
Where do you get ArcGIS development questions answered?

Where do you have the most success getting your ArcGIS development questions answered? ESRI forums? Stack Overflow? Google? Mailing lists? Blog posts? ESRI documentation? I can usually get answers to my ASP.NET/Oracle/JavaScript/C# questions in short order, but questions about ESRI products and APIs are a different matter. Posts founde...

How can I programmatically access the ArcGIS 3D Analyst Toolbar's "Features to 3D" command?

I need to take a 2D shape file in the ".shp" format that ArcGIS accepts, and add 3D information supplied by a raster DEM. I'm looking for how to do this with the ArcObjects API. I'd like to do it in C#, but examples in any .NET language would be welcome. The only thing I've been able to find are descriptions of how to do this manually in...

ArcSDK.h Not Found in Default Path

By default, it should be at ..\include\CPPAPI. But on my machine this folder doesn't even exist, only 'CatIDs' and 'GridIDs' folders reside in \include. I've installed ArcGIS Desktop 9.3 and its VC++ SDK. I am new to ArcGIS and LiDAR, I've got LAS file and corresponding text version, all I need to do is to convert txt file to shp file....

ArcGis and GeoCortex

Hi, we are tying to set-up GeoCortex with our ArcGis server but can't seem to get it right. We do see some of the requests that have been made to the application, but we don't have a lot of details about it, only the number of image requested, I was wondering if you guys had any problem with this (if you ever tried it) and if I could ...

ArcGIS: accessing python list output from listFields geoprocessor

I'm trying to access the output from the listFields geoprocessing object using the following code: sFields = gp.ListFields(linktofeatureclass) for j in range(len(sFields)): print sFields[j] How do I get information about the fields that I have enumerated? Printing them (i.e. sFields in the above) just returns "geoprocessing descri...

ArcGIS Development.Java vs .Net(C#)

Hello all. I'm a computer scientist and i've been working with Java mostly to develop applications. I just been hired in a company that makes projects with ArcGIS. The company has hired na electrical engineer to develop the arcGIS projects. This engineer used to customize ArcMap with VBA and lately extensions with .NET and C#. I want to...

Adding a featureclass / featurelayer dynamically to a Map or MapResourceManager

I'm struggling with a really stubborn problem here. I have a FeatureClass which I want to add to my map, the problem is that every example I can find requires me to hardcore a servicestring, point to a service or something likewise. I already have a featureclass so I would like to use that to add a dynamic layer to the map, it's a simp...

How do I change the context menu on a WPF ESRI Symbol at run time?

An ESRI Symbol has a ControlTemplate and in the ControlTemplate I can specify a ContextMenu, and that works fine. However, I need to change the ContextMenu (add, remove items) at run time. ControlTemplate.FindName doesn't work because Symbol is not a FrameworkElement. I also know about Graphic.MouseLeftButtonDown, but I want the context ...

Can't execute query on geocoding service

Hi, I'm building Flex 3 application and I have a geocoding service (http://.../GeocodeServer) on a ArcGIS server (ESRI). I'm trying to execute a query on this service in order to retrieve some informations. Unfortunately, when I execute the query, I get this error : [RPC Fault faultString="" faultCode="400" faultDetail="Invalid URL"] ...

GIS: When and why to use ArcObjects over GDAL programming to work with ArcGIS rasters and vectors?

Im just starting off with GDAL + python to support operations that cannot be done with ArcGIS python geoprocessing scripting. Mainly I am doing spatial modeling/analysis/editing of raster and vector data. I am a bit confused when ArcObject development is required versus when GDAL can be used? Is there functionality of ArcObjects that GD...

Moving entities in ArcMap

For a project, I want to simulate movement of individual entities on a map. Someone recommended ArcGIS for this purpose, so I looked around a bit and found ArcMap. For anyone who is experienced with the program: is it possible to plot, say, a dot on a location of a map, and make it move using a for loop? I know this is a really general q...

Is it possible to animate markers in ArcMap?

I'm completely new to ArcGIS and ArcMap, but someone suggested this program to me for a project I'm working on. I would like to animate individual entities on a map, and was wondering if it is possible to do so in ArcMap. I asked this earlier here and a member directed me to a tutorial on animating in ArcGIS. The animation in the guide...

ArcGIS Server - HeatMap for to identify hotspots on a cached service

ArcGIS Server lets you create cached map services. These can be consumed by various applications (ArcGIS Desktop, web apps, etc) I would like to get an idea on which areas of my cache are getting hit the most. I would like to visualise these results using a heat map overlaid onto the same cached map. I was thinking of utilising something...

Making a dynamically-created label in Flex/ArcGIS a clickable hyperlink

I have an ArcGIS map created with Flex. The labels created dynamically are the towns on the map. We have some PDF files that have some information about the towns on the map. Is there a way to make those town labels clickable so that they can display the PDF information on a new page? ...

Need recommendation for ArcGIS Engine,ArcGIS Server and ArcSDE interview question.

Hi guys, I am preparing for GIS interview.I am looking for good ArcGIS Engine,ArcGIS Server and ArcSDE interview questions. I just googled some,but the questions that I found are not that much detailed to the technology. Can anyone recommend me something ? ...

when maximizing Panel,how to make the map within Panel growing synchronizely?

I have a map in a panel.When maximizing the panel,the map remain the smaller size.How to make the map growing synchronizely with the Panel? When maximizing the Panel,I added Resize Effects.How to apply Resize effects on the Map when the extent of the map changing? It seems to me that I should dispatch extentChange event when maximizi...

java gis library

What is the best/user friendly GIS/arcGIS Java library for basic academic assignment? ...

How can I make kml data look like google maps?

I have a program that generates a .shp file, and exports this as a kml file. I would like to be able to display my output using the standard google map 'map' style (gray background, yellow streets, etc) in google earth, or in the google earth api. Is there a style guide or method that I should be using? Any thoughts appreciated - I was...

ArcObjects - enumerating feature classes and datasets within a geodatabase

I'm trying to enumerate the contents (feature classes and feature datasets, not interested in tables, etc) of a file geodatabase using vba/arcobjects. I have the file GDB set as an IGxDatabase object, but can't find a way of getting further in. I've had a look at the geodatabase object model and tried using IFeatureClass and IFeatureDa...

Using ArcSDE API in .NET(C#)

Is possible to use ArcSDE API in .NET(C#) ? Thanks ...