
The one true domain model - a fallacy?

I've just finished working for a client which has burnt millions on a project to come up with the 'one true domain model' for their business. This was the project's sole deliverable. What are your thoughts on this? Is a single version of the truth realistic? ...

need advice on Zend framework Application architecture, or say approach dealing with modules

Let me start with the things that I did and how am I using some things to get results I have set up modular structure as: application/ /configs /layouts /models /modules /users /profile /frontend /backend /controllers /views .......

Java - Is this a bad design pattern?

Hi all, In our application, I have seen code written like this: (User entity) public class User { protected String firstName; protected String lastName; ... getters/setters (regular POJO) } UserSearchCommand { protected List<User> users; protected int currentPage; protected int sortColumnIndex; protecte...

Resources how to architect a iPhone application?

What resources can you recommend for learning how to architect a iPhone application? Background of the question is that most of the resources explain the usage of a single class or concept (and i appreciate that a lot to learn something about the specific topic) but as far as i can see they lack unfortunately to describe how to put thin...

.Net opening and closing database connections

I designed the data access portion of our framework so that every time a business object needs to interact with the database it would have to open a connection, invoke the data access layer (to execute the query), and then close the connection. Then if it needed to run in a transaction it would open the connection, begin the transaction,...

what idea is behind Zend Framework Frontcontroller/dispatcher

Zend Framework FrontController implements Singleton and plus it has some kind a plugin "paradigm" , - what is the idea behind its architecture , maybe it implements some well known paradigm ? and if so then if u could give some links directions where I can find information about reasons that brought up that particular paradigm ? ...

How to structure an enterprise MVC app, and where does Business Logic go?

I am an MVC newbie. As far as I can tell: Controller: deals with routing requests View: deals with presentation of data Model: looks a whole lot like a Data Access layer Where does the Business Logic go? Take a large enterprise application with: Several different sources of data (WCF, WebServices and ADO) tied together in a dat...

.Net Architecture challenge: The Change-prone Frankestein Model

Good Morning SO! We've been scratching our heads with with this interesting scenario at the office, and we're anxious to hear your ideas and approaches: We have a database, whose schema is prone to changes -lets call it Prony-. (is used to store configuration parameters for embedded devices. so if the embedded devices guy need a new t...

How does changing armv6/armv7 architecture to armv6 affect my iPad app? Will there be performance/stability losses?

Hello, I need to change the the architectures of "Any iPhone OS Device" from "Optimized (armv6 armv7)" to "Standard (armv6)" for a library. I'm not exactly sure what effect will this have on the performance and stability of my iPad app. If I understand it right, the iPad has the armv7 architecture. I'm not so familiar with architectures,...

Any good Work Flow diagram for Joomla 1.5?

Though I don't tolerate joomla for it's buggy 3rd party components , decided to look at it's core architecture, and any diagram would make my investigation efficient, thanks ...

how can I design a good architechture for a Transaction Processing System?

I have a project that must design an architecture for it. This project is a something like a Transaction Processing system and I need to know something like this: when and where I must use synchronous and asynchronous relations between its components? If always I use synchronous relations, the amount of messages maybe become exceeded a...

Flash content in eLearning: one SWF vs. many?

We are designing a Flash-based language course, and I am not sure which architecture we have to choose. The content won't be uploaded to the Internet, it will be used only locally. Possible architectures: 1) A single SWF with all the data stored internally - it seems a rather clumsy and inefficient way (or it's not?). 2) To make a Fl...

ASP.NET MVC application architecture "guidelines"

I'm looking for some feedback on my ASP.NET MVC based CMS application architecture. Domain Model - depends on nothing but the System classes to define types. For now, mostly anemic. Repository Layer - abstracted data access, only called by the services layer Services Layer - performs business logic on domain models. Exposes view mode...

What should "Solution Architecture" document describe ?

We're going to build a Solution which includes acquiring data through mobile phones(J2ME) and laptops(browser based data acquisition), uploading the same data to back-end servers(built with J2EE) and then analyzing the same data including generating various types of reports. This solution will include a CMS for building the website and v...

Execute remote Lua Script

Hi, I want to make an application that executes a remote script. The user can create a script (probabily a LUA script) then stores it in the server. Then he can uses an API for execute the script. I was thinking that API could be a webservice. So my questions are: I need high performance to execute the script. So my first choice was LUA...

SOA system and distributed systems

Is using Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) in a system means this system distributed systems ? ...

MVVM: How to handle interaction between nested ViewModels?

I'm been experimenting with the oft-mentioned MVVM pattern and I've been having a hard time defining clear boundaries in some cases. In my application, I have a dialog that allows me to create a Connection to a Controller. There is a ViewModel class for the dialog, which is simple enough. However, the dialog also hosts an additional c...

Architecture Guidance Needed?

We are about to automate number of process for our reporting team. (The reports are like daily reports, weekly reports, monthly reports, etc..) Mostly the process is like pulling some data from the oracle and then fill them in particular excel template files. Each reports and so their templates are different from each other. Except the ...

Calling sp and Performance strategy.

Hi I find my self in a situation where I have to choose between either creating a new sp in database and create the middle layer code. so loose some precious development time. also the procedure is likely to contain some joins. Or use two already existing sp(s), the problem of this approach is that I am doing two round trips to databas...

What are possible designs for the DCI architecture?

What are possibles designs for implementation of the DCI (data, contexts, interactions) architecture in different OOP languages? I thought of Policy based design (Andrei Alexandrescu) for C++, DI and AOP for Java. However, I also thought about using State design pattern for representing roles and some sort of Template method for the inte...