
How can I build a voting system to support multiple types of objects to vote on?

I'm really looking for something very similar to the way SO is setup where a few different kinds of things can be voted on (questions AND answers). What kind of DB schema, generally, could I use to support voting on many different kinds of objects? Would I have a single Vote table that would have references to other objects in the datab...

Design guide-lines for writing a Typed SQL Statement API ?

Last night I came up to sometihng intersting while designing my new project that brought me to ask this qustion here. My project is supposed to follow Table Gateway pattern using tradional ADO.Net datasets for data access. I don't want to write plain queries in my data-access classes. So I came up with an idea of writing a parser kinda...

How are distributed services better than distributed objects?

I am not interested in the technology e.g. CORBA vs Web Services, I am interested in principles. When we are doing OOP, why should we have something so procedural at higher level? Is not it the same as with OOP and relational databases? Often services are supported through code generation, apart from boilerplate, I think it is because we...

Should design, architecture and modeling be part of education?

I've often heard that those things cannot be taught, because you can master them only through good gut feeling fed with years of experience. However various patterns and principles are quite well documented and I start to think, that you can actually learn quite a lot of good stuff from books, training and exercises. What is your take? P...

How to avoid injecting dependencies into an object so that it can pass them on?

I am interested in applying dependency injection to my current project, which makes use of the MVC pattern. My controllers will call the models and therefore will need to inject the dependencies into the models. To do this, the controller must have the dependencies (such as a database object) in the first place. The controller doesn't ...

Circular Dependency Solution

Our current project has ran into a circular dependency issue. Our business logic assembly is using classes and static methods from our SharedLibrary assembly. The SharedLibrary contains a whole bunch of helper functions, such as a SQL Reader class, Enumerators, Global Variables, Error Handling, Logging and Validation. The SharedLibrary ...

C#: Inheritance, Overriding, and Hiding

I'm having difficulty with an architectural decision for my C# XNA game. The basic entity in the world, such as a tree, zombie, or the player, is represented as a GameObject. Each GameObject is composed of at least a GameObjectController, GameObjectModel, and GameObjectView. These three are enough for simple entities, like inanimate t...

What's the difference between a UseCase and a Workflow?

I've always wondered what the difference between a Use Case and a work flow is, and how they relate to each other... I ask, because I clearly see the way to develop a repository layer, and a Service layer above that, but the logif right above that layer quickly turns into, in my case, a set of webpages that seem seem to do a little of t...

C# Process flow - Datastream, XML and datagrid

Im looking for some advice/suggestions on how I should setup the work flow of a small application Im building. When the application is launched the datagrid will be populated via the XML file. Once running the application will receive a datastream that I hope to update the file and datagrid. So Im curious what you would suggest on ho...

Cloud computing over Client-server: differences, cons and pros ?

As far as I know, Cloud computing might be a evolution in software architect, and it will replace some current architectures, such as client-server. These two architecture seem to share similarities for me (I know very little about both), but I don't know the differences between them. What are the cons and pros of cloud computing over ...

In proxy should I remove listeners explicitly ?

Hi All, Currently I am working on flex application where I am using multicore variant of puremvc. My question is in my proxy I am making remote call and attaching some (RESULT and FAULT) event listener. So in my event handler code should I remove listeners explicitly for making remoteObject class eligible for garbage collecton ? pub...

java enterprise project

Hi All, All the time we are hearing that java is enterprise. We have read many books about jpa, entity beans and other stuff. All this books explain this technology with some dummy examples. I have not seen a book that explains real problems with enterprise beans, java clients and security! I mean real book not some imaginated stupid...

How do you diagram Resource-Oriented Architecture (ROA)? What tools, conventions seem to work best.

I am interested in determining if there are any effective Resource-Oriented Architecture tools or diagramming conventions that help when defining a ROA. ...

Squid handling of concurrent cache misses

We're using a Squid cache to off-load traffic from our web servers, ie. it's setup as a reverse-proxy responding to inbound requests before they hit our web servers. When we get blitzed with concurrent requests for the same request that's not in the cache, Squid proxies all the requests through to our web ("origin") servers. For us, thi...

Presentation layer architecture in an enterprise application

Hi everyone, At our company we are developing an application that will consists of several modules. The architecture is pretty much defined but I have seconds thoughts about the presentationlayer and I would really like to hear your opinions. The architecture is as follows: Foreach module we create several namespaces and those will be ...

nosql modeling : howto (digg as an example) ?

Hello, I am trying to grasp this nosql thing since it sounds good for scalability. I have read the Digg is now using CassandraDB. Can you help me understand how a digg-like model can be structured efficiently ? where are the users where are the articles where are the notations .. Thanks Jerome ...

ADO.NET Known Issues?

So, I'm starting a new Project in my company, and it's kinda big. We are going to use .NET 3.5, and I wish to known if there are any know bugs or perfomance issues that could give weird behaviour for my project? I'm reading some things about EFv4 and all they say is that EFv3.5 have too many problems. After all, what's the best and fast...

Entity Framework in n-layered application - Lazy loading vs. Eager loading patterns

Hi all. This questions doesn't let me sleep as it's since one year I'm trying to find a solution but... still nothing happened in my mind. Probably you can help me, because I think this is a very common issue. I've a n-layered application: presentation layer, business logic layer, model layer. Suppose for simplicity that my application ...

WCF Service Layer in n-layered application: performance considerations

Hi all. When I went to University, teachers used to say that in good structured application you have presentation layer, business layer and data layer. This is what I heard for more than 5 years. When I started working I discovered that this is true but sometimes is better to have more than just three layers. Two or three days ago I dis...

What are the best ways to scale small business applications ?

I have one small online sale business but I want to make it scalable at limited expense and so am looking out at various services which can help me make my business scalable. I was looking into Amazon Web Services and it seems to be a viable option. Are there any other ways for adding scalability to small online businesses ? ...