
What is the best way to use a webcam for images for a native app.

Rather than UPLOAD AN IMAGE- we want to give users of our web app the option of taking a snapshot on the spot and using it for an online listing. Is that overly complicated? ...

IE problem with facebook iframe application

Hi, I have a strange problem with my application on facebook on IE (on FF, Opera, Chrome it works fine). Application is using iframe, and when it's trying to load, IE tries to download the content of iframe instead of displaying it... Thanks in advance for any tips. ...

Close windows application

Hi guys, is it possible to close a running application with another application? I have implemented APP1.exe and APP1_UNIN.exe, I would that APP1_UNIN.exe kill running APP1.exe and uninstall it. Is it possible? ...

ps3 applications development.

Possible Duplicates: PlayStation3 application development ps3 applications development. hi everybody,can anyone tell is there any free ps3 sdk available to develop ps3 applications on windows,if so please tell another requirement besides sdk to develop ps3 applications on windows platform. (or) tell another way to develop p...

Run custom application (web page) on Skype incoming calls

Hello I want to open webbrowser with incoming number/name as parameter when somebody is calling to me through SkypeIn service (for small call center). I was looking through the Skype extras but I couldnt find anything relevant How can I make that? Regards ...

Software: How does software recognize a song?

I was playing with my phone and there is this app on it that when u use it to record 10 seconds of a song, it tells you the title and author of that song. Now as a software engineer I can't help but wonder, How does this work? ...

Application icon for iPhone 3g, 3gs and iPhone 4

I am planning an app for iphone 3g, 3gs and iphone 4. I have a 57*57 image for 3g and 3gs. When I checked documentation apple suggests us to use a 114*114 image for iphone 4. So how can I support both the images with the same build. ...

Sweep Views left-right

We've got an application planned that is a very basic 7 page presetation. Our client wants to be able to sweep the views from right to left as a form of navigation, similar to the page control on the home screen. I understand the presentModalViewController and pushViewController, but how do I detect a directional finger sweep? ...

What is the "normal" filesize for an app?

Hi there My app compiles to about 80mb. I was under the impression this was quite large. However it does have video content, high resolution images and we're charging ₤3.99 for it on the App store. What would be "large" for an app? For instance, would you say 80mb was large? What would you say the limit is (realistically). Thank you v...

C# Console application - How to tell when an application is closing?

Hi, So i have a program that needs to do some cleanup before it exits, even if it is a forced exit. I know, hitting the power button is a forced exit where no cleanup can happen, but that would cause other, bigger issues too. The Program hooks into a number of events to take care of the cleanup. My issue is that this does not work prop...

Failed to launch shortcut: Application is not installed on your phone.

Hello all, I am trying to create a desktop shortcut to one of my Activity in Android. I use the code that work in every tuto example i have read: final Intent shortcutIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); ComponentName name = new ComponentName(getPackageName(), ".MyActivity"); shortcutIntent.setComponent(name); shor...

How to package PHP apps so they will work on any user computer?

Is there a way to distribute a PHP program like a desktop app, so that even if the user of the app doesn't have a local server environment setup on there PCs, the app will still work? I was thinking, if there was some type of portable server environment program which includes PHP/Apache, then we could create a batch file which when clic...

How to use debug perspective in eclipse.[debugging java/j2ee applications]

Is there any easy to follow tutorial for debugging Java / J2EE applications in eclipse? A step by step guide on how to check for unchecked and checked exceptions? I have been trying to find on the internet, but to no use. ...

iPhone App - Approval & Versioning

I was hoping someone can answer a simple question for me... If you create an iphone app and get it approved for sale, what happens if you add updates to it? Do you have to submit this for approval too? How does the whole process of updating existing apps work? Assistance would be very much appreciated, thanks ...

How to create Universal apps in iPhone/iPad?

Hi friends, I want to create a universal apps. I have already done some apps for iPhone. Now i want to start a universal apps which means the app should be runs in iPhone and iPad. I don't have any idea about that. So please guide me and give me some sample links for that. Thanks! ...

how to restart java application, remembering its command line arguments

I have a java application. It can be started with couple of command line flags. I want to provide ability "restart" the application by user. Currently we save the the arguments on a control file, reads it when restarting the application. What is the best way to restart the application - how can I retain the command line arguments? ...

Handle force close?

Hello, Is there a way to notify an activity/service of a force-close request right before it gets killed? I mean when the user hits the force close button in Menu>Settings>Applications>Manage applications>app name>Force Close. Thanks! ...

creating a pure javascript based video player

Hi, can anyone tell me if we can create a video player purely in javascript? if yes then please suggest some guidelines and process like how will the buffering and streaming be achieved? using ajax in this case? is there any way to read local video files using javascript? etc. NOTE: I am not talking about HTML 5. Thanks ...

android application icon id

I need to display notification in the status bar with the application icon. but i didn't find any way to retrieve the application icon id ? (I currently use the 1.5 SDK) ...

ASP.NET VS2010 Sub application resource cost

Hello, I was considering having a sub "web application" in my (4.0 C#) web application (using the same application pool). E.g. for a blog application so I may keep things separate. How much additional resources of the server does a sub-application take? Or rather how much resources (excluding the app pool) does a web applic...