
Calculating RMS with overlapping windows

I have a 1-dimensional float array of root mean square values, each calculated with the same window length. Let's say RMS = {0, 0.01, 0.4, ... } Now the RMS for a larger window, which can be represented as a range of the original windows, can be calculated as the RMS of the "participating" RMS values from RMS[i] to RMS[i + len]. Here ...

Extracting audio data from FLV and injecting into MP3 (C#)

I need to extract the audio data from a FLV and inject it into a MP3 with C#. So I'm look for either a library for this or how to do it with the rawdata/file structure. ...

Combining Audio Files as One Properly on iPhone with NSData

I am using AVAudioRecorder to save an audio file every 15 seconds by stopping the recording appending that data to the previously recorder file using a NSMutableData object and using the appendData method. I then record again in the same method so the recording is "continuous". The problem is as soon as you do [recorder stop] it saves...

A simple way to generate tones / sine waves on mac? (ruby would be nice)

I'm writing a program that involves playing back sine waves and combinations of sine waves... it must run on Mac, and I'm looking for a simple API that I can use. I'm open to ObjC, C, C++, Ruby, Python, etc.... I don't care what language as long as it's just a few lines of code. But Ruby would be nice :-) On Linux you can write to /dev/...

More customizable flash mp3 player for website?

Hi, the only mp3 flash player I've see has been the Google Audio widget which is limited in its appearance. For my wordpress, I like the player I use 1 Pixel Out's, which is great: Anyway I could use this without much coding on a regular,...

What is the best embeddable live stream podcast component I can toss into a client's website?

I am making a website for someone, and they want to be able to record, broadcast, and archive radio shows they put up. Anyone know any drop and play components that are great for this? What's the best? Thanks!! ...

Custom File Format And Codec ??

Hi everyone; I'm messed up with codec issue for days, and still couldn't see the big picture yet. It is my first time do deal with audio/video formats and codecs. So I really need some help about that. Here is the work. I'm writing several components that is responsible for encoding and decoding customized mpeg files. On top of standar...

Reading the audio output from soundcard with java.

Is there anyway to read the audio outputted by a program/the soundcard? Sort of like, reading the audio output of itunes, or firefox. I've searched around and I can't find any way to do this as it requires interfacing with the soundcard. Any help is appreciated! ...

AVAudioPlayer with external URL to *.m4p

My Problem is the following. I got this code and i guess a corrupt NSURL since the AVAudioPlayer is nil after initializing: NSString *dummyURLString = @""; NSError *error; NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:dummyURLString]; AVAudioPlayer *player = [[AVAudioPl...

How do you convert audio files (on the fly) to the browser?

I would like to be able to convert audio files to MP3 to the users browser on the fly. The software I am using is: Apache, PHP & FFMPEG on an ubuntu system. Here is the code I have so far: <?php header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); header("Content-Type: audio/mpeg, audio/x-mpeg, audio/x-mpeg-3, audio/mpeg3"); pas...

Does all audio format has a header for message length

Hi, Does all audio format has a header for audio length (in second)? If not, what kind of audio format has that information embedded in the header. Thank you. ...

Control over who can use audio output channel in XP

I have a need to turn off other audio sources when I plan to use the Text to Speech API. The other audio may be in another process. I have looked at the mixer control, but I really only have control of the output there. Is there another place in XP that I can control the output so only my app is able to be heard? ...

HTML5 Local Storage of audio element source - is it possible?

Hi stackoverflow experts I've been experimenting with the audio and local storage features of html5 of late and have run into something that has me stumped. I'd like to be able to cache or store the source of the audio element locally to enable speedier and offline playback. The problem is I can't see how this is possible with the cur...

Redirecting audio output to line in.

Hi, i want to stream what i hear in my speakers to my mic. So i can play music through vent. I have tried all other methods but im using windows 7 and non of the programs work :( I was wondering if its not to hard to just make a program in C# that takes the Audio out stream going to my speakers and redirects it into the line in plug? ...

iPhone SDK audioSession question.

Hi to all. In my app i record and play audio at the same time. The app is almost finished. But there is one thing, that annoying me. When audio session is set to PlayAndRecord, sounds become quiet in comparison with the same sounds with the SoloAmbient category. Is there any way to make sound louder using PlayAndRecord? ...

silverlight audio monitoring

as far as i can tell the only way to play audio on silverlight 3 is using the mediaelement. I'm comparing using flash vs silverlight for a web app which will allow the user to interactively turn on/off multiple tracks from a single audio compositions. how many simultaneous sounds can silverlight play at once? Think flash has a limit of...

Which technology to use for playing audio on the iPhone?

I need something that is capable of: playing audio files (whatever preferred format, I'm flexible) play more than one at once (=mixing it automatically to the headphones/speaker) and if possible: - play from a particular position of an audio file, i.e. starting at 2 seconds rather than from the beginning where should I have a look a...

Silverlight3: Play files from a .m3u playlist

Hy, does anyone already figured out a way to play .m3u files with Silverlight? I didn't find a way to do so, and I don't think that it's natively supported by SL. Any ideas how to manage the playback? Thanks for your answers! ...

How to realize a multi channel audio pre-mixer in .net

I'd like to use C# to implement an application that can play multiple audio streams at the same time. Peanuts - now the interesting part: assuming every stream is single channel (mono) I want to adjust the volume for every speaker (5.1 or even 7.1) for every stream separately. I can use the windows mixer to do this, but the problem is, t...

Controling the Volume of an Audio Clip in Java 1.4

I would have thought that this would be an easy thing to do, but no amount of googling around has turned up any solutions. I have written an application for a client that runs in full screen and allows the user to page through educational books in order to help teach kids to read. So far so good. Some phrases from the displayed material...