
Need Resources on XAPO Effects for XAudio2

I've been working with XAudio2 lately. After going over the samples, example code, and more-sparse-than-I'd-like documentation available from Microsoft and the MSDN, I've found that there aren't any easy-to-Google resources on creating and using XAPO effects, nor any XAPO effects produced by third parties that I can download and/or buy....

Convert raw PCM stream to wavs (cli)

I need a program that I can pipe a raw PCM stream into, and will send wav files to stdout. Since the input is a stream, I can't just add headers to it, but I can for every x seconds (For example, program reads ten seconds of the stream, and outputs a ten second long wav file, reads the next ten seconds, outputs a wav file, and so on). ...

What Is The Best Way To Play Audio Through Qt?

I am building an application in pyQt4 and I want it to be able to play audio files. I was considering doing this through pyMedia as I could not get anywhere with the documentation, although the QAudio classes did initially look promising. It is important that the solution be cross-platform. Does anyone have any suggestions? ...

pitchbend (varispeed) audio with iPhone SDK's AudioUnit

hi, I'm trying to manipulate the speed (and pitch) of a sound while playing. so i played around with iphone sdk's AudioUnit. downloaded iPhoneMultichannelMixerTest and tried to add an AUComponent to the graph (in this case a formatconverter). but i get (pretty soon) following error when building: #import <AudioToolbox/AudioToolbox.h> ...

Force iPhone to output through the speaker, while recording from headphone mic

As far as I've been able to tell, whenever you override an audio route in the iPhone, you have to change both the output AND input routes together. The only available routes I'm aware of are: "Headset" "Headphone" "Speaker" "SpeakerAndMicrophone" "HeadphonesAndMicrophone" "HeadsetInOut" "ReceiverAndMicrophone" "Lineout" Is there any wa...

How to implement low-latency n-to-n audio chat

Dear overflowers, I am investigating on how to implement an n-to-n audio chat (so, lets say 4 people hear each other). This is quite trivial using Flash or Wowza Media Server. The real problem is the latency because the 4 people in the chat have to do things as synchronous as possible (for example, something like singing together). Ever...

iPhone SDK: Using AVfoundation framework to play audio.

Hi, Im currently building a soundboard and I am using the following code to play sounds: NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"hawhaw" ofType:@"wav"]; AVAudioPlayer* theAudio=[[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:path] error:NULL]; theAudio.delegate = self; [theAudio play]; Now this pl...

Capture sound output on mac

I am trying to port my screensaver from windows to mac and one of its features was reacting on system sound output. On windows it was easy using Direct Sound, but I can't find any example of capturing sound output on mac. Is it possible even possible without writing something like kernel extension? Using flash it is also very easy — it e...

How to make a simple audio equalizer for the iPhone?

I want to make a simple audio equalizer for the iPhone, but I don't know how to start. The equalizer should be really simple and just change bass, high, distortion and maybe echo and chorus. How can I start? Maybe a sample code would be helpful. ...

iPhone: does 'Audio Converter Services' use the hardware decoders for it's memory to memory decoding?

I want to be able to convert an mp3 like compressed file in memory to PCM for use in open al, I would like to use the hardware decoders, and I would like to be able to randomly jump around the stream (our track plays once in entirety, and the loops back NOT to the beginning, but to a certain sample) ...

Mixing Audio Files

Hi, I have few audio files: f_1 - length 10 sec f_2 - length 3 sec f_3 - length 1 sec What I need is to find a way to mix(merge) f2 and f3 at particular section in f_1 (i.e. position which is equal to 6 sec) I was looking at Audio examples but they don't help me much so any ideas\references\ documentation that might help? Many T...

Android AudioRecord and AudioTrack codec options?

I currently use the AudioTrack and AudioRecord classes in Android. I use the pure PCM data but I was wondering what my options are for other codecs? From this page it seems I can only encode and decode using AMR narrowband? I currently set up the Audio classes as follows: arec = new AudioRecord(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC, ...

Is it possible to transcode audio in C# using DirectSound?

I want to transcode a lot of audio from its source format to PCM without resampling or messing with the sample size. I figure if Windows Media Player can play the file and it doesn't use a legacy ACM codecs it must be using DirectSound to do so (this is on Windows XP and Windows Server 2k3). So is it possible to access DirectSound from C...

C# XNA: stopping and playing Cue (sound) objects

I am trying to stop a Cue, then play it again. This code is in the Update() loop: Cue torpedoSound = soundBank.GetCue("torpedo"); torpedoSound.Stop(AudioStopOptions.AsAuthored); torpedoSound.Play(); // Invalid Operation Exception However, I always get an InvalidOperationException at the above location. The documentation says that will...

Acoustic Echo Cancellation in Flash/Flex using native libraries

Hello, I have to implement AEC in Flex video conferencing application. I know that it can not be done directly in Flash. I'm thinking to write a native application or library that will do AEC outside Flex. As far I know Adobe Connect Pro is using some external library that do AEC. I'd like to follow this direction and do something simi...

amr not playing on samsung S5233A

Hello I am facing problem on playing recorded audio on S5233A. As its supporting audio capture and encoding supported audio/amr. From my application its successfully recording voice. but on play its not giving error but nothing happens. I tried recording using following strings, capture://audio capture://audio?encoding=amr capture:...

How to play extracted wave file byte array in C#?

At the moment i have managed to separate the left and right channel of a WAVE file and have included the header in a byte[] array. My next step is to be about to play both channels. How can this be done? Here is a code snippet: byte[] song_left = new byte[fa.Length]; byte[] song_right = new byte[fa.Length]; ...

Audio Processing and Playback

Where is the demo code shown in the last 5 minutes of the WWDC 09 video - Session 316 : Audio Processing and Playback.? ...

iphone - any way to manipulate recorded audio?

Specifically, I just want to record something, reverse it, and play it back. I've looked through the apple docs and couldn't find anything about editing audio. Is it possible? ...

Determine length of audio file using DirectShow

Hi guys, I am just starting with DirectShow.NET, and I am trying to get the length (in seconds) of an audio file. The audio may be .mp3, .wav, .aac, or .m4a. Can I get this information using DirectShow, or do I need some other APIs? ...