I've tried a few google searches and stack over flow searches, but this is proving hard to find than I thought. I need to provide justification to management for our shop to move to ASP.NET MVC 2. The biggest help would be any enterprise level sites or major web development shops that are using ASP.NET MVC 1/2.
Does anyone have a list ...
I'm looking to emulate the password reset flow from www.live.com. That is (skip email option for now):
1) Screen asking/confirming the username
2) Ask reset method (account verification or email reset)
3) Gather account info and verify it
4) Present user with a password reset inputs.
So I was looking for any tips on how to do this ...
I have a view that will create a table while enumerating over each item in my model.
to each row I need to add a button.
I need would like to have a jquery function tied to each button to show an alert when it is clicked. the text will be different depending on the row item that is clicked, so I must know what row the edit button is in t...
I created a custom RouteHandler for images that I want protected. My RouteHandler simply takes a new route (graphics/{filename}) and does a lookup for the true file path, sets the mime type, and serves it up. That works fine. (http://www.mikesdotnetting.com/Article/126/ASP.NET-MVC-Prevent-Image-Leeching-with-a-Custom-RouteHandler)
Hello everyone,
I got domain name in Thai "ไทยลีก.com" (pronounce thaileague.com). and this name is encode to XN--12C7B7AM4F0D.COM when it need to use.
In fact, I rent shared hosting server and give server administrator XN--12C7B7AM4F0D.COM as domain name to add for my website. However, he told me there error when he tried to add XN--...
I am building onto the example found here:
What I would like to do now is have some logic that checks for certain data in session before allowing the valid image to show. Is it possible to access session data from within the custom ...
I am using StructureMap on an ASP.NET MVC project. I have an object that I want to use throughout the session. Should I use StructureMap or Session:["MyObject"] to manage the concrete instance? Thanks in advance.
I want to create a custom modelbinder which validates the bounded model. I have found several examples of this and it works as it should. But I want to also to be able to send the user back to the page he came from if there is errors in the model.
Is this possible to do and are there any obvious side effects by doing this?
What I w...
I am using a Jquery UI modal form to post data back to my action and it works fine. However when I put client side validation on and the user closes the modal without submitting the form retains the validation messages and styles.
It there away to clear the validation messages on the client? What element is the message wrapped in?
I have a side project done in ASP.NET MVC. So far the presentation is just very basic functionality.
If I were to hire a designer online and work with them to produce the final website design what process should I follow to make it as easy as possible to take their HTML and CSS and translate that into ASP.NET MVC controls etc?
I am un...
Is anyone able to give simple steps and example (as possible using vb.net) to create and use a Crystal Report in pure ASP.NET MVC application (without using webforms, controls, code behind ... ) ? Thank you very much!..
public List<string> TagNameList (int objectId)
List<string> tagNameList = db.Tags.Where(ob => ob.Id == objectId).ToList();
db.Tags.Where(ob => ob.Id == objectId).ToList();
I'm going into the db context in the Tags and i select all the tags that have a set objectId via a navigation property i have setup through an ObjectTags...
Can the built in ASP MVC validation be made to behave differently for different actions of a same controller ? For example I have a user controller and it has actions like create, edit and other actions. So in model user the attribute Username is being validated for its uniqueness. If there is an user present with the same username, it t...
I've got my validation wired up through my Service layer, and my Birthdate property looks like this.
<DisplayName("birthdate")> _
<RegularExpression("^\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}$", ErrorMessage:="Birthdate is not in the correct format.")> _
<DisplayFormat(ApplyFormatInEditMode:=True, ConvertEmptyStringToNull:=True, DataFormatString...
Hi folks,
this is really weird. I am able to upload files and save it in database when working locally on my MVC project (using localhost) but when the project is deployed on the server, i am getting directory not found exception (System.IO.DirectoryNotFound). It lists my local file path in the error log on the server.
I am trying to sa...
I have a Tags table and an Objects table.
A record of their relationships is kept via the ObjectTags table which has two columns. The columns store ObjectId and TagId (from the Tags and Objects tables), and both make up a composite key (can't have TagId and ObjectId twice).
In Entity Framework this table is not mapped as an object but...
What are the implications (in each case) of declaring a database context ex: mydbEntities as either:
public static mydbEntities db = new mydbEntities ();
public mydbEntities db = new mydbEntities ();
private static mydbEntities db = new mydbEntities ();
private mydbEntities db = new mydbEntities ();
I'm using ASP.NET MVC 2. ...
I have the following code:
private bool CheckForDuplicatesInCache(Message theMessage)
var cacheClient = MemcachedClient.GetInstance("IntegrationCache");
var messageHash = theMessage.GetHashCode();
if (cacheClient.Get(messageHash.ToString()).IsNotNull())
IntegrationContext.WriteLog("Warning: This messa...
Referring to this question, let's say we have the following scenario -
A model class User that implements IUser
public class User : IUser
And a repository that handles saving, retrieving etc. of this from whichever datastore we want to use
public class UserRepository : IRepository<User>
I'm looking at the StackOverflow website and I've noticed that there is a Class="youarehere" attribute set to the buttons of active views. This results in the orange styling instead of the grey styling.
Can anybody tell me how they're doing this? What's the easiest way to dynamically set the class based on the URL?