I have a source collection (now a simple Array). At run-time I create ArrayCollections using the same array as the source (each collection show the same source, but they are differently filtered). My problem is, when a new item added to the source, the already created arraycollections wont updated if one of the property of this n...
I am writing a new code in Fortran and hesitating between using allocatable arrays or pointer arrays. I read somewhere that allocatable arrays have significant advantages over pointer arrays:
1) More efficient because they are always contiguous in memory
2) No memory leaks are possible
Can someone confirm this? Which one wou...
I am new to PHP and programming in general. I have been working on a few things with PHP that have required me to create classes, which has been fine, except that I can't seem to get my class methods to work on arrays that are properties of the class. I must be doing something pretty fundamentally wrong, because it doesn't seem to work r...
What is a quick and easy way to fill a Java array with clones of a single object?
e.g. after:
Rectangle[] rectangles = new Rectangle[N];
fillWithClones(rectangles, new Rectangle(1, 2, 3, 4));
the rectangles array would contain N distinct Rectangle instances, initialised with the same coordinates.
I am aware of the flaws of Object.cl...
I am looking to randomly shuffle a list/array using a key. I want to be able to repeat the same random order using the key.
So I will randomly generate a numeric key from say 1 to 20 then use that key to try and randomly shuffle the list.
I first tried just using the key to keep iterating through my list, decrementing the key until=0,...
I currently have this, and it sucks:
type TpointArray = array [0..3] of Tpoint;
class function rotationTable.offsets(pType, rotState, dir: integer): TpointArray;
Result[0] := point(1, 1);
Result[1] := point(1, 2);
Result[2] := point(1, 1);
Result[3] := point(1, 1);
but instead, i want to do something like this:
I followed the following tutorial to build a multilingual webpage using php arrays: http://bytes.com/topic/php/answers/880915-how-develop-multi-lingual-websites-php
the code:
files tree:
$locale = array(
'title' => 'Title in English',
I have the following code:
<title><?php echo $GLOBALS['L']['title']; ?></title>
<ul id="language-selection">
<li><a href="index.php?lang=english">English</a></li>
<li><a href="index.php?lang=french">French</a></li>
I have an array of objects in javascript, each of which in turn has an array:
category: [
{ name: "Cat1", elements : [
{ name: name, id: id } ]
{ name: "Cat2", elements : [
{ name: name, id: id },
{ name: name, id: id },
{ name: name, id: id } ]
Suppose I have an array
int arr[] = {...};
arr = function(arr);
I have the function as
int& function(int arr[])
//rest of the code
return arr;
What mistake am I making over here??
I'm trying to get better at using pointers, and not using array notation. So I have a function to read user input and return a pointer to that array. I can do it like this and it seems to work ok:
float *GetValues(float *p, size_t n)
float input;
int i = 0;
if ((newPtr = (float *)malloc(n * sizeof(float))) == NULL) ...
In C# .NET, what is the fastest way to initialize an array of doubles to NaN?
Here is how I am presently initializing an array with many elements.
int length = array.Length;
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)
array[i] = double.NaN;
Is there a faster way?
I have 2 array, the value will be from database, below is the case example:
$arr1 = array(1,2,3);
$arr2 = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7);
What I want to do is to check if all values in $arr1 is exist in $arr2. the above example should be a TRUE while:
$arr3 = array(1,2,4,5,6,7);
comparing $arr1 with $arr3 will return a FALSE.
Normally I use...
Hey everyone,
I'm trying to use regex in Perl. What I was wonder was if it is possible to store all matches to the expression into an array? I know I can use the following: ($1,...,$n) = m/expr/g; but it seems as though that can only be used if you know the number of matches you are looking for. I have tried my @array = m/expr/g; but ...
I presume that the following will give me 10 volatile ints
volatile int foo[10];
However, I don't think the following will do the same thing.
volatile int* foo;
foo = malloc(sizeof(int)*10);
Please correct me if I am wrong about this and how I can have a volatile array of items using malloc.
I have an array @test. What's the best way to check if each element of the array is the same string?
I know I can do it with a foreach loop but is there a better way to do this? I checked out the map function but I'm not sure if that's what I need.
Memory access through pointers is said to be more efficient than memory access through an array. I am learning C and the above is stated in K&R. Specifically they say
Any operation that can be achieved by array subscripting can also be done with pointers. The pointer version will in general be faster
I dis-assembled the following ...
Please help! I need this conversion to write wrapper for some C headers for Delphi.
As an example:
function pushfstring(fmt: PAnsiChar): PAnsiChar; cdecl; varargs; external;
function PushString(fmt: AnsiString; const args: array of const): AnsiString;
Result := AnsiString(pushfstring(PAnsiString(fmt), args)); // it's inco...
Is it possible to make an array a session variable in php. The situation is I've a table(page 1) with some cells having a link to particular page. The next page will have a list of names(page 2 which I want to keep in session array) with their respective check box. on submitting this form which will lead to transaction page(page 3 here v...
Hey all,
I'm translating some MATLAB code into C and the script I'm converting makes heavy use of 3D arrays with 10*100*300 complex entries. The size of the array also depends on the sensor's input, ideally the array should be allocated dynamically. So far I've tried two approaches the first being a flat 1D array along the lines of