
Getting the current play position from Audacious2/Audtool?

I am currently writing a java application that uses audacious2 and audtool for playing an mp3 file in the background. I can't seem to find a way to figure out where in the currently playing file audtool is (the current play counter). I can easily call "audtool2 playback-seek 25" or something similar to go to a particular spot, but how ...

Audio stream and QTKit error

I'm trying to stream audio from the web with QTKit. I used this code: movie = [[QTMovie alloc] initWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""] error:&error]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(movieStateDidChange:) ...

Importing sound files into Python as NumPy arrays (alternatives to audiolab)

I've been using Audiolab to import sound files in the past, and it worked quite well. However: It doesn't support some formats, like mp3, because the underlying libsndfile refuses to support them It doesn't work in Python 2.6 under Windows, and the author is not around to fix it - In [2]: from scikits import audiolab --------------...

Audio latency OpenAL or RemoteIO Audio Unit

I have non-looping audio that I need to have as little latency as hardware-ically (technical term) possible on iPhone/iPod touch. At an extreme, something that smoothly plays 10-20 samples in under a second, based on touches. Who is king for this task? OpenAL or Remote IO Audio Unit, and why? ...

Downsample 16-bit pcm audio to 8-bit in android

Hello I would like to downsample 16 bit pcm audio to 8 bit and then upsample the same from 8 bit back to 16 bit in android. I am using this which seems to work: int tempint; for (int i=1, j=0; i<tempBuffer.length; i+=2, j++) { tempint = ((int) tempBuffer[i]) ^ 0x00000080; tempBuffer[j] = (byte) tempint; Log.e("test","-----...

Python interface for outputting MIDI files or text that's readable by audio programs

I am looking for a python package or library that will allow me to programmatically output a file format (e.g. MIDI) that can be read by audio/sound processing programs, like LogicPro or iDrum. What are the best options for this? thanks very much. ...

Which Audio Codec should I use?

Which audio codec should I choose for my C# software development project where the raw audio to be transcoded/transported/used is based on the following: For encoding Speech only Audio can be stereo or mono Able to support live streaming Good tradeoff between file size and quality To be transported over TCP/IP in its encoded form Can b...

How do I De-Ess a sound file with SoX?

I am using SoX to create slow but pitch corrected audio files. The resulting files sound pretty good, but often have a very hard "S" sound that I would like to filter out. Many desktop programs include a "De-Essing" filter that works well, but I would like to have a filter that works on the server side. What SoX filter and parameters ...

Loading large multi-sample audio files into memory for playback - how to avoid temporary freezing

I am writing an application needs to use large audio multi-samples, usually around 50 mb in size. One file contains approximately 80 individual short sound recordings, which can get played back by my application at any time. For this reason all the audio data gets loaded into memory for quick access. However, when loading one of these f...

raw sound byteArray to float Array

I'm trying to convert the byteArray of a Sound Object to an array with floats. The Sound Object plays back fine & at full length, but the float Array i get from it is cut off (but sounds correct), so i must be doing something wrong in the conversion: var s:Sound = mySound;; // plays fine var bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray(); ...

Capture all audio on a PC and stream it to another?

Imagine this scenario: You have a desktop and a laptop. The desktop has a high end set of speakers, the laptop does not. You currently use Synergy to share your mouse and keyboard, but audio is a problem. Is there a way in C# to create a client that captures all of the sound on a PC(I'm thinking like a virtual sound card) and streams i...

open source video sound extractor

I wanna an open source library to extract audio from video file through program code. ...

Capture all playing audio from Flash AS3 for later playback

Is there any way to capture all playing sounds into one ByteArray on playback. I´m about to build a soundmixer where the user can start and stop sounds when they want to and play it later. Does anyone have a clue how to do this? ...

Recording audio on Mac

Hi I am developing an application which access my audio input device and record audio from my microphone. Here when i am pressing START button it have to record audio from microphone and have to stop recording when pressing STOP button. My device is Lynx-AES16 and i got driver from there site. In windows i am accessing the machine(Lyn...

How to Develop a DJ Application for iPhone

Hi All, I am new to iPhone development, so please bear with me if I ask some simple questions. I have to develop a DJ application for iPhone. My application should have some common features like selecting songs from the device, mixing, scratching and turntable implementation. Any help in this respect will be highly appreciated. Thank...

AudioClip Progress bar in Java

I created an audio Player using java applet but i'm stuck at trying to create a progress bar, no need for seek or anything fancy, just a progress bar displaying the progress of the audio file being played. I don't know how to get the current progress off the AudioClip, that's my main problem among other small things. any hints would be...

What is the easiest way to get and play audio stream from RTMP server using C#?

I need to write simple C# application that should be able to connect to RTMP server and play audio stream, provided by this server. What is the easiest way to do this? Or even better if you point me to working examples of such code. ...

Audio playback, creating nested loop for fade in/out.

Hi Folks, First time poster here. A quick question about setting up a loop here. I want to set up a for loop for the first 1/3 of the main loop that will increase a value from .00001 or similar to 1. So I can use it to multiply a sample variable so as to create a fade-in in this simple audio file playback routine. So far it's turning...

Objective-c - How to serialize audio file into small packets that can be played?

Hi there, So, I would like to get a sound file and convert it in packets, and send it to another computer. I would like that the other computer be able to play the packets as they arrive. I am using AVAudioPlayer to try to play this packets, but I couldn't find a proper way to serialize the data on the peer1 that the peer2 can play. T...

Java and gstreamer-java initialisation error

I am building a small app which will play streaming audio from the internet in java (mainly internet radio stations). I have decided to use the gstreamer-java library for the sound, which uses JNA. I would like to include a check in the code, to see whether the gstreamer library has been initialised. When I have left the "Gst.init()" co...