how to extract Datatable or DataSet from Linq Query or List.

how to extract DataTable or DataSet from Linq Query or List. e.g I have linq query like this MyDBpDataContext dcSp = new MyDBpDataContext(); dcSp.myProgrammSP().ToList(); I wrote an Sp which sends a Table as result and I have code which is already using DataTable So I want to convert this result in DataTable. ...

How to use elmah multiple error log process

In my application i want to save error log on DB Server and xml files by using the elmah .I can use them in single.How to use it for multiple process. ...

How to use server,Xml,email error log store process on elmah

using elmah i can save error log on database,email,xml .They are individually works well .I want to work in together.Suppose in my config file i can can active server log than i can not active xml log but i want to work on both .How to do. <elmah> <!-- Change this to 1 to allow remote access. If you do, be sure to lock down the...

Asp.Net - UserControl - Inherit from MasterPage

Is it possible for an user control (ascx) to doing something like herit from a MasterPage ? My point is, in one of my user control (only use by one kind of MasterPage), I would like to use an <asp:content> tag, but I can't, I can only in the page that use that user control... So, I have to repeat some code into each of the page that us...

Cachedependency with mysql

Hello, How do I create CacheDependency with mysql? ...

downloading image from data list

I am having a data list that shows images and button under it. Now i want to download that images. I have written code for that. The problem is i want to access the image on click of button. How it can be done ...

On asp:Table Control how do we create a thead ?

From an MSDN article on the subject, we can see that we create a TableHeaderRowthat contains TableHeaderCells. But they add the table header like this: myTable.Row.AddAt(0, headerRow); which outputs the HTML: <table id="Table1" ... > <tr> <th scope="column" abbr="Col 1 Head">Column 1 Header</th> <th scope="column" abbr="Co...

What is session management in ASP.Net

I want to know session management techniques in ASP.Net ...

Web Application not getting reference to ASP namespace

I've got code I've inherited from a vendor that's just their SVN dump to the inetpub folder and I wanted to pull the files into our source control as a file based web application in visual studio 2008. The project was originally a web site project and I'm trying to convert it to a web application project. However, the compiler complain...

Track bounced back newsletter emails

Hi, I've built a newsletter system which tracks: Openings Link clicks Unsubscriptions However, I need to find a way of tracking which newsletter emails 'bounced back'. Has anyone done this before and whats the best way of doing it? Thanks, Curt ...

How to move fixed position;page=6 In this url ,user see see on left side a twitter picture move .How to do it.What's this technique name?HOw to do that? ...

creating a user in Active Directory: A device attached to the system is not functioning

Consider this code attempting to create an Active Directory account. It's generating an exception here with a certain set of data. It's not clear right now what's causing the exception. var user = new UserPrincipal(someValidUserContext, ".x-xyz-t-FooFooBarTest", "somePwd", true); user.UserPrincipalName ...

log4net - Appenders not working in IIS7.5

I am able to write to a log file using log4net and Cassini/IIS dev server, but when I use IIS7.5, I can't write out to a file. Initially, I got a security exception, so I added requirePermission="false" and the exception went away but no file was created. The trust level is full according to IISM. I can't get this working on my own m...

Asp.Net - ListView inside a Repeater

The DataSource (of my repeater) is a Dictionary<string, IList<User>> I would like the repeater to show all the Key of my dictionary and I would like my ListView to use all the Data inside the Value of my dictionary. It's should generated some kind of container. Container got a name (key of the dictionary) and got many values (Value of ...

What is the easiest way to give nice URLs to my ASP.NET WebForms application?

I have a big, fat, legacy ASP.NET WebForms application with big, fat, legacy URLs: /ViewDocument.aspx?documentId=72143&noRedirect=1&someOtherCrapThatJustSeemsToGoOnForever=AndEver What is the simplest way to implement pretty URLs in WebForms using ASP.NET 3.5? Is there anything in ASP.NET 4 that will make this easier? Should I impleme...

What's wrong with my code inner join in linq to sql?

What's wrong with my code? For the Employee table and the table Project are underlined in red ... Thanks in advance! DataContext db = new projfuncionarioDataContext(); var query = from p in db.Funcionario join c in db.Projeto on p.Cdfunc equals c.Cdfunc select new {...

Measuring Session Variable Size / Weight - Plus - Is there Session Compression?

Hello - I have a question about session variables. We use serializable value objects to store values. Sometimes we're using composite / aggregate objects and I'd like to know how much memory these objects are occupying. What's a good way to see how big these objects are, so I can see what kind of memory they are using on the server. ...

Ambiguous Name Resolution (anr=*ma*) equivalent in .NET 3.5 DirectoryServices.AccountManagement

Out with the old and in with the new(er). I am shelving an old 2.0 "asmx" service in favor of a shiny new 4.0 WCF service. My old service used System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher with an anr= filter to good effect and allowed for a Google style search for user objects from a single input field. I wo...

ItemDataBound 'e.item.dataitem("key")' with ListView Control

With the ASP.NET Repeater control, I am used to being able to access my data item values in the ItemDataBound Event Handler by doing: e.item.dataitem("column_name") However, it seems with the ListView control this is not possible. How can I access the data item values? ...

.NET - NULL object if assigned string length is 0

Currently, whenever I pass a string to the db, if that string is empty, then i set that object to NULL by doing the following: IIf(DescriptionTxt.Text.length > 0, DescriptionTxt.Text, DBNull.Value) I was thinking about writing a function to reduce the length of this code, and make it more consistent. However, I was wondering, is ther...