
How to record audio running out of iphone speakers?

Hey, I'm a new developer in Objective C. I'm trying to record the audio running out of iPhone speakers. I can capture the audio by mouth speaker and record it. But I cannot record the audio producing from my iPhone. Please help me. ...

SoundManager2 has irregular latency

I'm playing some notes at regular intervals. Each one is delayed by a random number of milliseconds, creating a jarring irregular effect. How do I fix it? Note: I'm OK with some latency, just as long as it's consistent. Answers of the type "implement your own small SoundManager2 replacement, optimized for timing-sensitive playback" are...

Is it possible to capture audio stream in browser via flash/js/silverlight ?

Hi, Im working on a project where we need to capture a 5 sec clip of whatever is being played through the users line-out (audio). Is it possible to do this reliably through a browser (using flash/silvelight/js..) ? ...

Gapless (looping) audio playback with DirectX in C#

I'm currently using the following code (C#): private static void PlayLoop(string filename) { Audio player = new Audio(filename); player.Play(); while (player.Playing) { if (player.CurrentPosition >= player.Duration) { player.SeekCurrentPosition(0, SeekPositi...

Add chapters to m4a (mp4) files

I used ChapterTool from Apple, but it's broken and discontinued since 2005.. Is there any other similar command line tool, or library (I'm writing in ruby..) ? ...

AVAudioRecorder Memory Leak

I'm hoping someone out there can back me up on this... I've been working on an application that allows the end user to record a small audio file for later playback and am in the process of testing for memory leaks. I continue to very consistently run into a memory leak when the AVAudioRecorder's "stop" method attempts to close the audio...

loading mp3 from file using random access to

We are migrating application from Delphi to Flex (Air) that plays mp3 files from random access big file. it has positions and sizes to extract mp3 data to FileStream->MemoryStream and then we use bass.dll to play it from memory stream. Now I have to play those same mp3's in flex but I am not sure how... I was reading something similar...

Uninterrupted mp3 play on a website?

Client is requesting a single track to be heard across the website. Generally I advise against it, but they insist. So, what is the most straightforward way of having a flash player embedded in a site, and when a user goes to another page there isn't a gap/interruption? I am thinking an iframe is required.. I am using a flash player tha...

How to start writing out an existing AudioQueue in response to an event?

Hello, I am writing a class that opens an AudioQueue and analyzes its characteristics, and then under certain conditions can begin or end writing out a file from that AudioQueue that is already instantiated. This is my code (entirely based on SpeakHere) that opens the AudioQueue without writing anything out to tmp: void AQRecorder::St...

Audio out (What I Hear) to an UPnP device

I don't understand why this hasn't been addressed before, can't seem to find much info on this on the interwebs. I am sometimes listening to something on my computer and I want to play it to my XBOX 360 or Sonos (Multi-Room Music Manager) and I can't do that in a simple one-click way. I would want to simply be able to select the UPnP d...

Silverlight 4 - encoding PCM data from the microphone

I've written a basic SL4 application to capture audio data from the microphone using CaptureSource. The trouble is, it's raw PCM output - which means huge and uncompressed. Given that I need this application to run purely within a SL4 environment, how can I compress the PCM audio data into something that can be delivered to a remote ser...

How to stop audio with pyglet when file is played?

I'm using this program to play na audio file: music ='file.wav') I have a problem: I can't do anything after this program. How to stop the audio file when is played? It's look like a loop. ...

Which audio playback technology do I need for this?

I have trouble choosing the right audio playback technology. There's a ton of technologies to use on the iPhone, it's so confusing. What I need to do is this: start playing short sounds ranging between 0.1 and 2 seconds high quality playback, no crackle (I heard some of the iPhone audio playback technologies do a crackle sound on star...

Playing sounds in iPhone SDK?

Does anyone have a snippet that uses the AudioToolBox framework that can be used to play a short sound? I would be grateful if you shared it with me and the rest of the community. Everywhere else I have looked doesn't seem to be too clear with their code. Thanks! ...

Android sound starter project for Eclipse

Is there an example Hello Sound project for Android that will show how to create beep sounds of a variable tone and duration? ...

AudioFileWriteBytes fails with error code -40

I'm trying to write raw audio bytes to a file using AudioFileWriteBytes(). Here's what I'm doing: void writeSingleChannelRingBufferDataToFileAsSInt16(AudioFileID audioFileID, AudioConverterRef audioConverter, ringBuffer *rb, SInt16 *holdingBuffer) { // First, figure out which bits of audio we'll be // writing to file from the ring buff...

How can a silverlight app download and play an mp3 file from a URL?

I have a small Silverlight app which downloads all of the images and text it needs from a URL, like this: if (dataItem.Kind == DataItemKind.BitmapImage) { WebClient webClientBitmapImageLoader = new WebClient(); webClientBitmapImageLoader.OpenReadCompleted += new OpenReadCompletedEventHandler(webClientBitmapImageLoader_OpenReadCo...

Playing audio files in WPF

hai i need to play audio files in WPF am using the following code FileTextBox.Text = selectedFileName; MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer(); mp.Open(new Uri(selectedFileName, UriKind.Relative )); mp.Play(); its working well, but it doesnt plays the sound. why ??? ...

After playing a MediaElement, how can I play it again?

I have a variable MediaElement variable named TestAudio in my Silverlight app. When I click the button, it plays the audio correctly. But when I click the button again, it does not play the audio. How can I make the MediaElement play a second time? None of the tries below to put position back to 0 worked: private void Button_Click_P...

Can't play wav file from Javascript in Firefox for Mac

I have the following html file that plays a wav file when the user hovers over the 'Play' anchor tag. It works perfectly on IE, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari on both Windows and Mac - except for Firefox on the Mac which does not play the file. We know the file type is supported because if the autostart attribute of the embed tag is se...