
Does this work as a better Hello World app?

[ uuid(2573F8F4-CFEE-101A-9A9F-00AA00342820) ] library LHello { importlib("actimp.tlb"); importlib("actexp.tlb"); #include "pshlo.idl" [ uuid(2573F8F5-CFEE-101A-9A9F-00AA00342820) ] cotype THello { interface IHello; interface IPersistFile; }; }; [ exe, uuid(2573F890...

Creating a gmail domain.

Hi guys. I want to create several gmail accounts that use gmail as mail. Something like,, and using gmail. How do I do this? Thx. ...

what is signing exe in windows?

I heard many people talking about signing exe in windows platforms. I have following questions, What is signing exe? Is there any rules i have to follow for signing my application? What are the advantages i can get when my application got signed? Is it free? Thanks, Santhosh ...

Jruby log4j integration.

Hi, I am currently working on integrating Java application General Architecture For Text Engineering (GATE) with Rails application using Jruby architecture. When we worked on integrating Jruby with log4j, I am getting following error : 0 [main] DEBUG Main.class - Hello world gate/ <clinit>': java.lang.NoClassDefFoundErr...

Want to do work on my Application Uninstall:android

Hi all, i am aware of android BROADCAST_PACKAGE_REMOVED for notify when any application is uninstalling from device. Now it is possible that when i uninstall one application and that application do some work before and uninstall. e.g: my application work with android contact if application uninstall at that time i want to change in con...

Missing form after Minimize - Windows form application

I try to minimize my form to system tray but when I do, the form disappears and the notification icon doesnt work :( What am I doing wrong? Private Sub Form1_Resize(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Resize If Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized Then Me.Visible = False ...

How to find application folder on iPhone

Hello, I'm going to make an app which influence another app. The only thing I don't know is ... How to find the folder of the other app (Like "0A007EC0-F477-4A61-8F67-C075024F8463"). Does someone know it ? Thanks, Vinzgore ...

Django loose coupling in apps

I'm trying to code an application that can work for several projects. I'm facing a problem that I have always to specify the name of the project when I do the imports like doing import some_project_name.models inside my app, how can I overcome this coupling so that I can use the app in several projects? ...

Utility Classes in Java Programming

Hi All! I am new to Java and I referred regarding my question on the Net but not quite Satisfied. I want to know what the "Utility Class" in Java is? Can anybody please tell me with an Example. Thanks, david ...

How to programmatically uninstall an application in Windows?

Hello everybody, We are releasing a new version of our application and we would like it to be able to uninstall the previous installed version from the client's computer. How would we be able to do that? edit: I'm installing this application (and also the previous version) with a deployment project in Visual Studio, so I assume it is ...

HttpContext.Current.Application during load balancing

I wanted to understand the behavior of HttpContext.Current.Application during the load balancing. I have read that session can be stored in disk hence can be retrieved from different servers. Is this true for HttpContext.Current.Application also. Does the key\data stored in one machine is accessible in other different machine too? Ple...

Using utility classes in the android programming

Hi Everybody! I have a little idea of the Utility Classes with a slight doubt on demand. If I use a Utility class in my Application than to use that class in my main Activity do I have to create the object of that class or I can directly Import that class in my main activity? I am Sorry if I am not making a clear sense. In the nutsh...

how to handle multiple iphone client requests using apache mina?

hi friends, i am working on a iphone application,in which iphone application sends a request to the server using socket server side java code(using apache mina) takes the request and it processes the request and sends the response. now the problem is if multiple iphone users sends request at a time to the server,t...

What is the best criteria to say an application is ENTERPRISE ?

Hi guys, What is the best way to say an application is Enterprise? Is it because of being able to integrated with other applications, being able to use other "Enterprise" applications or ? Thanks ...

Android: ViewFlipper & multiple images?

Hey, I checked tons of tutorials and guides but somehow can't find it... I need to include multiple images in my Android app. It's like an image viewer/slideshow. Currently I switch between pictures from /drawable-mdpi dir simply with ImageView and adapter, using gestures to left/right. Works but nothing impresive :/ Basically I could ...

Send message from appdelegate to view controller

Hello, I have a view (nib) loading offscreen in a uiscrollview. I want the movie in this view to only start playing once it is visible but the viewdidappear fires even the view is off screen. So the movie is playing even though you can't see it. Is there a way to understand what view is actually visible that does not involve the uiscro...

Close Window for button click

I have been trying to close the window on button click but am unable to do so. I have added javascript window.close() added on the code behind page on button click event all in vain. Language c# or ...

Android application Internal timer

How do I keep track of the runtime of an application. ...

iphone os4 sdk migration error

I try to recompile my iPhone application in os4. To do this I simple install the new sdk on my MacBook. When I try to recompile I take a lot of strange errors (33). It is not clear for me the error reason because this errors seem to be out of my code. Which is the best way to migrate and recompile the sdk 3.x application in the new 4.x...

Perl application installation

I have written a small perl application for deployment on a few servers. It consists of some scripts, some modules and some data files. It will be used by multiple users. I'd like to keep all these files together in one directory rather than moving the app modules to the site_perl directory. For example, lets say the application consist...