
How have you used IContainer/ISite/IComponent in your own code?

There are various online docs about using IContainer and ISite (eg, and there are vague examples around, but I haven't come across a real instance (other than winforms) where it is actually useful. It doesn't help that I don't really know what exactly it can be us...

Which server can I decide for MySQL, windows or Unix/Linux/Ubuntu/Debian?

I'm working on a SaaS project and mysql is our main database. Our applications is written on c# .net and runs under an windows 2003 server. Considering maintainance, cost, options and performance, which server plattaform can I decide for MySQL hosting, windows or Unix/Linux/Ubuntu/Debian? The scenario is as following: The server I ru...

Getting to an application architect level

Hi I have been a developer for approx 10 yrs. I want to know how can I consider myself to be an archtect level techie? How can developer move from code level development, to architect? I obviously want to move up the tech ladder, and architecture seems appealing. A second question would be, how do I learn about application architectur...

Integrating external applications with my applications

I have 2 desktop applications that I wish to integrate with external applications. One of the applications is extended with plugins which are developed by me, to provide specific features which are not common for all distributions. The situation can be described in the following diagram: As I mentioned, I want to integrate (receive an...

Merging Core Libraries

About a year ago our company rolled a relatively large software package written primarily by two senior developers. For ease of demonstration, I'll call it "project A". Since then, we have been working on a new software package, "project B" and in its tree is a branch of project A. Project B has a reference to project A, but now that ...

Repository pattern vs. "smart" business objects

I see two main "schools of thoughts" when it comes to creating larger-scale enterprise-wide apps on .NET (Winforms, WPF, ASP.NET). Some folks use the "repository pattern" which uses a repository that knows how to fetch, insert, update and delete objects. Those objects are rather "dumb" in that they don't necessarily contain a whole lot ...

How do I architect and implement self-serve custom reporting?

What type of architecture, design and software would one need to provide something similar to the excellent custom report functionality provided by google analytics. To be more specific we want to user to be able to specify dimensions and metrics from a list and generate a report. Do we need a data warehouse? Do we need OLAP? Would ...

What should a "beginning developer" know about architectures and planning

I've been working with C and C# for ages, I consider myself a "pretty good" programmer, but as has been pointed out many times, programming is only a small facet of software engineering and development. I'm the sole coder for my department but it looks like that is going to begin to change, what I would like to know from the Stackoverfl...

What should come first -- the design pattern or the code?

I'm starting on a fresh new project--should I look at my spec and decide which design patterns to apply, or just come up with a general idea of organization and allow the patterns to emerge organically through refactoring? In your experience, which technique will be most productive and have a greater chance of leading to clean elegant c...

Save partly data input

Hi, I am Gerhard and I just thinking around a problem, without getting a fine solution uptil now. Scenario: Users type in complex data (WPF frontend) and persist the data with some OR-mapper into SQLServer. I use OpenAccess by Telerik, my favorit. But now think about following situation: One nearly finished the work on some use case, ...

How to persist event log data in database?

In my application I have a strong requirement for logging each event for the entity and I was considering using event sourcing pattern, i.e. all domain changes have explicit classes and any change to the domain objects can go only using these event classes. You can then rollback and reapply these changes as you want, just like in source ...

How to name the following pattern based on messaging and unit of work (XA)?

I'm having a difficulty with naming the pattern used commonly by the application I've been working on for a while. Just to set the scene: this is a JEE application that uses messaging (JMS) a lot, persist data in relational database (JDBC) and relies on global transactions (XA) managed by the application server (JTA). The pattern I'm ta...

Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) vs. Composite UI Application Block (CAB)

We are currently looking at either using CAB or MEF for our next application. I didn't see any examples on codeplex of how event brokering is handled for sibling control communication, maybe I missed it. How does inter-control communication work in MEF? Also, we are planning on using Infragistics which has provided additional compon...

Suggestions for software architecture style to use between Java and Windows

Here is an interesting combination, I need to transfer data between an "appliance" running Windows XP Home and a remote Linux server on the internet. Let me itemize what needs to happen: The "xp home" system needs to transfer data or files every 30 minutes or so. (sftp?) The Linux server need to contact the "XP Home" system to request...

Have I implemented a n-tier application with MVC correctly?

Being pretty unfamiliar with design patterns and architecture, I'm having trouble explaining to others exactly how my latest application is designed. I've switched between thinking it's a pure n-tier, pure MVC and n-tier with MVC in the presentation layer. Currently I think the latter is correct, but I want thoughts from more experienced...

C# Architecture Question

I am designing a project where all the main components share a single common DomainObject (yeah I stole the term from O/RM world, but its not quite an O/RM project.) The DomainObject maintains the objects change state (dirty/clean) and allows itself to be rolled back or committed (AcceptChanges(), RejectChanges() ). When AcceptChanges()...

Training a Junior Developer

I'm training a Junior developer. I would like to assign him with the task of designing and building an object oriented application. Are there any non-trivial sample exercises on the web which include good description of a problem and a suggested architecture diagram? ...

Does anyone use POCO Adapter for Entity Framework in production?

Reading about the lack of persistence ignorance in Entity Framework I often stumble upon POCO Adapter. The question is, does anyone use it in production, how does it go and what are the pitfalls? I consider two alternatives for the application design: use POCOs with that adapter in business logic and make the presentation layer use them...

Creating dynamic data entry forms

Hi, I have a small project where I would like to generate dynamic data entry forms with a little bit of logic behind them. A simple use case might be a Football resulting form, so you have a button for a goalscorer, and when clicked the user will be prompted for a player. The form will then send a message (probably to a webservice, but...

What is meant by open and closed layered architectures?

I know it probably sounds like very trivial question but I couldn't find any resources on the internet. Could you please tell me what are open and closed layered architectures and why open layered architecture is apparently more difficult to maintin? Are there any disadvantages of using closed/open layered architectures? ...