
How can I add an 'enhancement' sound filter in win7?

In windows 7, if one right clicks on the speaker icon in the taskbar, clicks playback devices, opens properties for one of the devices tab, then clicks the enhancements tab, one gets a list of filters ("Bass Boost" etc) that can be applied to that sound device. How can I register my own custom filter here? Please note that I am not an I...

What are the ways to convert/encode to AAC in Cocoa?

Is there a way to programmatically convert and/or encode to AAC/m4a format in Cocoa without the use of any libraries or programs that don't ship with Mac OS X? I don't want to use for example, faac or ffmpeg, to do the encoding. ...

How to shift audio track without delay in AS2

Hi, I have written an application that plays 2 audio tracks in Flash. Now is my problem: how to make so, that after user have pressed a key, second track would be shifted(forwards/back)? This action and then playing should be without additional caching and delays. ...

MySql Audio Library

I'm coding in ASP.NET and want to store audio files (.mp3, or smaller formats) in a MySQL database; which, I can then retrieve based on certain conditions. Is this possible? Are there any preferred methods to having Audio files on your web pages (besides embedding them in the HTML). ...

Pitch recognition of musical notes on a smart phone, pt. 2

As a follow-up to my previous question, if I want my smartphone application to detect a certain musical note, and I only need to know whether the incoming sound is that musical note or not, with a certain amount of fuzziness, to allow the note to be off-key by x cents. Given that, is there a superior method over others for speed and acc...

Microsoft Azure based Audio conversion?

Does anyone know if its feasible to convert PCM/FLAC files to some compressed format (mp3/wma/ogg, not picky), with the conversion process running on Azure? An Amazon EC2 based solution would be trivial, as 3rd party libraries could be installed; but what about Azure? ...

<audio> element autobuffers no matter what

I'm trying to make a web based media player using the HTML5 audio element implemented in Firefox 3.5 and Chrome. Reading Mozillas documentation, omitting the autobuffer attribute should result in the audio src not being requested: if specified, the audio will automatically begin being downloaded, even if not set to automatically ...

Any easy ways to play an audio file on a remote PC.

I have a requirement to remotely trigger the playing of an audio file on a remote PC. The PC in question may not be on the same domain as the triggering system. It may be running either XP or Vista. The audio file can be on the remote machine. I have all of the local logon details for each remote PC. I could write a client/server servi...

J2ME/Blackberry - get audio signal amplitude level?

Hi! Is it possible in j2me to measure signal amplitude of audio record made by JSR-135 Player? I know I can access buffer, but then what? Target model Bold 9000, supported formats PCM and AMR. Which format I should use? See also Blackberry Audio Recording Sample Code How To - Record Audio on a BlackBerry smartphone Thank you! ...

How to programatically test for audio sync

I have a multimedia application that among other things converts video using FFMpeg. Video conversion being the pain that it is, I have in my test suits some tests that check our ability to convert various video formats, with emphasis on sample videos known not to work. A common problem we've noticed from users is that some videos end u...

Audio Processing - Tone Recognition

I've started developing a simple guitar tuner as a learning project for audio processing programs. Could someone recommend me an adequate library for this? Here's basically what I'm looking for: Microphone input. Real-time processing of the signal. I need to be able to perform note recognition on whatever is being played to the mic. C...

Is it possible to find stretches of silence in audio files with Javascript?

Hi, I've been working on a tool to transcribe recordings of speech with Javascript. Basically I'm hooking up key events to play, pause, and loop a file read in with the audio tag. There are a number of advanced existing desktop apps for doing this sort of thing (such as Transcriber -- here's a screenshot). Most transcription tools have ...

What determines the order for sound devices in windows when using winmm.dll?

I am trying to use NAudio to create a multiple sound output application. We have 8 USB sound cards installed. NAudio lets me use all 8 but I can't figure out a pattern for determining which device index is which card. The cards will be hooked up to different hardware so it is important to make sure you know which card you are using. ...

How to split a wav file into smaller chunks using Java?

I have a very huge WAV file, about 100MB in size. I would like to use Java to read this wav file and split it into smaller chunks for every 2 seconds of audio. Is it possible to do this in Java? Could you please suggest me an API with which I can achieve it? Thanks in advance, Snehal ...

Setting up apache to serve PHP when an MP3 file is requested

I'm working on a way to serve up MP3 files through PHP and after some help form the SO massive, I got it working here However, that example doesn't appear to work when I use it as the source in an audio tag like this <html> <head> <title>Audio Tag Experiment</title> </head> <body> <audio id='audio-element' src="mu...

How to play audio and video together in iphone

Hi, I want to play some videos with audio from different audio files. For this i am playing a video(using MPMoviePlayerController) and i am playing an audio(using AVAudioPlayer). When i play my code through simulator it works fine (the video with my audio file specified). When i run the application in device it doesn't work like that. ...

WPF audio manipulation

Hi Everyone, I want to do some slightly advanced audio playing using a standard WPF application. Here is what I need: ability to smoothly loop change pitch play multiple sounds at once I know the SoundPlayer class in not sufficient because it cannot play multiple sounds at once, so I began looking into the XNA SoundEffect class (an...

What C++ libraries should I be looking for if I want to modify a sound file and save it back?

I am looking for some advices for sound-related libraries for C++. My requirements are as follow: load a sound file - this means I need to know what type of sound is being input and then deal with it. For instance, an MP3 file should be decoded first before being further processed. modifying sound - we should be able to play around wi...

Is it possible to play an MPEG2 movie and play a seperate MP3 file?

I am using an ARM based system and Windows CE 6.0. I am the OEM. Before I start diving into searches and coding examples, I wanted to know whether it is possible to use Windows Media Player for Windows CE 6.0 to play an MPEG2 file (without a sound stream), and at the same time play another MP3 file. Is it possible? Are there any H/W r...

How to program an audio/video application on network?

I want to make (for fun, challenge) a videoconference application, I have some ideas about this: 1) taking the audio/video streams (I don't know what an audio/video stream is) 2) pass this to a server that lets communicate the clients. I can figure out how to write a server(there are a lot of books and documentation about this) but I r...