
using QTkit for recording audio

It looks like using core audio to record audio is overly complicated. While QTkit is basic and down to earth However. All of the examples I have see integrate video and audio together. Does some one have or know an example of using QTkit for recording audio? rw ...

how to play wave file using http

Dear all, how can i play wave file using flash . I m able to play mp3 files using following code <embed id="wmp" type="application/x-mplayer2" pluginspage="" name="mediaplayer1" ShowStatusBar="true" EnableContextMenu="false" autostart="true" width="320" height="240" loop="false"...

Simple way to embed an MP3 audio file in a (static) HTML file, starting to play at a specifc position?

Hi all, I want to produce a simple, static HTML file, that has one or more embedded MP3 files in it. The idea is to have a simple mean of listening to specific parts of an mp3 file. On a single click on a visual element, the sound should start to play; However, not from the beginning of the file, but from a specified starting point in ...

Determining the best audio quality.

How can you determine the best audio quality in a list of audio files of the same audio clip, with out looking at the audio file's header. The tricky part is that all of the files came from different formats and bit rates and they where all transcoded to the same format and bit rate. How can this be done efficiently? ...

HTML5 audio with PHP script does not work on iPad/Iphone

Ok, I'm trying to play an HTML audio code on iPad but does not work. I created one PHP script to send to the MP3 request to the HTML5 audio code mp3_file_player.php?n=mp3file.mp3 The player is here: You will see that works on every HTML5 supported browser eve...

AudioFileReadBytes error

Hi, I read a file .caf with my program. I use AudioFileReadBytes, but its OSStatus that return is -39, what is this?? thanks ...

Getting following exception javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException: line with format ULAW 8000.0 Hz

Dear All, I tried to play and get duration of a wave file using code below but got following exception.please resolve.I m using a wave file format. URL url = new URL("foo.wav"); Clip clip = AudioSystem.getClip(); AudioInputStream ais = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(url);; System.out.println(clip.getMicros...

Can Flash player play .m3u audio files from a remote location

Is it possible to play a .m3u file streamed from a remote location through Flash Player in a browser? I have a player that loads and plays .mp3 files but also want to be able to play .m3u files. I have looked at the as3plsreader on google code but I think this is only for AIR and desktop files. anyone tried this or know where I should ...

Determining what frequencies correspond to the x axis in aurioTouch sample application

I'm looking at the aurioTouch sample application for the iPhone SDK. It has a basic spectrum analyzer implemented when you choose the "FFT" option. One of the things the app is lacking is X axis labels (i.e. the frequency labels). In the file, in the function - (void)drawOscilloscope at line 652, it has the foll...

Play wave file using AudioFormat in java

Dear all, I m getting following exception while running my code on linux operating system.This code works fine on windows operating system.below is the exception and code used. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No line matching interface Clip supporting format PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame...

Making of a "Babbelbox" where you can speak to for partys

Ive got a project to make for a party, its called in holland a "Babbelbox". its a computer with a webcam and microphone that can be used to make a kind of video log of everyone who wants to say something about the party. But the problem is that i dont know where to start. ive made a kind of video show system in c but i cant save any da...

OpenAL device, buffer and context relationship

I'm trying to create an object oriented model to wrap OpenAL and have a little problem understanding the devices, buffers and contexts. From what I can see in the Programmer's Guide, there are multiple devices, each of which can have multiple contexts as well as multiple buffers. Each context has a listener, and the alListener*() funct...

Background music for a web page game

I am making a game in an HTML web page. How would I add music to this game? ...

Conceal packet loss in PCM stream

I am looking to use 'Packet Loss Concealment' to conceal lost PCM frames in an audio stream. Unfortunately, I cannot find a library that is accessible without all the licensing restrictions and code bloat (...up for some suggestions though). I have located some GPL code written by Steve Underwood for the Asterisk project which implemen...

Dynamically calculate frequency value?

Hi, In my app, I want to find/calculate the audio frequency as dynamically when i am recording an audio and no need to save, play and all. Now i am trying to do that with help of an aurioToch sample code. In that sample, inside FFTBufferManager class methods such as GrabAudioData and ComputeFFT,Here I am not able to find where they are ...

Will HTML5 support the access of offline cached audio?

We want to make an audio based web based app that will have many sound snippets. We want to cache these files so that performance is good and not dependent on network speed. Can HTML5 cache audio for offline mode? ...

How do wave files store multiple channels?

I've created two wave files using Audacity. Both have 44100hz sample rate, 32-bit float samples, were saved as WAV (Microsoft) 16-bit signed and contain 1s of silence (according to Audacity). The difference is that one file contains one channel, while the other have two (stereo). When reading the one channel file I got frames like this: ...

SoundPool.load() and FileDescriptor from file

I tried using the load function of the SoundPool that takes a FileDescriptor, because I wanted to be able to set the offset and length. The File is not stored in the Ressources but a file on the storage card. Even though neither the load nor the play function of the SoundPool throw any Exception or print anything to the console, the soun...

Using finch first time. How to play mp3,ogg or other formats (wav files to big) ?

My *.wav's work as expected. But wav files are to big, so I want to play *.mp3 or *.ogg but it doesn't work. I use this lines of code found in the finch Demo project engine = [[Finch alloc] init]; sitar = [[Sound alloc] initWithFile:RSRC(@"sitar.wav")]; [sitar play]; So I only change sitar.wav into my .mp3 filename. Note 1: It mustn...

Beat Detection on iPhone with wav files and openal

Using this website i have tried to make a beat detection engine. { ALfloat energy = 0; ALfloat aEnergy = 0; ALint beats = 0; bool init = false; ALfloat Ei[42]; ALfloat V = 0; ALfloat C = 0; ALshort *hold; hold = new ALshort[[myDat length]/2]; [myDat getBytes:hold length:[myD...