which should be made readable.

Just want to know the logic behind , allowing user comments to be editable for a few minutes in the site ,after which should be made readable.I had seen this in linkedin site. My solution to use create session during the comments submission and refresh for every 3 minutes and check whether the session has timed out after 14 minutes thro...

WinForms ApplicationSettings, PropertyBinding

Hi, I used to have one project where i had defined all my application settings. In all the different forms I binded controls to those settings and everything worked great. I decided to split the one project into several ones. One of the projects is now shared by all and that project is now hosting the application Settings. The problem i...

How do I intercept a message box from a ocx put into a vb form

Hi experts... I need your help , i'm trying to quit a msgbox from a ocx , i put the ocx into a vb6.0 form , when i run the proyect appear each 5 minutes a msgbox with the invitation to visit a web page , i want to quit this msgbox , but i´m junior programmer only , and i want to quit this screen fom my exe.. can any help me....this drive...

Finished building a web application, Now what? (how to reach the masses??)

If this question is totally off/misplaced, please let me know so I can close it. The question is, when you finish building a web application (like twitter, vimeo, stackoverflow, 43things... more apps than websites), how do you spread it virally across the web? What means are existent for a tight budgeted young entrepreneur who wants his...

Android Application data should not be released by android OS

public class MYApplication extends Application { String property; setter getter } does above code make sure property will not be collectied by android OS if not used for a long period of time. ...

Eclipse IDE fail to launch with JVM Terminated. Exit code=-1

Hello everyone. I was having an issue with Eclipse IDE failing to launch with following error message: "JVM Terminated. Exit code=-1" After some googling, I've semi-unintentionally found the solution and was able to get the IDE to launch correctly. What I did was to set -Xmx JVM argument in eclipse.ini to a value that is lower than th...

Bitrate Calculation

Hi experts , (Excuse for My english it's freak i´m from LA) I'm trying to finish a trascoding process in VB6.0 , i'm working with ffmpeg , its a very good transcoder , to finish the project i want a progress bar for the trascoding process but it's so very hard , first i need to understand , how a program can calculate the time remaining ...