Why are my Outbound URLs in NUnit different from the ones in my View?

I'm reading Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework book. In an example on 106 - 111 the author walks through creating an NUnit test for a HTMLHelper class. I noticed that when I ran my HTMLHelper code in NUnit the links appeared like this: <a href="Page1">1</a> <a class="selected" href="Page2">2</a> <a href="Page3">3</a> But when I see them in t...

ASP.NET MVC View information stored in a data-store...

Hi, I'm looking for some advice on storing views in a data-store (database, file, other) and display them based on routing data, all using ASP.NET MVC 2 and ASP.NET Routing. For example, I'd like to be able to display different views based on the following route data: /{country}/ /{country}/{area} But in the same vein I'd like to di...

MVC - Application root appears twice in url using Url.Content/Url.Action

I have several mvc applications on the same domain, each have their own directory. etc.. When using Url.Content() and Url.Action() when at the root level, 'app1' part is repeated twice in the urls. // code used to generate the links <%= Url.Action("tetris", "Apps") %> Page Url: mydo...

dynamically Frame the URl in c#

In c# i need to frame the folllowing URL dynamically,here Action is redirectURL and the Controller is Books,when i post the page i send the url to some other page in follwing it posible to frame the URL with "localhost:7187" dynamically? http://localhost:7187/Books/redirectURL ...

MapRoute problem in ASP.NET MVC (for IIS6)

I have a problem in routing on the server (IIS6). It works OK on the development environment: routes.MapRoute( "FindCities", "FindCities/{state_id}", new { controller = "Regions", action = "FindCitiesByStateID", state_id = "" }); Here I call this action: $.ajax({ type: "GET", contentT...

Using IIS Application Request Routing (ARR) for ASP.NET MVC

I use a simple ASP.NET MVC web (the template you use when you create a new site) and the web works as expected in my live environment. I now try to use IIS Application Request Routing version 2. I have a rule that send all reuqests to a different server that match a rule. The settings are a bit like this:

ASP.NET MVC Route not working with constraint

Hi, I'm having trouble getting a Route working in order to constrain the parameters of an action of a controller to only be integers. I have a a controller action as follows: [RequiresRole(RoleToCheckFor = "Administrator"), AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Get)] public ActionResult Edit(int id) { ... } and the following ...

ASP.NET MVC Login Route

Hi, Currently I am using ASP.NET MVC and have home/index for logged out user which appears as "/" but this has got me confused as to how I can have "/" for a logged in user? I could modify like - but I want it like "/". My confusion relates to the fact that the "/" [] is bound in the routes collection to home/i...

routing - An optional constraint parameter problem - how to route repetitive routes

How can I merge this two class to one? this: new { action = "index|new|edit" } new { controller = "category|article" } To this: new { action = "index|new|edit", controller = "category|article" } I know that it's not trivial at all, but here is the problem. I have a method that I used to register my routes. The method don't have ...

Redirecting to same ActionResult from diffrent controllers

Hi all, I have a User entity, and in various views, I want to create links to a user home page basically. This fuctionality should be avaialbe in different controllers, so I can easily redirect to the user's home page. Each user in my site has a role ; for example reader, writer, editor, manager and admin. Ideally, I want to try to achi...

How to find out from where was Action routed to in ASP.NET MVC?

I don't think title is making any sense, so I hope that I can explain it well enough. I have Controler Item with Action EditItem. EditItem is routed to from many places, such as /Item/Browse/ByCategory /Item/Browse/ByType /Item/Browse/ByWhatever What I'd really like is to return the user to page from where he clicked Edit on an item...

ASP.Net MVC 2 RC2: Custom route returns 404 when all optional parameters are null

I get a 404 error when I navigate to the following URL using the route below: http://localhost:53999/properties/ However, all the following are correctly routed to the List action in my controller: http://localhost:53999/properties/usa/new-york/manhattan/12 http://localhost:53999/properties/usa/new-york/manhattan http://localhost:53...

How do I allow extra text after my URLs in ASP.NET MVC?

I have this sole route in my app: routes.MapRoute( "Default", "{controller}/{action}/{id}", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = ""} ); This works great for URLs like: /Blah/Index /Blah/Create /Blah/Details/5 I want to add text to that last one like SO does: ...

Get absolute url using routing

Hi! This should be simple. I want to get an absolute Uri given the controller, action and other routevalues. In other words I want to do what Html.ActionLink does but without the anchor and I want to do it in my controller. ...

What's the difference in ASP.NET MVC of RedirectToRoute and RedirectToAction?

What's the difference in ASP.NET MVC of RedirectToRoute and RedirectToAction? It's not clear what the difference is to me. ...

MVC 2 RC RedirectToAction woes

Hiya! I have setup a custom route as defined in my global.asax: routes.MapRoute( "Search", "{controller}/{action}/{type}/{searchterm}", new { controller = "Search", action = "Results", type = "", searchterm = "" } ); Now all I want to do it in a controller when data is passed via POST basically go in the form...

Windows Azure Subdomain Re-Routing with ASP.NET MVC

I have the following issue, lets say I create an A record with my domain like *, my main domain has a CNAME record pointing to my Windows Azure given domain name. So it goes as follows: A record: * CNAME record: Now I want the ability to control custom subdomain i...

MapRoute with generic controller

Is it possible to map a route with MapRoute and specify a generic controller e.g context.MapRoute( "Dashboard_Edit", // Route name "dashboard/edit/{*pagePath}", new { controller = "Dashboard`1", action = "edit", pagePath = "home" } ); ...

Trouble using Url.Action() when trying to create friendly & "hackable" urls.

I've defined the following route for a simple blog. routes.MapRoute( "Blog", "blog/{year}/{month}/{day}", new { controller = "Blog", action = "Index" }, new { year = @"\d{4}", month = @"\d{2}", day = @"\d{2}" } ); The url should be able "hackable" to accomplish the following: -> shows all posts in 2...

Is it possible to send object as route value in RedirectToRouteResult?

First of all, it needs to create some codes that handle any error in my application like the following code. public class HandleSomeErrorAttribute : HandleErrorAttribute { public string ControllerName { get; set; } public string ActionName { get; set; } public override void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext) { ...