
Looking for some sample code audio conversion with the iPhone caf=>m4a

Hi Developers, I am struggling with converting a recorded pcm/caf file (recorded via the AudioQueue) to a m4a file. I should be possible somehow with the "AudioConverter.h" but doesn't seem to be easy at all. If you have seen an example or have a code snippet it would be great if you can post it. Thanks for your help Tom ...

Getting duration of audio file C#

Hi All, I'm trying to get the duration for an audio file in c#. I got the following code to work on my local machine but when I deploy it to a windows server 2008 box it always returns a duration of 0 for .avi and .wav files. WindowsMediaPlayerClass wmp = new WindowsMediaPlayerClass(); IWMPMedia mediaInfo = wmp.newMedia(filePath); ...

Design of the recommendation engine database?

i am currently working on recommendation systems especially for audio files.but i am a beginner at this subject.i am trying to design database first with mysql but i cant decide how to do it.İt is basicly a system which users create profile then search for the music and system recommend them music similar to they liked. which database ...

iPhone SDK Smaller CAF files: lower recording quality with Audio Queues?

In my iPhone app I have voice recording functionality the utilizes Audio Queue voice recording functions of the SDK. I'm saving directly to CAF format and using the following settings for the AudioStreamBasicDescription reference: audioFormat.mFormatID = kAudioFormatLinearPCM; I can see that there are other format ids I could use lik...

C++ and pulseaudio "not declared in this scope"

Hi folks! I'm trying to use pulseaudio to play the contetst of a vorbis-stream but are hitting problems. Basicly I'm told that: ‘pa_simple’ was not declared in this scope ‘pa_simple_new’ was not declared in this scope ‘pa_simple_write’ was not declared in this scope Some code are shown below: #include <pulse/pulseaudio.h> pa_sim...

Versatile Embedded Audio Player

Hi guys. I'm working on a web app that, among other things, needs to be able to take a variety of audio files and play them back via the web interface. I've been searching for two days for various embedded players to do this. I thought WMP might be enough, but it only plays some of what I need. Specifically, I run into problems tryin...

How can I add audio (mp3) to a flv (just video) with ffmpeg?

Hi :) How can I add sound from a mp3-file to a flv file that has no audio? (With ffmpeg) When I use ffmpeg -i video.flv -i audio.mp3 -acodec copy -vcodec copy -ab 128k -ar 44100 output.flv I get this output: FFmpeg version SVN-r12758, Copyright (c) 2000-2008 Fabrice Bellard, et al. configuration: --enable-shared --prefix=/usr ...

SoundManager + FFMPEG causing loud popping sound when streaming MP3s?

Hi there, I built an application that plays both uploaded original mp3 files, and copies that have been converted with FFMPEG. I am finding that in some cases the FFMPEG files have a horrible popping/clicking/screeching sound for a split second at startup (hear below). But when I analyze the file in an audio editor there is nothing ther...

New Audio File Format

Is there any ways to create my own audio file format? I'm planning to create simple player with its codec. What should I learn before now? thanks. ...

How to fast-forward and rewind audio in j2me / blackberry (midp) application ?

Hi, I want to fast-forward and rewind recorded audio in a j2me and Blackberry application. Is there any sample code available? How do I do it? Please help. Thanks in advance. ...

MP3 and OGG tags in PHP

Except and does anyone know of any other way to work from PHP with tags on audio files? I need to read and write them, and KTagLib seems a little too much for the job, and also don't really get the documentation, and getID3 seems to only write ID3v1 tags. ...

Real time pitch detection

Hello, I'm trying to do real time pitch detection of a users singing, but I'm running into alot of problems. I've tried lots of methods, including FFT (FFT Problem (Returns random results)) and autocorrelation (Autocorrelation pitch detection returns random results with mic input), but I can't seem to get any methods to give a good resu...

Audio generation software or .NET library

Hey there! I need to be able to play certain tones in a c# application. I don't care if it generates them on the fly or if it plays them from a file, but I just need SOME way to generate tones that have not only variable volume and frequency, but variable timbre. It would be especially helpful if whatever I used to generate these tones ...

Audio files not Playing in Blackberry

Hi, Im trying to play recorded wave file.While playing,exception is thrown at foll. stmt.: Player player = Manager.createPlayer(is, "audio/mpeg"); My entire code for playing wave file is as follows: if (types[cnt].equals("audio/x-wav")) { Class clazz = Class.forName("RecordAudio"); InputStream is = clazz.getResourceAsStream("...

C#, DirectX, and XNA: Playing Audio, and Requirements for End-User

I'm working on a C# desktop 2D game, and want to play audio. 1) If I use DirectX for the audio, would an end-user have to have DirectX installed on the computer? (I assume yes). 2) If I use XNA for the audio, would an end-user still require DirectX, or anything else other than the .NET Framework, in order to run my program? I'm getti...

Advantages of creating .ram, .wvx, .m3u files for hosting and streaming audio/video files?

We will be soon hosting a large number of audio and video files that have been historically saved in 3 various formats. (.rm, .wmv, .mp3) Should we create pointer files (.ram, .wvx, .m3u) for Web site visitors and search engines to consume them? If I create links to the actual media files directly, what are the implications? Are the p...

Audio Unit and Writing to file

I'm creating real-time audio sequencer app on OS X. Real-time synth part is implemented by using AURenderCallback. Now I'm making function to write rendered result to Wave File (44100Hz 16bit Stereo). Format for render-callback function is 44100Hz 32bit float Stereo interleaved. I'm using ExtAudioFileWrite to write to file. But ExtAudio...

Windows mobile microphone low level properties

Hello everyone, I would like to know if there is any managed or unmanaged library for accesing microphone properties in windows mobile. I want to collect real-time info from the microphone: decibels, tone and so on... Any idea? Any .dll for that in windows mobile? Thanks in advance. ...

Voice recognition in .NET

How to implement voice recognition in .NET? I've got a bunch of .mp3s with computer generated voice of relatively high quality. In each .mp3 the voice says some random text and then a sequence of 6-7 digits in English. I'd like to extract those digits as text. Is it possible to implement such a thing in .NET? ...

Meaning of negative values in audio waveforms

Hi all, I've been pondering this question lately. I've got this small app I've built, in which I visualize a wav file and give it a wave form (similar to what audacity does). I've noticed that from some reason there are negative and positive values. Well, I can understand the importance of negative values in sinusoidal waves, where the...