
AppStore submission using non English main language

Hi, I use French as my main language for submission on the AppStore. I used to add English as a second language but I discovered that many stores with their own language (Germany, Italy, Spain, China, and so on) don't use my English localization but my French main language to display my apps ! Do I need to add English localization in al...

My app is available in iTunes but not from my iPod's search

Hi, I made a physics arcade game (with a metaphorical twist!) called Enlightenment Vision, and I see it available on iTunes, but when I do a search for "Enlightenment" on my iPod my app isn't shown. I didn't get an e-mail from Apple announcing its launch though, which is strange. (I got one a few days ago for a naming inconsistency in t...

How do you prompt the user to rate your iphone app without waiting for them to delete the app?

I am referring to the popup window that asks the user to submit a review/rating. I know it can be done since the Aardark app does asks several times in fact! (Almost too spammy.) But there has to be an API to trigger the rating request? Google is giving me no love on this one. ...

Extract information from Apple App Store

Does anyone know how to extract the title, cost, description and icon for a list of apps from the App Store? I have seen various sites do it, ie. link text. I do not need all of the apps, just 30-40 different ones, mostly from the education category. Also if possible is there a way to dump it into a MySQL database? Thanks! ...

Has Apple approved any SDL based iphone apps on the Appstore?

I'm looking to port an existing game of my own to from SDL 1.2 on linux SDL 1.3 on the iphone. While I'm fairly happy that SDL 1.3 provides the features I want I do not know if this will damage my chances off this getting accepted by apple. Has anyone had an SDL app accepted? If anyone has had one rejected, were the reasons due to SDL? ...

How to ensure that the app was purchased from app store?

Is there a way to confirm (programmatically) that the application was purchased from AppStore? Or, maybe, there is a way to get a list of devices IDs from AppStore that purchased my app? The reason is the willing to determine if the application was legally purchased or not... I know that there is a way to know that the in-app purchase ...

How to determine App download date?

How do I determine the date(s) an app I developed was downloaded from the App Store? ...

Canadian GST/Accounting Question for iPhone App Developers

I realize this isn't exactly a coding question, but it's the best place I can think of to reach fellow iPhone developers. I apologize if this causes any issues... We are a Canadian corporation that files GST and filled out the Canadian GST/HST Form 506 which allows apple to collect and remit GST on our behalf. We recently received a "GS...

retrieval of AppStore charts via API?

i'm looking to query the itunes appstore charts to determine what position a given app holds. this would need to go as deep as possible with a view to tracking an apps movement from launch to appearing in the top 100 and further. any ideas? ...

Verifying the purchaser of an App Store application

Is there a way for the developer of an App Store application to tie a sale to an individual user/device ID/Apple account? In other words, a method for the developer to double-check that a specific user has legally purchased the software? I haven't been able to find a reliable answer to this yet. I'm not looking for specific code examp...

How to restrict application distribution to a group of users only via Apple AppStore?

Hi, I'm a first time iPhone application developer and I'm developing application for my client who wish to distribute this application to a group of people related to his business only, and as FREE application only. This is such an application which is not meant for general users so we definitely don't want this application is publicly ...

NSUserDefaults saved data making it to the app store.

Hey If I have some saving in NSUserDefaults whilst debugging my app, and then I submit it to the store, will the stuff be stored on that too? or does it get cleared when saved for a new distribution? Cheers Sam ...

XML, images, streaming video and "excessive volumes of data"

My first application was submitted to App Store and failed to be approved owing to "excessive volumes of data over the cellular network". I don't know how they test this but since it's basically a news application which displays various articles, images and streamed videos, I would go and blame the videos for the rejection. I can't test ...

creating a free version of an app, but having the app separate on debug device.

Hi, I was just making a free version of one of my apps. I copied the folder, renamed the project, and changed the icon file, loading screen, interface, and code. BUT YET it still replaces a build on my phone. 1)how do I stop this from happening (i want both the free and paid version on my phone) 2) if you can fix this, will a custom...

iPhone App submission and removing a binary

Hi, I've submitted my application to the app store and had it approved. I'd set the release date to a few months in the future, but in the meantime have added a lot of extra functionality to the product. I still want my app to be listed as a 'new release' when it comes out (the release data hasn't been reached yet) so should I replace ...

Does my application "contain encryption"?

I'm uploading a binary for the first time. iTunes Connect has asked me: Export laws require that products containing encryption be properly authorized for export. Failure to comply could result in severe penalties. For further information, click here. Does your product contain encryption? I use https://, but only via NSURLCon...

How do you set the name of the iPhone app ?

Hi, I have released and updated a few apps now, but this is still not very clear. The app name as it appears on the app store is set from iTunes connect. Where do you set the name of the app as it appears on the phone once it is installed? I have tried and succeeded in setting it in 'Product Name', but when Product Name has a space in...

Licensing iPhone software by "number of items supported"

Lets say that I have an application that helps people "manage" a certain number of "items". Normally they'd have to manage information about these items on paper, but my application will let them do it on the phone. I want to sell my application by the number of items it supports. For example, I might charge $10 for the version that has...

Problem uploading binary to appstore

Well like many other I encountered some problems while uploading my binary to appstore. This is the error that I see "The binary you uploaded was invalid. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate." I have : created distribution certificate and I have private key in the keychain. created the ...

Can't upload application binary to the App Store

We've finally gotten to the point of submitting our first iPhone app to the app store (or trying to), but I can't seem to get iTunes Connect to accept the upload. I've attempted through both the web site ("The binary you uploaded was invalid. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate.") and the...