
c program to play audio file

Can you give an example code to play an audio file in the C language, along with what header files are needed? I am new to this concept.... I am interested to learn this. ...

Is there a way to programmatically extract the sound portion of a Flash SWF file with .NET?

Do any libraries exist with this functionality? Any recommendations would be useful. Thanks. ...

Capturing audio input from microphone, with Haskell?

Is there a mature library that could enable audio input and output and work within Haskell? (A nice wrapper is fine, of course.) I'm looking for something that can easily capture microphone input and, perhaps, play various audio files as well. Thanks. ...

Inserting a WAV at a certain point in an audio file using python

My problem is the following: I have a 2-minute long WAV file, and my aim is to insert another WAV file (7 seconds long), at a certain point in the first WAV file (say, 0:48), essentially combining the two WAVs, using python. Unfortunately I haven't been able to figure out how to do that, and was wondering if there was some obvious soluti...

How can the audio data being sent to the speakers be captured from an application?

Is there an API that is suitable for doing this? A possible application of this is for writing a visualiser, and to play with real time signal processing. EDIT: The operating system in question is Windows. On Linux, a roundabout way to accomplish this is with Jack, but I'm hoping for a way to read the data in the audio buffer without ha...

Is there a way to stream audio from MIC and play that stream in Silverlight

So I want to stream the audio from a mic using NAudio and then pass that stream to WCF which a Siverlight app can consume to broadcast the live audio sound. I want the latency to be as low as possible. Any suggestions or if some one has already done it please point the source. Thanks in advance ...

How do you control the playback levels (decibles?) using the iPhone AVAudioPlayer? Or do I need to use a different API?

My audio clips sound perfect when I upload them to the iPhone via iTunes. And I am pretty sure it is because the iPod has a maximum playback level, so the audio doesn't sound overdriven. In my app, I include the same audio files, and when I play them [myAudio play]; the levels are so high that the audio becomes indiscernible. I foun...

AVAudioRecorder - Continue recording to file after user stops recording by leaving the application and then re-opens it

Can this be done? And if not, how far down towards Core Audio do I need to go (what method of recording should I be using instead)? I've noticed the behavior of AVAudioRecorder is to overwrite a file if it finds one at the path provided when you request that it record again, so I know that's not going to work. I'm also curious about fil...

Autocorrelation method for pitch determination: what is the input data form?

I have read a code for pitch determination using autocorrelation method. Can anybody please tell what would be the input data (passed as argument to DetectPitch()) function here: double DetectPitch(short* data) { int sampleRate = 2048; //Create sine wave double *buffer = malloc(1024*sizeof(short)); double amplitude = 0....

What is the best service/tool to put short audio clips on a website so users can click and listen immediately?

I'm making a foreign language flashcard website in which I want to have 100s of short 3-10 second audio files available for users to click and listen. So I am looking for a tool/service such as YouTube or but for audio which e.g.: allows me to easily upload multiple kinds of audio files: mp3, wav, etc. easy to manage them ...

How accurately (in terms of time) does Windows play audio?

Let's say I play a stereo WAV file with 317,520,000 samples, which is theoretically 1 hour long. Assuming no interruptions of the playback, will the file finish playing in exactly one hour, or is there some occasional tiny variation in the playback speed such that it would be slightly more or slightly less (by some number of millisecond...

Why do calls to waveOutGetPosition hang?

I'm using the winmm.dll API method waveOutGetPosition to get the current position of the playback of a WAV file. Sometimes this works as expected for me, but eventually one of the calls never returns and my application locks up. I found this thread with a few users who have experienced the same problem:

How can I calculate audio dB level ?

I want to calculate room noise level with the computer's microphone. I record noise as an audio file, but how can I calculate the noise dB level? I don't know how to start! ...

Low level control of system speaker in Windows

Is there a way to take complete control of the motherboard speaker in Windows? So, instead of calling a function like this: beep(durationMs, frequency); I can use: beepContinuous(frequency); So all I have to specify is a frequency and it will output the correct voltage to play that frequency. ...

Android - Audio recorder FileNotFound

Hi, I'm trying to record audio this.recorder = new; this.recorder.setAudioSource(; this.recorder.setOutputFormat(; this.recorder.setAudioEncoder(; this.recorder....

Python - platform-independent 5.1 Sound Library

Is there any dolby/5.1/7.1 audio processing Python library? It would be best if it is platform independent. Would be nice if it looks like: import lib f ="8channels_audiofile"), to="left rear"); ...

mp3 playlist - any alternatives to popup window?

Hi, I'm developing a site for a classical music ensemble. They want tracks from their CDs to be available to visitors in a 'jukebox' style playlist. They initially wanted music to play when the visitor arrives at the site, but I have refused to do this as I think it's bad design. Instead, we've agreed that an audio player should appear...

How to set a native object property

ok so im creating a jquery plugin that will allow me to use the new html5 Audio interface and im trying to create an option that is an object that you will be able to set the various listeners but i dont seem to be able to set those options to the listener property of the Audio object. ok so ive got as far as the plugin being able to ru...

(Android SDk 2.1) Getting error when I use setAudioSource and setVideoSource

I got the follow error when I run setAudioSource and setVideoSource. 03-16 10:26:25.302: ERROR/audio_input(52): unsupported parameter: x-pvmf/media-input-node/cap-config-interface;valtype=key_specific_value 03-16 10:26:25.302: ERROR/audio_input(52): VerifyAndSetParameter failed 03-16 10:26:25.302: ERROR/CameraInput(52): Unsupported pa...

Problem with waveOutWrite and waveOutGetPosition deadlock

I'm working on an app that plays audio continuously using the waveOut... API from winmm.dll. The app uses "leapfrog" buffers, which are basically a bunch of arrays of samples that you dump into the audio queue. Windows plays them seamlessly in sequence, and as each buffer completes Windows calls a callback function. Inside this functi...